Ye Yinan’s face is also inevitable. When he knows that his sister has returned from the sea with 100,000 soldiers, he has already looked at his sister, not to mention the fact that there is still a person like water in his sister’s willingness to die. There was no thought in the confrontation. He did not believe in killing him. He secretly inquired about it. It seems that the water was still a widow, but what did Zhao Zhao do?

Why didn’t he know that Zhao Wei had seen his sister before?

"I don't see him." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Let Zhao Wei wait."

Ye Xiaonan frowned at her. "When did you see Zhao Wei?"

"More than two years ago, I saw it at Chengde Mountain Villa. At that time, he was able to go to Jinguo. I thought he was dead." Ye Hao is in a good mood. I want to come to Zhao Wei and I should be tortured by a headache. Light.

Really deserved! Let him think about plugging a woman to the side of Murong Cham, and hurt him!

Ye Xiaonan listened more and more confused, "Wait, why did he die?"

"Oh, he is sick, he has no cure." Ye Yan said with a smile, he saw Ming Xi and Ming Yu running on the grass, and Miao Miao and Hung Hom stood by them.

"Mother!" Mingxi first discovered Ye Hao, shouted happily, then saw Ye Xiaonan, and the short short legs ran up, "Hey."

Ye Yinan temporarily put down Zhao’s problem and walked over to hold Ming Xi up and sit on his shoulder. “Little guy, getting more and more heavy.”

Ming Yu saw his brother being lifted up high and immediately hugged Ye Haonan's thigh. "Hey, I want, I want too."

"Good." Ye Yannan took Mingyu and hugged her, and let her sit on her arm and said to Ye Hao, "Hey, you let the emperor see two children, I just want to think of goodness and son." I just want to go back to them immediately, and the emperor’s mood will only be more urgent than I am."

"I sent him a letter in two days." Ye Hao whispered that when things developed to the point of today, she was a little scared to see Murong Zhan.

Ye Yinan glanced at her and then looked away, and asked like inadvertently, "Hey, you shouldn't change your mind?"

It’s hard not to let people think so much for so long. It’s hard to let people think so. It’s not so strange to really love you. After all, it’s been two years. It’s hard for the emperor to have a good time in the past two years. Not fortunate, the harem is just as clean as the monk temple.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Ye took a look at him. If she could easily forget Murong Chan so easily, then she would not love him.

She is now able to exchange here and also the life of Murong Cham.

"I am curious to ask." Ye Xiaonan smiled slyly, who let her have a water around her.

"Do not ask this kind of curiosity." Ye Hao said with no anger.

Ye Xiaonan just smiled slyly, and as the two children ran out, Mingxi smiled happily. Mingyu screamed and laughed after a while.

"Ye sister, we have been back for so long, why did Mingxi's cockroaches not come to you yet?" The water seedlings saw Ye Xiaonan walk away, and she came to Ye Hao.

"He is coming soon." Ye Hao said with a smile, "How are you here today? Zhao Tianqi?"

Although the seedlings of the water seedlings are the ones that Ye Hao came with, they actually want to be with Zhao Tianyu. Huangfu took him to the military camp to help him. The seedlings have been with him for several months and will see here. She is still very rare.

"I don't want to care about him anymore!" Referring to Zhao Tianqi, the face of Miao Miaomiao became dark.

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "Are you quarreling?"

"When in the city, a woman gave him a handkerchief. He actually accepted it and accepted it in front of me!"

"Haha." Ye Hao couldn't help but smile. "So he explained?"

The seedling nursery said, "He said that the unmarried woman is not married, how can she not accept the handkerchief, Ye Jie, he wants to mad at me."

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. Zhao Tianqi’s words are indeed very ill. However, he should like water seedlings. How can he receive a handkerchief from other people in front of the water seedlings? "You...had indicated with Zhao Tianyu. Do you want?"

"Do you want to show this? I like him originally." Shui Miaomiao said of course.

"..." Ye Hao looked at the little girl. "How long ago did you tell him that he liked him?"

The seedling nursery stunned. "It seems that I have not said it, but I said that I want to marry him."

Ye Hao’s headache slammed his eyebrows. “You tell Zhao Tianyu that you are angry that he can take someone else’s handkerchief, maybe there will be other surprises.”

“Really?” Miao Miaomiao looked suspicious. “Sister Ye, don’t lie to me.”

"What do I lie to you?" Ye Hao smiled. "Go to him."

When the water seedlings went away, the red dragonfly smiled and said, "Mother, you are fooling the water girl again."

"How can this be called Fudge? I am a matchmaker." Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Today, the two little guys are not making trouble?"

"No, the little prince also let the water girl tell him a story." Hung Ho laughed.

Ming Xi has been smarter than his peers since he was born. This is actually very proud, but he is a bit worried that he will be a bit too clever because of the relationship between the fire and the phoenix.

"Girl, do we have to go back to Jinguo?" Hung Ho asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao looked at her. "Who is looking for you?"

The look on the face of Hung Hom was stiff, and she found that the eyes of the goddess were getting sharper and sharper. "Yes... is a sinking."

“Sinking?” Ye Hao smiled faintly. She used to see that there was a little affection between Shen Shen and Hung Hom. It would be normal to find Hung Hom when she was surprised. “When did he find you?”

"When Liuzhou City went out to buy a kite for the little emperor, he found him. He said that it was the emperor who asked them to protect the goddess." Hung Hom whispered, some fearful goddess would be angry because she concealed it. .

Liuzhou City? That was just a few days ago, and I still don’t know how long they have followed her.

"Go and let them come to see me." Ye Hao snorted.

The red eyebrows are bright, "Hey, slaves, go."

They are naturally unable to get close to the military camp, and they are afraid of being discovered. They have been following far away. It is half an hour before they come to Ye Hao.

"Anniling..." Shen and Xue Lin, they lie in front of Ye Hao, so close to see Ye Hao, they finally have a feeling that the Queen Empress is still alive.

The maiden is not only alive, it looks more glorious than before, and it adds a bit of prestige.

"How long have you been with the palace?" Ye Hao glanced at them. Two years later, it seemed that there was a change, and it seemed that there was no change.

"Two months ago..." said the whisper.

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