Since Ye Hao’s news of the dying two years ago, the courtiers of Jin Guo did not implicitly remind Mo Mo Zhan to stand up. Even if they don’t stand the emperor, everyone knows that the emperor has a special liking for the queen, so neither will Ask the emperor to re-establish the queen.

Who knows that in the past two years, the emperor has not said that he has not made a new trip, even if he is not lucky, he will not have any other nephews. He will be a group of courtiers who are anxious to lose their hair. If so, where is the emperor?

Ye Yinan told Ye Hao in the past two years about how Murong Zhan had been in the past two years. "You and the emperor can't say anything else, but Ming Xi and Ming Yu... you have to let them recognize their ancestors."

"When the city of Wangdu is waiting, let Murong Zhan pick them up." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Okay." Hearing the younger sister said, Ye Yinan has nothing to say, he has said so much good words for Murong Zhan, and finally, it is necessary to ask Murong Zhan to come to his sister.

Just... When will Murong Chan come?

In Ye Xin’s heart, it is clear that Murong Chan will not come for the time being. He is still waiting for her letter.

Ye Yinan said, "What are the plans for the next side? I heard that the steep door is Cui Yang over there."

"Yes, I have seen Cuiyang." Ye Hao said faintly, "Li Wei would rather go to the North Ming State to help the soldiers and refuse to surrender. He wants to prove that there is no flaw and can keep Dongqing."

"The North Ming Kingdom will not send troops, they are hard to protect themselves." Ye Xiaonan coldly, "You let me come here, what do you want me to do?"

"Go to the military camp first." Ye Hao and Ye Yinan went out and went to the garden to see two children. After explaining a few words, they went to the military camp.

"Although there is no problem with water and Shen Luoyang, but they are not familiar with Dongqing, and ... only they are not enough. I don't want to waste time with Li Wei. I want to encircle Dong Qingguo. Go to Wangducheng at the fastest speed." Ye Hao said in a deep voice, the clear and dark voice of the scorpion reveals a strong measure.

Ye Xiaonan is shallow and smiling. He used to think that his sister needs protection. She seems to be so delicate. When did she grow up to be able to take 100,000 soldiers?

Or did he never really know his sister?

When they arrived at the military camp, Ye Hao let everyone see the water at the camp.

When I was in the water, I was cleaning up the soldiers. I heard Ye Hao asking them to go to the camp. He called Shen Luoyang and others. Although he had never heard of Ye Yinan, his son would definitely not go where he was. of.

The curtain was smashed up, and Ye Yannan saw a tall man walk striding in. The atmosphere of the camp was so suppressed and dignified because of his appearance.

A heavy chill!

Ye Yinan didn't need a sister to introduce that she knew that this person was a glimpse of water.

He looked up at the water and found that the man's eyes were blue, and the eyes were cold and cold.

"Brother, this is a glimpse of water. It is our great general. This is Shen Luoyang. It is a word-shoulder general..." Ye Hao introduced the generals and deputies brought from China, and said to the water, "This It’s my brother, Ye Xiaonan.”

"Ye General, long-awaited." A glimpse of water to Ye Haonan.

"Water General." Ye Xiaonan returned to a ceremony, even if he did not see the water with a soldier, Ye Haonan could imagine his power, such a person, would rather be willing to go out for his sister.

Ye Hao said, "Brother, we are planning this way. I want you and Shen General to take 20,000 soldiers from the Customs and Bailong Mountain and join us in Wangdu City."

Dongqing’s strength is insufficient, so it is impossible to disperse them so much.

She didn't want to leave any room for Li.

"The customs are the horses and horses, and he is the best. The array is more flexible. Bailong Mountain is close to the Bailong River. If you want to attack from there, you need a warship." Ye Yinan said that he was in Dongqing for several years. The characteristics of each person are very clear.

When I saw the water, I saw it in Shenyang Luoyang. "What do you think?"

"We have warships and we are not afraid to fight on the Bailong River." Shen Luoyang said.

"Then let General Shen lead the troops to Bailong Mountain. He is also a master of maritime combat. He is with General Shen." Ye Hao looked at the water, he was the coach, and he still needs his consent.

"Yes." Water looked at her, "Let Yan Man and Shen Luoyang go to Bailong Mountain, Jiang Dachuan followed."

Jiang Dachuan has been in Dongqing for several years, and he is able to know various situations.

"That's the decision." Ye Hao said with a smile.

As soon as the water went to the sand table in the middle of the camp, he turned to look at Ye Xiaonan. "General Ye, do you think we will be able to go to Wangdu City for a long time?"

"Dongqing State has been seriously injured in Qingzhou last time. Now their strength is mainly in these three places. As long as we break their borders, we can force Wang Ducheng, Li Wei is so greedy and afraid of death, The strength outside Wangdu City is certainly no less than these three places, but we have already joined together at the time, and it is not a problem to force the palace." Ye Xiaonan whispered.

"Then I can go to Wangdu City within three months." The water swelled at the corner of his mouth, and his deep scorpion looked at Ye Hao. "There are two days, we will really send troops, and before. It’s not the same to win ten cities. We need to make a name."

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. She understood the meaning of water. He knew that she could not choose, so he forced her to choose.

"What do you mean?" Ye Yannan asked with a frown.

A look at Ye Yinan at the water, "We have been a nameless teacher, a teacher of aggression, not even a name, can not make the morale of 100,000 soldiers strong, you are their scorpio, is the day they follow the mountains and wading Hey, you have to get them to get a name, so that everyone in the world knows that it is Scorpio who brought us back from the sea to win the East."

Ye Yinan turned to look at Ye Hao, "What day?"

"A glimpse of water..." Ye Hao's face was white, "If you really declare that the world is a scorpio, is there no room for retreat?"

"Unless you want all of us to return to China." Water whispered, "Otherwise, even if you don't want to, I will let the world know that the person who got the Dongqing country is you, you are Our Scorpio."

Although Ye Xiaonan didn't know what Scorpio was, he still understood it a little while listening to the water.

"Hey is the queen of Jinguo." He frowned and said, wouldn't she be separated from Murong Zhan in the future?

"You have no choice, Scorpio." The water whispered, looking at her with a gaze.

She really didn't have a choice. There were 100,000 soldiers behind her. She couldn't let them down...

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