Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1313: Don't force her

The movement of the steep gate did not hold Ye Hao on their side. Soon, Luoyang would tell Ye Hao about the news of their soldiers fleeing.

"It seems that Cui Yang is expected to be the result of three days." After standing in front of Ye Hao, the water looked at the distant gate and turned off the lights. They didn't have to check to know what was going on.

"I don't want to win in this way of killing." Ye Hao's voice was a little helpless, but his eyes were very firm. "Li Wei has made the lives of the people of Dongqing State very hot."

The water looked down at her, "the world of Shengshi Taiping was exchanged for killing."

Ye Hao gently beheaded, "So anyone can't stop me from going to Wangducheng."

"Scorpio, someone in Dongchengmen said to find you." Shen Luoyang came over and said to Ye Hao, "He said the surname Ye."

"It’s my brother." Ye Hao’s eyes lit up. "Come and ask him to come in."

When she saw the water, she suddenly changed her eyes like a star, and her smile overflowed from the corner of her eye. She had already walked down the wall.

It seems that she attaches great importance to her brother.

"A, don't force her." When the emperor didn't know when he came, the ladder from the other side came up and looked at the water with a gaze.

"What am I forcing her?" asked the water faintly.

Huangfu sighed. "You haven't seen Mo Rongzhan. When you see him, you will naturally understand that it is too cruel to make a choice between Dongqing and him."

"If he cherishes Lu Hao, he will not let Lu Hao take the children out to sea, such a man is not worthy of her." Water said with a blank expression.

"You also felt that Qi Qi was not worthy of Shen Mengxi, and he and A Zhan were like them. Not everyone could open it." Huangfu whispered, "You don't know what they have experienced, if you Know, you will understand that some things can be left behind if they are not choices."

The eyes of the blue ink sneered at Huangfu. "You know what they have experienced, so can you only be her master?"

Huangfu felt that his heart had been inserted. He smiled at the water and said, "There is nothing wrong with this."

"Self-deception." The water was cold and rude. "She has become everyone's scorpio. She can't leave this 100,000 soldiers. The people who follow her will only get more and more. I don't care about that ink-filled How powerful they are, and what they have experienced before, from now on, Lu Hao will not be just the Queen of the Kingdom."

"You don't want her to be difficult to do." Huangfu said.

The water sneered. "She can't do it hard, she still has to make a decision."

Huangfu frowned and looked at the water. "When Mengxi chose Qiqi, you went to Nanzhou in an angry way. If you choose Murong Cham, do you want to leave?"

"If you are still her master, you really don't know her." Water shook his head. "Huang, you didn't see it? Lu Hao has made a choice."

"No, she won't choose. When you see Murong Chan, you will understand." Huangfu smiled faintly. If he could put down the ink, he had already let go, he had already let go. I always feel that the relationship between her and Murong Chan is too deep, and it is not that who can cut off.

The man who thinks that Lu Yiyuan will leave the sea at a glance has nothing to look forward to. "Let's wait."



Ye Hao had not come to Dongchengmen, and he had already seen Ye Xiaonan. Jiang Dachuan walked behind him and was whispering.

"Brother!" Ye Hao called out happily and stepped forward.

After two years of not meeting, Ye Yinan did not think that the sister in front of him did not change at all. If it was not for too many things in the past two years, he would have thought that everything was just a dream.

"Hey." Ye Xiaonan held Ye Hao in his arms and sighed softly. "You are really... from small to large, not worrying."

Ye Xiao smiled and looked at him. "Brother has worked hard all the way."

"It is very hard, your nephew will be born next month." Ye Xiaonan snorted.

“Do you want to have children?” Ye Hao’s face was happy. “Too good, I’m sure I will be very happy if I know.”

Ye Yinan still has a lot to say to her sister, but now it is still outside, it is not convenient to talk. "You first let people settle them, I have something to tell you."

"Ging Shu, you take Ge Kuan and they go to the military camp first." Ye Hao said to Jiang Dachuan.

Since the attack was a city, Ye Hao did not live in the military camp, but lived in the official residence of the city. When they had a meal, they would come directly to find her.

"100,000 soldiers..." Ye Xiaonan said with a sigh of relief. "Even if I have been with the soldiers for so many years, I have never taken such a great army. Hey, what do you do? He is also assured that you will bring so many people. People drifting at sea?"

Ye Hao and Ye Yannan got on the carriage and smiled and said to him, "I don't worry, I have 100,000 soldiers to be guards. If you don't feel at ease, then what can be assured."

"How do you find the Chinese country? Is it so powerful, can you give you so many troops at once?" When Ye Haonan received a letter from Ye Hao, he still had doubts about the 100,000 soldiers. The emperor is not so refreshing.

100,000! Not ten thousand!

"This is a long story." Ye Hao smiled.

Ye Yinan said, "Nothing, I have time, you can say slowly."

"The front is where I live now. You should have a meal and have a rest. I will tell you slowly." Ye Hao looked at Ye Xiaonan's servant's appearance. It must have come all the way. Where can I rest well? Still hungry.

"I am a little hungry." Ye Xiaonan smiled silently.

Ye Hao looked at him. "Brother, is it good to be good? When you take me away, you must be very worried."

"No, I know that you will definitely be fine." Ye Xiaonan smiled heartily. "Hey, let people bring me a letter, so I don't worry. Goodness can be bad with me. Wan Ziliang has already Dead, now she just regrets not being able to return to the North Ming State to give her father a fragrant offering."

"There will definitely be opportunities in the future," said Ye Hao.

Ye Yannan glanced at her sister and looked at her. "I don't worry about you going wrong, but... the days of the emperor are not very good. Why don't you look for him? When I took your letter into the palace to see him, Feeling his strong grievances."

"I just want to let him know what I was in Chengde Mountain Villa." Ye Hao blinked and smiled a little.

She wants to let Murong Zhan take a look. She really can protect herself. She doesn't need to be raised like a golden bird. She didn't know anything about the outside world at that time. She didn't even know what he was going to do. I don't know if he will be in danger. The fear of fear and fear is too uncomfortable.

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