Ye Hao knows better than anyone else. When she came back, she didn't go to see Murong Zhan first. Even if she didn't give him a letter, he would definitely be angry and angry. Maybe if she appeared in front of him at this time, he would definitely die. She is.

Murong Zhan loves her, she knows, otherwise he will not use her life for the rest of her life to change her rebirth, but his love is too heavy, it is the influence of the memory of the last life, he saw her dead, seeing with his own eyes Watching her soul disappear from her side, so she has fear in her heart, she wants to let him know that she does not need him to protect.

"When you do this, you are not afraid of him being angry?" Ye Xiaonan whispered. "In the two years you were not there, you have already tortured him very painfully. No matter how he did it to you, you will forgive him."

Ye Hao smiled. "I said, I am not angry with him. Azhan is very good to me. Brother, let's not say this again. What is between me and Azhan, I have a lot of thoughts." ""

She didn't know if Murong Chan would remember the coma for three days in the future, but she would remember that she was born again and he exchanged his life.

Therefore, they involve the two worlds, so their only thing they can solve.

"I used to think that Murong is a jerk, but now I have a bit of sympathy for him." Ye Yinan said.

Ye Hao smiled and glanced at him. "See it."

The carriage stopped slowly and had already reached the place where Ye Hao lived.

"No matter how good, you must at least give him a letter, tell him personally that you are back." Ye Xiaonan whispered.

Ye Hao was silent for a moment, "Okay."

"Three brothers!"

Ye Yidong walked out of the gate and saw Ye Xiaonan coming down from the carriage. His face showed a happy smile and strode to Ye Yannan.

"You..." Ye Xiaonan rounded his eyes, "Adong? How come you are here?"

"I forgot to tell you that my five brothers have been detained in Jinkou City for many years. I only know him when I went out to sea." Ye Hao said.

Ye Xiaonan patted the shoulders of Ye Yidong hard. "Your boy has grown so big."

"Yeah, we are not children." Ye Xiaodong said with a smile.

"Let's go in and talk." Ye Hao said, standing at the door is not too convenient.

Ye Xiaonan took Ye Qidong and asked about the life over the years. The two brothers ate another piece of wine. Ye Hao saw that the night was too dark. He didn’t plan to talk too much with Ye Xiaonan tonight, leaving their brothers to go back to accompany the children. .

Because he ate the wine and rushed for so many days, Ye Xiaonan felt the dawn, and the next morning, he was already refreshed to see Ye Hao.

Ye Haozheng accompanied the two children to eat breakfast and saw Ye Yinan appear. She said to Ming Xi and Ming Yu, "That is your relatives, and you are quick."

"Hey." Mingxi and Mingyu shouted in unison, and the two pairs of black and bright eyes curiously looked at Ye Nannan.

"This is... my two nephews?" Ye Yannan asked in surprise. He still didn't know that Ye Haosheng was a dragon and a baby. "Hey, you actually have two children!"

Ye blinked, "Yeah, great?"

Can this also be described as powerful?

"At first glance, it is the son of the emperor. How do you look like the emperor?" Ye Xiaonan pointed to Ming Xi. "Isn't it a big swearing?"

"Like you do? Murong Zhan looks better than you." Ye Hao fed a porridge of Ming Yu, she felt that Ming Xi like Murong Chan is very good, no child can be more beautiful than him, In addition to Ming Yu.

"..." Ye Xiaonan felt that his heart was inserted a few knives. "I am still your brother?"

Ye Hao smiled and asked, "My brother hasn't eaten breakfast yet, let's eat together."

"I was dragged and drunk by Adong guy yesterday. I forgot to ask you the most important thing." Ye Xiaonan sat down. He also wanted to know how his sister had been through the past two years. The most important thing is that this hundred thousand soldiers The origin of the future, and what to do next, these are all he is completely ignorant.

"They were both full and hugged to the garden." Ye Hao told the red dragonfly.

All the children were sent down. Only their brothers and sisters, Ye Hao whispered, "I was really difficult to produce a good time. Everyone thought that I was dead. Then I heard the news that I passed away. I took me out to sea. I am I gave birth to Ming Xi and Ming Yu on the boat. I always wanted to go out to sea. At that time, I wanted to go with the ink of the Princess of China, and the war between Jin Guo and Bei Ming could not be calmed for a while. I just want to go overseas to see."

"Zhao Ning married the little prince, the emperor never thought about marrying her, but didn't have time to tell you." Ye Yinan explained.

Ye Hao actually knows that Murong Chong will not really blame others. "I know."

"Since you know, can you still bring two children to the Atlantic?" Ye Yannan asked in a hurry. "Now think about it, our boss is also very embarrassed. I don’t want to disclose it to the emperor. You and Ming Xi left them."

"...we went to the Baoxiang country first..." Ye Hao told Ye Xiangnan all the things that went to Baoxiang to China. "...Meng Xi’s sister’s illness was cured, and Qi Wei gave me 100,000 soldiers. It is."

After listening to Ye Yannan, he has not returned to God for a long time. "This Chinese country... is the original imperial dynasty?"

"Yes, Qi Qi and Huang Fu are actually descendants of the same ancestor, but now it is no longer the imperial dynasty, but the Chinese nation." Ye Hao said.

"That water is a glimpse..." Ye Yinan is most interested in this person. "He came to be your general?"

Ye Hao said, "Wait, I will take you to see him."

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Ye Yinan felt that the matter of China could be temporarily put down, and now it is the problem of Dongqingguo.

"I want to celebrate the country." Ye Hao said faintly, "Li Wei's life is what I gave, Dong Qingguo is smashing for him, life can be kept for him, Dongqing country must return it to us. ""

Ye Yinan looked at her seriously. "After getting Dongqingguo?"

"Brother, don't ask me this question, I can't answer you now, let's talk to Wangducheng first." Ye Hao said helplessly.

"Well, this matter can be said later." If it is really going to attack Wangdu City, it will not be too long. "But I must remind you first that you will face more after you get Dongqingguo. It is."

Ye Hao took a deep breath, "I know."

In addition to Murong Zhan, Qi Guo and Bei Ming are both troubles.

"There is one more thing." Ye Xiaonan frowned and said, "You don't want to see Murong Cham, you have to let two children see him, and Ming Xi is the big prince of Jin Guoming."

Ming Xi is not only the eldest son, but also the only emperor.

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