Ye Xiaonan stood by Ye Hao and looked at Zhao Wei with vigilance. He had never seen this Qi emperor before, but he heard a lot about him. If he didn’t, he had to marry the Qi Princess. To Murong Cham, his sister would not move the tires at that time.

Zhao Yi saw that the man next to Ye Hao was Ye Xiaonan. He did not look at Ye Xiaonan, but looked at Ye Hao with a gaze, and the dark and dark scorpion still looked down on her, and looked at her aggressively. It’s time to call you Scorpio... or Queen Empress?”

He actually wants to call her Scorpio, so that she is not the Queen of Murong Cham.

Ye Hao looked at him coldly and looked at him. "Would that the palace should treat you as the emperor of Qi, or is it the king?"

Zhao Wei smiled and smiled. "The original Tianzhu recognized the cockroaches that year."

"It seems that you have found a good doctor in the past two years, and it is not easy to have such a good look." Ye Hao looked at Zhao Wei with a faint look. She thought that even if he didn't die, at least it was already like a gray ash. The skinny bones were stunned. I didn't expect that there was a bit more tiredness in the eyebrows. It looked more old, and the others didn't see where it changed.

"What you need is you." Zhao Wei went to Ye Hao for two steps and his eyes were deeper.

Ye Xiaonan immediately stopped in front and prevented Zhao Wei from coming over again.

Zhao Wei looked at Ye Xiaonan, "Ye General, will be going to break the city tomorrow, now there is still space here?"

"Brother, let's go busy." Ye Hao gently patted Ye Yannan's arm. She didn't worry about what Zhao Zhao dared to do to her. The seedlings were around her, let alone the sun and they were around. .

"Don't treat him, kill him early and die early." Ye Yannan did not avoid Zhao Wei, who was next to him, and said to Ye Hao.

Song Hongjun’s face sank immediately, and he was black and stinky and wanted to kill Ye Lannan.

Ye Haoqiang resisted before he laughed.

Only Zhao Wei still does not change his face, and his eyes have not changed.

Everyone knows that the Qi State emperor has only two sons. Two years ago, he began to fight for the position of the squad. The two people seem to be very good. In fact, everyone knows that as long as one of them is enthroned, Qi Certainly there will be no strong position today.

They waited for Zhao Wei to go to the sky early, and then gave Qi to eat.

"If there is anything, let people come to me." Ye Xiaonan whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded, and watched Ye Xiaonan leave.

Zhao Wei raised his eyebrow and said, "Ye General is really a man of temperament."

"The people in the temperament generally say the truth." Ye Hao said faintly, he did not want to ask Zhao to go to the camp to sit down and have a cup of tea. "What must the emperor come here so thousands of miles? You look also It’s not like dying."

"If you come to find you when you are dying, it is not too late." Zhao said with a smile, "Hey, why did this disease come from?"

Ye Hao heard him call his own name and his face was heavy. "I am not familiar with the name, the emperor."

Zhao Wei was surprised in his heart. He called her name just out of the mouth, as if the name had been ignorant on his tongue. "Scorpio, I hope you can cure your illness."

"Your illness is a hidden danger left by the old injury. I said it two years ago. Your illness has not been cured. Now I am still saying this." Ye Hao looked at his temperament, his two years ago. The color is better than now. At that time, he has been indulging for many years. Now, in the past two years, his energy consumed in advance has begun to show up. It is already very difficult to say, if it is not his own internal strength, I am afraid that it will be long gone. Already dead can't die anymore.

"You don't want to cure the disease." Zhao Wei still believes that Ye Hao is sure to cure his illness, but she does not want to cure it.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "I really don't want to, but even if I think, I can't cure your illness. Your old wounds have been left for too many years. Moreover, your disease is a kind of nerve in your brain. This is not something I can heal. No doctor in the world dares to open your skull."

Zhao Yushen was slightly sinking. "You mean, if you want to cure your illness, you have to open your head?"

This horrified statement was heard for the first time.

Song Hongyi has changed his face. "Can you open your head and live?"

"No!" Ye Hao simply answered with conviction, this is a simple answer.

Zhao Wei’s face finally gloomy. “You have no other way?”

"Even if I have a big way, I will only let you live for two more years." Ye Hao Yingying smiled. "But why should I give you two more lives?"

“What conditions do you want?” Zhao Wei whispered, even if he lived for another two years, at least he was able to arrange everything better.

Ye Hao looked at him coldly, conditions? "I don't think you have any conditions to talk to me now."

When the **** is pregnant, she has to send her daughter to Mo Rongzhan. Isn’t it just that he wants his grandson to get the idea of ​​Jin Guo in the future? Those who are so skeptical, living in this world is only a scourge, early death and early life.

"Zhao Ning did not marry Mo Rongzhan." Zhao Yi saw the source of Ye Hao's unhappiness. "From the beginning, he was calculating, and his daughter changed from Guifei to Wang Hao. This matter has not been followed. Murong Zhan settled the account."

"How do I hear that Zhao Ning and Auntie have been in love for a long time, and the person she wants to marry has always been an aunt?" Ye Hao said with a smile. When she was at Chengde Mountain Villa two years ago, she knew that Murong Cham could not be true. Zhao Ning, so she was not surprised when she knew about it.

However, she is a bit worried about Zhao Ning and Murong Yu, Murong is like her younger brother, she is growing up, she hopes that he can love Zhao Ning really, rather than reluctantly for the benefit of both countries.

However, this matter has to wait until she returns to the country to know the details.

"Is it true for a long time, you and I know it well." Zhao said faintly.

Ye Hao looked at him. "I heard that Lu Shuanger is your noble?"

"Yes." Zhao Wei looked at her slightly.

"Is Lu Yi's death?" Ye Hao asked faintly. She came back this time except Dong Qingguo, who is Lu Xizhi's brother and sister.

Zhao Wei did not expect that Ye Hao would mention them. "Lu Yi went to the Imperial Capital two years ago, and then disappeared. He listened to Muya, saying that he was seriously injured when he was in Anhe City. There is no medicine to save."

There is no medicine to save, that is, do you still know that you are dead? Ye Hao sneered, "Where is the other person?"

"I don't know." Zhao Wei whispered.

"Give them my brother and sister, I will do my best to treat you." Ye Hao proposed her condition, "This is the only condition."

Zhao Yan frowned. "If Lu Yan is dead?"

"Live to see people, die to see the dead." Even if she is a bone, she has to dig it out.

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