The sorrow is the dark guard of Mo Rongzhan. He has only listened to the words of Murong Zhan alone. He will be here. It must be that Murong Chong let them come.

"Is the emperor to let you do it?" Ye Hao asked faintly, did Murong Chong not accept her letter and refused to come?

"Protect the maiden." Shen said respectfully.

Ye Haoxiu slightly picks, "Do you think this palace needs protection?"

I looked around in a sullen look. There are more than 100,000 soldiers in it. It seems that they really don’t need them to protect...

"Is the emperor still telling you what?" Ye Hao said with a smile, she did not believe that Murong Zhan just let them sink to protect her, he should be very clear, what she does not need most now is protection.

"Mother, when are you going back to Jinguo?" Shen Wei did not speak, Xue Lin whispered behind him.

"This is the emperor let you ask this palace?" Ye Hao's face looks like a smile, how does she feel that Murong Zhan can not let them ask her such words.

Shen Shen immediately said, "The goddess, the emperor did not let the subordinates ask this, this is the emperor let the subordinates hand it over to you."

Ye Hao looked down at a letter in the hands of Shen, her eyes fretting, and the red dragon went up and took the letter, "Anniling."

"You must step back." Ye Hao said softly. "For the time being, I live in the military camp. Isn't it necessary to protect the palace? Then protect it."

I looked at Ye Wei with a sullen look. I don't know what the Queen Empress meant.

Is this for them to stay? In the end, will you not return to the country? When he saw Ye Hao, he did not intend to say more. He had to withdraw from the camp with the red dragonfly. At least they had come to the Queen's side, and it was better to protect the goddess than to hide in the dark.

When everyone has retired, Ye Hao will dismantle the letter of Murong Cham.

There is only a simple piece of paper, a fruit tree, a dry well, a word.

When you are on a flower, you can slowly blame it.

"Oh..." Ye Hao didn't hold back and laughed. She really felt a strong grievance coming from the paper.

He wants to tell her that he is not missing her, but if she is happy, why should he wait for her to return in the same place?

"Odd girl, what are you laughing at?" Hong Ling just came in from the outside and saw that Ye Hao was smiling on her face. She was curious. She hadn't seen such a smile on her face for a long time.

Ye Hao collected the paper, and Murong Zhan did not know when he had recovered his memory. Otherwise, he would not draw fruit trees and dry wells.

Just, how much did he remember? Did he think about it in the coma for a few days?

"Nothing, General Ye?" Ye Xiaoyan's smile couldn't stop, and Murong Cham's face full of sadness seemed to be in front of her eyes.

"The little prince is entangled with General Ye, who wants to ride horses. General Ye takes him to play in the open space outside." Hong Ling said with a smile.

Ye Hao frowned. "The kid is bigger and wants to ride a horse."

"Go and ask General Ye to come over. Mingxi also played for a while and let him come back to rest." Ye Hao said.

Hong Ling responded and went out to invite Ye Lannan.

"What are you looking for?" Ye Yannan asked as he walked in.

"Someone they are in the military camp, saying that the emperor let them come." Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Yinan. "Brother, do you know this thing?"

Ye Yinan touched his nose. "Is there such a thing? It seems that the emperor is really worried about you."

"You will pretend to be you, if you are not covering them for the sinking, they will not be aware of the water?" Ye Hao gave him a sigh of relief.

"How do I know what you mean to the emperor, and I don't want to let him down." Ye Xiaonan said helplessly.

Ye Hao found that his brother seems to be loyal to Murong Cham. It seems that they have built up their feelings when they fought side by side in the past two years. Murong Cham seems to be able to easily let others want to follow him on the battlefield. .

"Don't leave me alone in the future, I have always been the same heart for Azhan." Ye Hao said, "I will attack the city after three days, my brother, you should also prepare for it."

Ye Xiaonan heard her thoughts on Murong Cham, and the smile on her face deepened. "Well, I am going to train."

"Give me a pen and ink." Ye Hao said to Hong Ling.

She returned a letter to Murong Cham, then called Xue Lin over and asked her to send the letter back to Murong Cham.

"Anniling..." Xue Lin took the letter from Ye Hao and looked at her in hesitation.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "What do you want to say?"

"When the maiden was difficult to produce, the emperor was already on the way back, knowing the news of the maiden... The emperor had been very difficult for a while, and if there was no medicine left by the maiden, even the medical officer could not let the emperor stick to it." Xue Lin bowed his head and said that he did not want to win sympathy for the emperor, just that some things should let the goddess know.

"I know." Ye Hao said softly, she could imagine the mood of Murong Cham at that time.

Xue Lin looked at Ye Hao and said, "The subordinates will send the letter to the emperor to the emperor as soon as possible."

Ye Hao smiled slightly.

On the following day, Ye Hao remembered that Zhao Wei was still asking for her.

"Go and invite Zhao Wei." Ye Hao said to Hung Hom, she did not want to see Zhao Wei, but now Qi also has the people she wants.

Ye Xiaonan learned that Ye Hao actually wanted to see Zhao Wei, and came over to look for her in armor. "How do you want to see him? What if he has any intentions?"

"What if he has any intentions, what can he do here?" Ye Hao said with a smile. "Brother, don't worry."

"You don't want to cure his illness?" Ye Xiaonan rounded his eyes. Although Qi and the country were allied, Zhao Wei was the number one enemy of their country. He knew the doctor's skill. Maybe it will cure his illness?

how is this possible! Ye Hao smiled. "All said that his illness is not cured. Even if my medical skills are good, I can't cure it."

Ye Xiaonan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Let him be sick."

As he said, he has already seen the emergence of Zhao Wei and Song Hongyu.

When I saw Zhao Wei two years ago, I only thought that this man is very powerful. Although it is not particularly handsome and moving, there is no such thing as a sultry tension. It is a man that cannot be ignored, and it is well maintained. See the traces of the years.

Seeing Zhao Wei now, I feel that he seems to be old for ten years. Although he is still overbearing and powerful, the tiredness of the eyebrows can't be hidden.

Ye Hao was looking at Zhao Wei, and he was also looked at by Zhao Wei.

Two years... Zhao Wei saw the woman standing outside the camp, still a beautiful face, no longer a big belly, a graceful posture, he found that in the past two years, his memory for her is So profound.

I didn’t feel strange at all.

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