Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1323: Only you can sit up

In this world, there is only Zhao Wei who knows where Lu Yi is. Even the most intimate Song Hongyi around him does not know where Lu Yizhi is. Nowadays, the situation in various countries, especially Lu Hao, has become a scorpio and a sacred country. The Queen, once she and Murong Zhan joined forces, who else in this world can be their husband and wife's opponent?

"He will find Lu Yizhi as soon as possible, but I am afraid that he is no longer in this world." Zhao Wei whispered, "He went to see Lu Shuanger two years ago and was different from Lu Shuanger."

Ye Hao chuckled, and if Lu Hao died, she was even more happy.

Zhao Wei saw that she did not intend to loosen the mouth. It seems that she must get the brothers and sisters of Lu Shuang to be cured. "Lu Shuanger can give it to you, but Lu Yizhi needs time if he goes to the Atlantic like you. Now, I have to find a few years to find him? At that time, I am already dead."

It seems that too, his illness is not long.

"What do you want?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"Since I promised to hand them over to you, I will definitely give it to you." Zhao said.

Ye Hao smiled. "You want me to treat you first, then you will hand me Lu Yi's brother and sister?"

Zhao Wei looked at her with a burning gaze. "Do you think it would be a bad thing? Is that kind of villain?"

She thinks he is even smaller than the villain! I can't believe it at all.

"The emperor, you still please, wait until I advanced Wangducheng." Ye Hao smiled a bit, she refused to be tortured to death, how could he think about curing his illness, not to mention his illness would not be cured Even if she has her spiritual spring, it is useless.

Zhao Wei looked at her deeply. He knew that it was impossible for her to treat him now. She was about to attack Wangducheng. His illness was not cured in one day and two days, and he could not die in a moment. He can wait.

"Scorpio, you will send Lu Shuanger to you, as long as you give time, you can also find Lu Yizhi." Zhao Wei said.

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded faintly, and accepted the request of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei did not say more, with Song Hongyi saying goodbye to Ye Hao, and she will see you later.

When the two men walked out of the military camp together, Song Hongzhen couldn't help but open his mouth. "The emperor, Lu Lu has no intention to cure your illness."

"It's not unintentional, she can't cure it." Zhao said in a plain voice.

Song Hongqi’s heart is tight. “The emperor, Lu’s words may not be true.”

Zhao Wei looked up at the blue sky. He was full of ambitions and had the ambition to conquer the world. However, God did not want to give him this opportunity. He didn't even have a trustee.

"The Great Prince and the Second Emperor..." Zhao said that the two children could not help but frown. "Who can inherit the Datong?"

Will not work! The great prince is arrogant and arrogant. The two emperors seem to be sacred and hypocritical. They don’t have half of the emperor’s chest and vision. As long as Qi is in their hands, they will definitely fall.

"The emperor, you must be able to live for a hundred years." Song Hongyu whispered.

Zhao Wei smiled and glanced at him. "This is self-deception. If you only have a few years, then you have to start to arrange things."

Song Hongzhen can’t bear the pain in his heart, “Emperor!”

"Let people bring Lu Shuanger over." Zhao Wei said, he knew that even if Lu Shuanger was not given to Lu Hao, she would find a way to get it.

"Yes, the emperor." Song Hongyi whispered, "Let the big princess also come to the East to celebrate the country."

Song Hong stunned, why do you want the big princess to come here?

Zhao Wei has been silent, and I don’t know what I am thinking.

"Is that Zhao Wei?" Shen Qi whispered to Wu Chong next to him.

"It seems to be..." Wu Chong frowned at the back of Zhao Wei and Song Hongwei. How could they be here?

How did the Qiguo emperor come to find the goddess? "This matter should be told to the emperor as soon as possible."

"I immediately let people send messages back."



Two days later, Ye Hao ordered the attack on Wang Ducheng. The nine-door admiral Fang Yu did not know where to go. The soldiers of Dongqing State had already lost morale. The city gate was broken for half a day, and the guards of the palace were even more vulnerable.

The entire palace has already become a mess, and even the palace people robbed the palace to escape their lives, and there are still ordinary things.

"Queen?" Li Wei was guarded to escape the palace, he remembered that the Queen did not see people all day.

"The emperor, did not see the Queen Empress." The close-knit guard called.

"We have to save your prince." Someone said that His Royal Highness is the hope of their future restoration.

Li Wei heard that there was a fight from afar, and he hurriedly said, "Let's go!"

"Emperor?" What? Can't you save the Queen and the Prince?

"Now I haven't taken care of a lot, and even escaped from Wangducheng." Li Wei was flustered and just wanted to leave here immediately. He couldn't be caught by Lu Hao. If she caught it, she must be killed. Going to the North Ming State, borrowing troops from the North Hall to recapture your country.

Hearing that Li Wei ignored the life of the Queen, the guards around him were stunned to protect him from the dark passage in the palace.

"The emperor, Dongqing country is gone, where do you want to escape?" Ye Xiaonan had already waited at the exit of the dark passage. He thought that Li Wei would not escape. He did not expect to see anyone.

It’s really full of energy.

"Ye Xiaojun..." Li Wei saw Ye Xiaonan, and his eyes flashed a touch of joy. "Ye Yinan, seeing you help your father and son, you will not stop you, right?"

"You really helped us." Ye Xiaonan nodded faintly. "But we have already returned you to you, you owe my father."

Li Yan’s face changed. “What do you want to do?”

"Bring it back." Ye Yinan ordered that the guards around Li Wei would be killed, and only Li Wei would return to the palace to see Ye Hao.

In the Hall of Taihe, Ye Hao stood facing the dragon chair.

Dong Qingguo, already her.

She never thought that one day she could get a country.

"Scorpio." A glimpse of water came in from the outside, a silver-gray armor and blood, and the murderous gas has not dissipated. "All the remaining ministers of Dongqing State expressed their willingness to return to you."

Ye Hao looked back at him and was stunned by the killing in his eyes.

"Scared you?" Water took a step back, he just killed someone, and the murder is still very heavy.

"No." Ye Hao gently shook his head. "Have you caught Li Wei?"

"General Ye has already caught people." The water whispered, "Scorpio, you have to sit in that position."

Ye Hao frowned and looked at the dragon that looked a bit dazzling. "If not?"

"Only you can sit in that position." Water said.

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