Jinguo, the palace.

Murong Zhan took the letter from Xue Lin's hand. He was a little nervous and breathed. She finally gave him a letter...

"Is the Queen letting them sink?" Murong Chong did not open the letter immediately, even though he wanted to know what he had returned to him.

"Back to the emperor, the goddess knows that we are following in secret, let us go to see her, Shen Daren, they are now staying in the military camp." Xue Lin whispered back, "The maiden's military camp has three generals, Ye General is among them." One, and from China, one is called Shui Yi, their coach, the other is the female general, the best in the water combat is the savage, I heard that it is from the treasure country."

It is no wonder that Ye Hao was able to capture Dongqing State in just a few months, and there were many experts around her.

Murong Zhan’s heart is like a sulking sigh. “Where is that water?”

"I heard that it was a big merchant in China. It used to be the general of the Chinese nation. This time the **** of the maiden came back..." Xue Lin had never seen the water, but when he heard him, he seemed to be particularly powerful. He carefully looked at the emperor. "The emperor, there seems to be a lot of generals who are coming from the country."

This is inevitable. She wants to get Dongqingguo this time. If there is not enough brains around, it is impossible to go to this step today. He is just curious about this man with a glimpse of water, inexplicably making him feel happy. Sour, "The Chinese generals escorted the queen back?"

"It seems like... the sister of the water is at the side of the goddess." Xue Lin whispered.

Murong Zhan pressed his doubts in his heart. Maybe this water is only arranged by Ye Yiqing. "Is there anything else?"

Xue Lin swallowed, "There is one more thing, Zhao Wei went to find the girl."

"What?" Murong jerked his head up. "Who is going to find the Queen?"

"It didn't take long for the subordinates to start. Shen Daren sent someone to tell him about this matter, let him belong to the next one and return it to you." Xue Lin knew that this incident would make the emperor angry, "Zhao Wei went Looking for the goddess, I want the girl to cure him."

Murong Zhan’s twilight suddenly became cold. He knew that Zhao Wei was sick, and no one could cure him. He would actually go and find it!

"I want to go to Dongqingguo in person." Although there was no news of breaking Wangdu City there, he believed that it was a breeze to enter the city. What he is most worried about now is the city after the break. What are you going to do?

Li Wei must not be an emperor. Dong Qingguo has already destroyed the country. Who will sit in that position?

There is a faint worry in the heart of Murong Zhan. He always feels that it is not a good thing to become a Scorpio. If it is she who ruled Dongqing State... How did she come back to be his queen? He had to bring her back before the dust settled.

He didn't think of this possibility before! When she was sealed as a scorpio, he should have thought of it.

After Xue Lin retired, Murong Zhan opened the letter in his hand, and his heartbeat was inexplicably accelerated. He had not been so nervous for a long time, and he was still nervous when he first discovered that he fell in love with you.

Minhang is not like the east wind, and the flowers must be slowly returned.

"..." Murong Chong brows, what does that mean?

This is still not wanting to come back, didn't you play enough?

How suddenly there is an impulse to slap her in her arms.

"The emperor..." Fu Gonggong glanced at it, feeling that the emperor's face did not seem right, really curious what the empress had written for the emperor.

"Immediately, I immediately set off to Dongqingguo." Murong Chong almost gnashed his teeth and said.




Murong Yuhe hesitated outside the door of the upper house. Two years later, the childishness on his face has completely disappeared. The skin is darker than before. The facial features are more profound and beautiful, and it looks more similar to his emperor. It’s just a little more gentle and elegant than Murong Cham.

The look on his face at this time looks a little too bad.

"Wang Ye, you are back." Zi Yan walked out of the house and saw the ink squatting outside the door, and he cried out in surprise.

Ink Murray flashed a glimpse of his eyes and his eyes looked into the room.

He hasn't come back for a year. When he left the country and fled to South Vietnam, he didn't return to Kyoto for so long. Now he still doesn't dare to face Zhao Ning.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao is inside." Zi Yan sees Murong's look different, his heart sighs darkly, and he doesn't know what Wang and Wang Hao are going to do. When they first became a relative, they couldn't say that they were deep, but At least respect each other, their current people thought that as long as two people get along for a long time, the feelings of the two of them will definitely become deeper and deeper. Who knows, in a few days, Wang Ye is too busy to stay in the palace, then go In South Vietnam, Wang Hao seems to be silent about this incident, and I don’t know what happened to the two.

Inkor nodded, and coughed a little, went inside into the room, and saw Zhao Ning sitting in front of the dressing day.

Two years ago, the girl who had a little green had already opened up completely. The expression of her face was as if she had converged and calmed down a lot. She heard footsteps and sat shoulders stiffly, and did not move.

"I... came back." Murong choked and swallowed, whispering.

He didn't really know how to face Zhao Ning. She chose to marry him in order not to be used. Maybe she didn't want to be in her heart. But after she became a relative, he felt that two people are already married. How can they live well? So I wanted to give her time to adapt to the life of Wang Hao, they have always been sleeping.

Until a year ago, he heard the news of the victory in Xiliang. For a moment, he was happy to take Don Juan to drink a few more cups. When he came back to see her, he was a little confused, and whether she would like it or not... afterwards, he I was afraid that she would see her disgusted eyes, so she went to South Vietnam until she was sent to Beijing by the emperor a month ago.

Zhao Ning raised his head in a blank expression, and looked indifferently at the ink to look at the ink, "Oh, what is the command of the prince?"

One year, they met again and it was such a cold dialogue.

Inkor’s heart is bitter. “It’s the emperor’s brother who brought me back. The Queen’s nephew has news.”

It turned out that the emperor let him come back before returning. So, if there is no emperor, would he still want to live in South Vietnam for a lifetime? Zhao Ning’s mouth floated a little smile. “I know that the Queen’s Empress is now in Dongqing, is Wang Ye going to Dongqing?”

"No." Murong saw her willing to talk to him, and the eyes flashed a touch of joy. "The emperor is going to pick up the empress and let me return to the country for the time being."

Zhao Ning nodded faintly. "I know, I am going to clean up the house in the front yard for the prince."

Murong slammed his mouth open, but after the words had not been said, Zhao Ning had already got up and went out.

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