Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1317: Think a bit more

The Queen of the Kingdom is the scorpio that attacked the Dongqing Kingdom!

This news reached the ears of Qi Guo Zhao, undoubtedly a great news.

Zhao Wei looked at the secret letter in his hand and laughed loudly. The mood of gloom for a long time suddenly became sunny. He thought that his illness had not been saved. Duanmuxiu had no way to help him. The headache can't be cured at all. He thinks that the only person in the world who can cure him is Lu Hao, but Lu Hao is missing. He doesn't even know what he is doing. Now the peaks turn, Lu Hao is back, he finally saved. .

"Father, what is so happy to laugh?" Zhao Wei walked in from outside the royal study room and heard the sound of Zhao Xiao’s laughter at the door.

"Lu Yan is back." Zhao Yan's eyebrows are all smiling, he hasn't laughed so happy for a long time.

Song Hong’s face was overjoyed. “She is not dead?”

Zhao Yan's face floated up in a stunned color. She didn't understand Zhao Wei's words. Who did not die? She thought that people like the father-in-law who were so cold-blooded and ruthless should not care about the lives and deaths of others. It would be rare because one person is so happy.

"The big princess." Song Hongzheng gave a tribute to Zhao. "The emperor said that the emperor of the Jin State was Lu Yu. The Scorpio who attacked the Dongqing country was her."

"What?" Zhao Wei was amazed. "Is that the Queen of the Kingdom is not dead? How did she attack the Dongqing State, and Jin Guo actually has such a strong force?"

Zhao Wei looked at the secret letter in his hand and smiled faintly. "Lu Ji’s 100,000 soldiers will not be Jin Guo’s, but she brought it from overseas. If Jin Guo still has such a strong force, it was originally Will not be with us."

Song Hongyi would like to know what the Emperor has any plans for. He is going to go directly to Lu Hao, or to think of another way. In any case, he should find a way to cure his illness.

However, because the big princess is here, he can't ask for anything at all.

"Hey, are you looking for something?" Zhao did not want his daughter to know that his illness was only cured by Lu Hao. He collected the secret letter and looked at Zhao Wei gently.

Zhao Wei was only wondering in his heart, but he did not show it. "Father, tomorrow is the birthday of my grandfather. I want to go out to give my grandfather a birthday."

"It’s a stupid thing to forget about this. Tomorrow is the birthday of the national governor. Go and bring the birthday gift to the national governor." Zhao Wei said, he does not remember what the national aunt is like now, since the first queen After the death, the national governor resigned from his home. If it was not for Cheng Hao to support his family, perhaps Cheng Jia had already fallen.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xin’s heart has a little embarrassment for the national pension.

Zhao Wei whispered, "Yes, the father, then I will go to the birthday gift."

In fact, she didn't really want to go to Cheng, but her grandfather's birthday couldn't go. When she went to Cheng, she must have Cheng Hao. For this embarrassment, she now regrets that she had provoked him.

Since faintly aware of the problems of the father's body, the great emperor and the second emperor's battles are even more powerful. The second emperor counted her fiancé in order to fight her, and now she is inexplicably carrying a reputation as a husband, wanting to marry herself. It’s not easy to be satisfied with the Hummer. She didn’t think it was any. Anyway, she didn’t particularly like the fiance, and she didn’t want to marry in the past few years. However, when she wanted to win the hearts of the great emperor, she She must not be in contact with Cheng Hao, and she feels that this embarrassment is more dangerous than she knows.

She feels that it is better to have a fiancé, at least in the face of Cheng Hao, her heart is more emboldened.

Looking at the back of Zhao Wei’s departure, Zhao Wei stared thoughtfully at Song Hongwei.

"The emperor, what happened?" Song Hongzhen was seen by Zhao Wei scalp numb.

"Hong Sheng, I remember you haven't married yet?" Zhao Wei smiled softly, his eyes looked at Song Hongyi with kindness.

Song Hongzhen immediately warned him. "The emperor, the minister, although he has not yet married, but already has his own heart."

"Why don't you know that you still have a heart?" Zhao Wei reveals White's teeth. "Are you not looking at your daughter?"

"Chen dare, the big princess is a rare woman in the world, and she is not worthy of her." Song Hongzhen immediately said.

Zhao Wei blinked slightly. "Is it difficult for you to believe in the rumors of your child?"

Don't think that he doesn't know how Hummer died. It is a masterpiece of the Second Emperor. Although Zhao Wei has dealt with the two emperors, this is how the two emperors start to be too embarrassed. Not good, with his temperament, this son has been slaughtered.

"The emperor, the minister naturally does not believe. Song Hongyi said helplessly, "The big princess does not want to marry the minister. ”

"Oh, I don't know who it is, it doesn't matter to my marriage." Zhao Wei didn't swear, "Let's follow Cheng Hao!"

Song Hongxuan said with a smile, "Cheng Wei and Guozhang do not seem to be fathers and sons."

Zhao Wei waited for Song Hongyi to look at him. It seems that he is not happy with his reminder. "Let people look at the big princess, don't let her hurt her."

"Yes, the emperor." Song Hongyi should be, I am afraid that not many people can hurt Zhao Wei, even the insidious two emperors are afraid to directly start Zhao Wei, only dare to count the Ma, Zhao Wei can certainly protect Be yourself, let alone her, there is Cheng Hao behind her.

Although Cheng Hao did not show it, he can see that he is concerned about Zhao Wei.

"I am going to see Lu Hao." Zhao Wei said in a deep voice.

He is not sure if Lu Yan can cure his illness, but if he doesn't go to see her, then there is really no hope.

Song Hongyu has an anxiety in his eyes. "The emperor, are you leaving the capital at this time?"

The Great Emperor and the Second Emperor have already struggled with each other. If it is not the Emperor's pressure, the two brothers are afraid that even more exaggerated things can be done. If the Emperor goes, will they not give the Emperor all the time?

"Just let them fight for you to die." Zhao said coldly, apparently disappointed with the two sons to the extreme.

He regrets that he did not find himself sick at an early date, or he will cure the disease early. He has several sons, and one of them is able to satisfy himself.

Song Hongyi sighed in his heart. The emperor was such an excellent person. He gave birth to two sons who could not help the wall.

"You go to prepare, go to Dongqing country in the next few days." Zhao Wei said faintly, "Take Duanmu Hugh."

"Chen immediately went to prepare." Song Hongyu said.

Zhao Wei touched his chin and revealed a meaningful smile. "Why didn't Lu Yan come back to find Murong Chong? Isn't that what you want to take in the ink?"

"..." Song Hongxi silently bowed his head, and the emperor thought it seemed a bit too much.

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