Ye Hao is still in the headache of the country, the Li family is no longer, then Dong Qingguo naturally followed the demise, what kind of country is suitable?

"Or else... can you merge into Jinguo?" Ye Xiaonan looked at the water and whispered to Ye Hao.

She thought about it! Can the 100,000 soldiers outside are willing? Ye Yi took a look at Ye Xiaonan, this suggestion is not reliable!

A glimpse of water did not even say anything against it, but just sitting on the side of the cold, waiting for Ye Hao to set the country.

"In the past, I used the same surname and the foreign country. With Zhang Mingde, isn’t it better to use my surname as the national name?" is talking about a middle-aged man sitting next to the water. This is a counselor Ye Yiqing arranged for her. Although not as good as Ye Yiqing, but enough to serve as a country, he is called Liu Zhanhu.

Is that the name of the leaf or the surname? Ye Hao felt that this is not a good name for the country name. She shook her head and vetoed it.

"Since ancient times, no woman has ever been able to unite the whole country. It is better to use the Yuan as the national name, and it is also the apex of history." The imperial concubine whispered.

The water flashed a glimmer of light, which seemed to be very appreciated by Huangfu’s proposal.

"Yuan?" Isn't that the same as Mingyu's title in China?

"Isn't the princess title of Mingyu in China not just Yuan?" Ye Yannan asked, in fact, he hopes to merge Dongqing into Jinguo, so that the Congress is more powerful, and it is not used in Scorpio and The choice between the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea.

Water said faintly, "That is the title of the princess in China, and it has nothing to do with it."

Ye Hao is quite fond of the title of Yuan. In the future, Ming Xi will definitely want to return to the Jin Dynasty as a prince. If she must be the scorpio, then she will need an heir in the future. Isn’t Ming Yu just right?

"That is the country of this yuan!" Ye Hao said with a smile, and when Ming Yu grew up a little, she could give the country to her daughter. When Murong Zhan looked at her daughter, it was not good. of?

"Okay." The water floated up and smiled, that is, she had already decided to be the country's Scorpio.

Then I began to discuss how to place 100,000 soldiers. This consultation is three days, and finally I have a comprehensive approach. Immediately after seeing the original minister of Dongqing, Ye Hao knows that the king of a country is so So tired, the loss of Murong Chan had so much energy at night to go to her boudoir.

She is too tired to sleep for three days and three nights.

It’s hard to get past the second half of the month, and finally the dust settles.

Ye Hao has lost a circle.

A glimpse of water and her preparation for a true ascension became a matter of Scorpio. The Emperor had already made the best days, just next month.

There is still more than a month to prepare, the next step is to send invitations to countries and invite them to participate in the founding ceremony of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Invite the emperors of all countries to participate?" Ye Xiaonan touched his chin. He heard that the emperor was already on the way. "Would you like to ask the North Hall?"

Ye Hao showed a cold smile, "Please! Of course please!"

She hasn't seen the North Hall yet, first look at what kind of person, and know how to beat him in the future.

"Then I let the messenger set off to send the posts to the countries." Huangfu said with a smile.

"Master, I have something to say to you." Ye Hao called the emperor, and he wanted to talk to the emperor half a month ago, but he couldn’t squeeze time.

Ye Yinan said, "Then I went out first, and the soldiers in the military camp have not been settled."

The national treasury of Dongqingguo is not full. Ye Hao took out his gold and rewarded it to 100,000 soldiers, and circled the fields that belonged to the royal family, so that they could be resettled in Dongqing, and there were many royal fields. In addition, some officials have been copied from the house and tens of thousands of soldiers have settled in the border city pool. It will take at least half a year to arrange it, but this is not a problem.

No one will dare to offend them today. They have several years to resettle and pick up their families in China.

Although Ye Xiaonan is not a general from China, he has become a respectable general in their hearts for so long with those soldiers.

There are only Ye Hao and Huang Fu in the hall.

"Master, please sit down." Ye Hao said with a smile, indicating that the emperor who had stood up again sat down again.

"Well, what do you want to say to me?" Huangfu smiled and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao personally poured him a cup of tea. "Master, are you going back to China?"

Huangfu came back from her with her mother to help her stabilize her military. It was also to let her better rule the 100,000 soldiers. Now that everything has settled, she is not sure if he is willing to stay.

With his talents, he was enough to become a country. After the founding ceremony, the Yuan State was formally established. She needed someone to help her. The original minister of Dongqing State did not have any real talents, except those who came from China with her. She will not reuse other people.

"Do you want me to stay?" Huangfu asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao slightly glimpsed, she certainly hopes that Huangfu can stay, but this kind of thing is not his own decision?

"Master, I don't want to force you to stay." Ye Hao said.

Huang Huang looked at her with a sly look. "I have no place to live. I can leave it wherever I want. If you want me to stay, I will stay, no matter what I want to do."

"Ming Xi and Ming Yu have grown up. I want to ask Master to enlighten them." Ye Hao whispered his request. "Master, are you willing to become Mingxi's Tai Fu?"

"Do you want me to stay as the Taifu of Mingxi and Mingyu?" Huangfu was silent for a moment, and the voice was still warm and watery.

Ye Hao gently nodded, she could not find someone more suitable than Huangfu, and she was very good at seeing the rich five cars. On the status of the world, Huangfu is the best if he can become Mingxi and Ming. Jade's Tai Fu, that is a lucky thing for two children.

"Okay." Huangfu nodded with a smile, and could not find a reason to stay. Now at least it is bright and can be left behind.

Ye Hao’s face is happy. “Really? Master, I don’t want to force you. If you don’t want to stay, it’s okay.”

Huangfu smiled and shook his head. "There is no reluctance, just as I can be here for a few years."

It’s good to be with her in the past few years.

"Great, I let Ming Xi and Ming Yu come over." Ye Hao said happily, thought for a moment, "They are my son, I should have called you a teacher, now you are their Tai Fu, but it is a bit messy. ""

"This has anything to do with it, but it is an identity." Huangfu said helplessly, "While you call me Master, I have never fulfilled the responsibility of the Master and compensated them in Mingxi."

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