The dragon chair is made of gold. The dragon chairs of several countries in the Central Plains are the same. The Kowloon is ridiculous, sacred and majestic. This is the most attractive chair under the sun. It will make people sink and make people feel lost. It will make people ambitious...

"Never a woman can sit in this chair." Ye Hao whispered that she had no ambitions for this world. She never did. Even if she borrowed 100,000 soldiers from Qi, she only wanted to pay for Li Wei. At this point in the day, it seems that she is not able to decide who this dragon is to sit for.

"It is true that no woman can sit, you are a scorpio, naturally able to sit up." Water said.

Ye Hao slightly frowns, "What if I give it to someone else?"

"Who do you want to give? Murong Cham?" Water looked at her with a blank expression. "Do you think those soldiers who came here from China will agree?"

"You do not agree." Ye Hao said.

Water looked at her with a sigh of relief. "I really don't agree. We didn't leave China for the sake of Murong Zhan, it was for you."

Ye Hao coveted, and it has been so long, how can she not know what water is for, but she pretended not to know, only when he was for the seedlings.

"Qi Wei entrusted them to you, you are responsible for their lives, they follow you to loyalty to you, in order to pay for life, in their minds, you are not only their faith here, you saved them The most loyal queen, now you are their most loyal master, do you think that this position is who you want to give to whom?" The sound of water became cold.

Ye Xie was said to have lost his mind and there was nothing to refute.

"If you come back just want to be the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea, you should not borrow the soldiers at the beginning. Since you brought them to Dongqing, you can't send them back." Water said.

"Okay, I know." Ye Hao was upset. She knew that the water was right, but she could not make a choice.

A glimpse of water gave her a deep look. "When are you going to see the minister of Dongqingguo?" He suddenly smiled, and the smile seemed to be somewhat sublime. "It’s better to think about what kind of country you want to change, Dong Qing. The country is dead."

"Daughter country!" Ye Hao said coldly.

Water laughed and said, "The Atlantic has a daughter country."

"I think later, now there is a mess everywhere, how can I think about it?" Ye Haodao, just want to drag it down as much as possible, what kind of dragon chair, she thinks it is a headache.

"Okay." The suffocating air in the eyes of the water gradually faded away. "Then when you want to see the minister, you want to revitalize the country, you have to see them."

Ye Hao frowned and said, "See you in a few days, the palace people in this palace have escaped a lot, and the soldiers outside, all settled and said."

Water glanced at her and knew that she still had some escape. However, she could escape from the day but could not escape forever. "Well, I will go to the city gate first, and some prisoners will solve it."

"Yeah." Ye Hao didn't think she wanted to see him. She knew that a glimpse of water would force her to sit in that position.

Not long after the water left, Ye Xiaonan came. He said that Li Wei must see her.

Ye Hao did not intend to see Li Wei, she did not want to kill him, just wanted to throw him to the farthest palace to be under house arrest, but Li Wei must see her side, she thought about it, still let people Li Lan brought it.

She met Li Wei in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but she still did not sit in that position.

When she saw Li Wei, she was also amazed by his elegant elegance. Now he sees him again, but he feels that he has lost the original elegance. In addition to the wolverine and defeat, there is also the weakness of indulging in wine.

Because the daughter born to the Queen of the Queen became a Prince, so he can't wait to let more women give birth to his son?

Ye Lan looked at him with some sarcasm.

"Oh..." Li Qiangqiang squeezed a smile. "Why are you doing this?"

"I thought you should be well aware of this problem." Ye Hao looked at him indifferently. Do you need to ask such an obvious question?

Li Wei said, "I ask myself that your father and brother are not thin."

“Self-asked?” Ye Hao raised his eyebrows sarcastically. “You ask yourself whether you are ungrateful or what I am doing to be sorry for you. Yes, my father and brother did have your help in order to survive in Dongqing. Without me, can you be the emperor of Dongqingguo? Without me, can your Dongqing country support this time? Without me, you can’t die anymore! You still have a face to tell me. What is not thin..."

"Mrs. Yeh is Li Yu, she has already received retribution!" Li Wei shouted loudly.

Ye Hao looked at him with cold eyes. "How can Li Yu have a chance to start in Zhaoyang in the palace? You dare say that you don't know? You are just blinding your eyes, pretending that you don't know anything, you think Zhaoyang When I die, I will stay in Dongqing forever. You think that I will look at Li Yu and become your Hummer in Dongqing. Isn’t that what you think in your heart?"

Li Wei’s face was blue and white. He thought that his own thoughts would not be known to anyone. How did Lu Yan see it?

"Your life is what I gave you. Your Dongqing country is what I am going to do for you. Now I take back Dongqingguo and leave you a life. It is already benevolent." Ye Hao looked at him and said, "You Go to the palace, I will not lose you to eat and drink, but if you dare to take the opportunity to make trouble, you will not have a second chance."

If Li Wei didn't have such a despicable mind, she wouldn't leave so decisive. In fact, it wasn't that she saw Li Wei's shamelessness. It was Ye Yiqing who saw it.

It was not until now that Li Wei clearly realized that he had lost everything. His throne and his Dongqing state were all gone. "Have you arrested the empress of the emperor? You have to put the embarrassment in the palace, and you want to The Queens are together."

Ye Hao said faintly, "I didn't catch her, she is not in the palace."

"Impossible!" Li Yi lived, and then he remembered that he hadn't seen Fang Yu for a whole day. "She...go, she left with the prince! She is so right!"

"Are you very good to her?" Ye Hao asked coldly. "She can leave her before she can protect her daughter."

Li Yan was stunned by Ye Hao. "Is you let her go? Where are they going?"

"I don't know where they go, but it is better than staying with you." Ye Hao sneered, "Come, take him."

"Lu Yan... You give the prince back!" Li screamed loudly.

"Whether it is a prince or a princess, you know very well." At this time, I still want to use the identity of the Prince to arrange for the future?

It’s naive! How could she give him this opportunity!

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