Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1316: What she is going to do

Water smashed their 100,000 elite soldiers into Tianbing. They began to attack Dongqing in all aspects in the name of Scorpio. In just two weeks, the three armies had occupied half of the land of Dongqing.

The name of Scorpio soon spread in the world.

Nature is the fastest to pass to the face of Mo Rongzhan. He listens to the sorrowful look, and the clear face is too dark to be black.

His embarrassment turned into a scorpio...

Although I don't know what Scorpio means, he knows what it means. Her status is now more than just his queen. Even if he picks up her now, I am afraid that he will not be able to pick it up.

"The emperor, that scorpio... is it really a queen's maiden?" Tang Yan also heard the disappointing words, but he did not believe it. After he left for two years, how did he come back with 100,000 soldiers?

"Ye Yannan took the soldiers to go to the customs and customs?" Murong Zhan did not answer Tang Yan, but Shen Sheng asked Shen Shen.

"Yes, the emperor." Shenhui replied, but my heart was silently crying, he really sympathized with the emperor, the empress did not return to the country, even with 100,000 soldiers to attack other countries, such as today's name is even more Shocking the world, will she come back in the future?

The thin lips of Murong Zhan Junmei clung tightly, and no one knows what kind of mood he is at this time.

Tang Yan looked at him cautiously. What I couldn’t understand was the reason why Lu Hao did this. She wants to get Dongqingguo. Can she return to Jinguo first, and then let the emperor send troops to go out and do not do it? Why do you have to go to Dongqing Country yourself?

"Queen Empress also issued an order in the name of Scorpio, as long as her people are tax-free for three years, if the captured soldiers do not want to go home, they will not stop, and she and her Heavenly Soldier will be there. At the same time, there were almost no casualties among the people. Only when the news came from the front line, the people had voluntarily opened the city gate to let them enter the city." Shen Yi continued to bow his head and said, but did not dare to go to see Murong Cham.

Murong Chong pulled out a smile, so it seems that he really has the wisdom of governing the country, or is there a high-ranking person around him?

As long as she thought that there might be other men around her, Murong Chan felt that her heart was like being fried in a frying pan, and it was hot and hot.

"Is Li Yu surrendered?" Murong Chong asked coldly, he had been waiting for Ye Hao to find him, even if she did not come in person, let people send him a letter, he will definitely go to see her immediately, now Not to mention a letter, even people say nothing.

Did she lose her memory as before? Did she forget him?

"Back to the emperor, Li Wei did not surrender, he blocked the door of the king's city, and people burned the grain of a hundred miles." Shen said.

Mo Rong Zhan sneered a sneak peek. This is to learn the original Ye Yiqing, but unfortunately, it is really stupid, only learned the fur, did not learn the real talent, Li Wei if there is no Ye Yiqing around, it is simply a waste.

“Is there any other news?” Murong Cum asked softly.

There is another news that he didn't dare to say. "The emperor... There are two children around the girl, it seems to be... the dragon and the baby."

"Children!" Murong stood up fiercely. He never dared to think about the child. At that time, he was so dangerous. He thought that the child could not keep it. He refused to come to him. He always thought it was with the child. Related, it was not the child who couldn’t keep it. She gave birth to their children safely. "How big is the dragon and the baby?"

Shen Xiao whispered, "It seems to be two years old."

It is his child! Murong Zhan took a deep breath, "I know."

"The emperor, the genus retire first." A layer of cold sweat behind the sinking, he feels that every time you go back and forth with the maiden is related to the fear.

"You go to Dongqing with Wu Chong and Xue Lin to protect the emperor and the princess." Murong said coldly and expressionlessly.

Sinking a bit, it is to find the Queen's Empress? Protect the emperor and the princess... The emperor seems to feel that there is no need to protect the goddess?

Murong Zhan waved his hand and let Shen Yi first retreat. "Get off to Dongqing."

"The emperor, how can the attack on Dongqingguo be the Queen's Empress?" Tang Yu heard the news that Ye Hao had returned. Today, although Murong Zhan knew it, he did not disclose the news to the world. Now he even If you don't say it, people who know it will definitely know it.

Everyone in the world knows that the Scorpio attacking the Dongqing Kingdom is the Queen of the Jin State. Lu Hao, who disappeared in front of everyone two years ago, is back, and he returned with 100,000 soldiers.

Murong Zhan said, "Hey, I want to know!"

"..." Tang Yan blinked in the eyes, and the emperor actually did not know anything.

"She doesn't want to come back." Murong Chong's voice went down. It sounded calm, but he still heard the loss and sadness in his tone.

Tang Zhen didn’t know what to say for a while. He always thought that he would see the emperor as soon as he came back. No one would have thought that this would be the case. Where did the 100,000 soldiers in her hand come from? The strong supporter behind her?

He can imagine what kind of mood the emperor is at this time.

"The emperor, the goddess may just be unable to walk, you do not want to go to her?" asked Tang Yan.

Murong Zhan’s heart is like a bit of a stabbing. How can he not want to find a cockroach? He wants to go to her more than anyone else, then hold her in her arms and kiss her and let her I know how he thought about her in the past two years.

But she didn't want him to go to her...

"When she wants to go to her, she will naturally go to her." Murong Chong took a deep breath and pressed all the irritations in his heart.

Without her news before, he was worried and worried. He couldn't sleep at night. Now she is back. He is also irritated and depressed. She is back, but she does not want to come to see him.

Angry? How could it not be angry! But no matter how angry, it is better than missing her mood.

What is she going to do? What else does he need to do to be able to truly understand and forgive him?

"The emperor, then... Do you want to send troops to help the Queen's Empress?" Tang Yan whispered, but in fact, there was a bit of sadness in his heart. He wrote to Ye Yinan and asked him to fight for her, but there was no news. Give them know.

“No,” said Murong Chan. “She has 100,000 soldiers, and the people of Dongqingguo support her. There is no need for anyone to send troops to help her.”

"That..." Don Juan didn't know what to say. He seemed to say that he was holding a knife to poke the emperor's heart. "I don't know if Lu Daren will know more about it."

Murong Chan raised his eyebrows faintly, and told Fu Gonggong, "Go and ask the Lu Daren to enter the palace."

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