Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1327: What is the story?

Huangfu agreed to stay in Taifu, and Ye Hao was very happy. The next thing seemed to be a lot smoother. There was a water and Liu Zhanhu. They were helping, she didn't have to worry too much.

Instead, I was a bit worried about getting closer to the founding ceremony.

She thinks that Murong Chan will definitely be bombarded.

"Mother, is it possible to see the father of the emperor soon?" Ming Xi walked to Ye Hao with a small short leg, and the little devil asked seriously.

Ye Hao’s eyes jumped a few times, and she was still afraid to see Murong Cham. “Do you want to see the father?”

"Thinking." Ming Xi nodded hard. "Don't you say that the father is the most powerful under the sun? Is he more powerful than the general? Is it better than the cockroach?"

"Well..." Ye Hao felt that Ming Xi seemed to admire Murong Cham. She used to make up for the sorrows of her heart. She said to him every day, and unconsciously described him as an unbeaten **** of war. .

Ming Xi looked seriously at Ye Hao. "We have all been back for so long. The father did not come to us. Did he not want you?"

"Why don't you want me, not you?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"My sister and I are so cute, so smart, the father has no reason not to love us. Every father and grandfather loves his own children." Mingxi thought for a moment, and the milk said with a milky voice.

"..." What is the feeling of having a son who is too smart? It’s the messy feeling in the wind now! "Why are you cute and smart, you are still born!"

Ming Xi said, "Because people are old and yellow, they will be abandoned."

Ye Hao blinked slightly, his voice was very cold. "Who is this saying in front of you?"

"Two unidentified palace ladies have been killed by Miao Miao." Ming Xi said.

"..." Ye Hao sighed in his heart. "Your father will come to see you soon. He won't want us."

Mingxi hurriedly climbed into the arms of Ye Hao. "Mom, then we will live here, or live in Jinguo?"

"Who is this asking you to ask?" Ye Hao asked with a grin.

"I asked my question. I don't know where I live. I came to ask my mother." Mingxi looked innocent and lovely, and sold him.

A good Ye Nanan! Ye Hao licked him in his heart. "Where you live in the future, you can live there!"

Ming Xi cracked his mouth and smiled, revealing teeth like rice grains. "That I went to tell you."

"..." What do you say to Ye Yinan?

Ming Xi has slipped from Ye Hao’s arms and ran out.

The water seedlings just came in from the outside, and saw that Ming Xi couldn't help but hug him, and kissed him on his face, so soft and fragrant! "Xiao Mingxi, where are you going?"

"Go and find out!" Mingxi took the opportunity to lean against the seedlings of Miao Miao, "Miao sister, why didn't you be with Atian brother today?"

"I have something to look for in the sky." The water seedlings blinked. "You kiss me, I will take you out to play."

Ming Xi looked at her with a pair of sloppy eyes. "Would you like to kiss your brother like Ah Tian?"

The cheeks of the water seedlings rose red in an instant. "What kisses your mouth! Don't talk nonsense."

"I clearly see Ah Tian brother kiss your mouth." Ming Xi small adults shouted as seriously.

"Red Dragonfly, take this mixed demon king away." Ye Hao said with a headache, waiting for the red 缨 缨 将 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明 明""

The face of the water seedlings is about to smoke. "We didn't...it was definitely in the military camp..."

Ye took a look at her and decided to look for two more children to look at. Otherwise, the more I grew up, the more I couldn’t sit still. "Okay, sit down, what are you looking for?"

"Sister Ye, today, my brother and I went to see the house. My brother said, after you settle down, you have to arrange a marriage for me. Can you tell my brother, I... I don't want to marry someone."

"You and Zhao Tianyi haven't told your brother yet?" Ye Hao raised her eyebrow and glanced at her. "Who is your brother going to marry?"

"I'm afraid he doesn't agree, so..." Shui Miaomiao bowed her head. When she was in Nanzhou, she said that she wanted to marry Zhao Tianyi. At that time, my brother did not agree. I couldn’t say it directly. No one helped her, now she has Ye Jie, she thinks that as long as Ye Hao helps her to talk, my brother will definitely agree.

Ye Hao shook his head with a funny smile. "So you still want to spend your whole life?"

"No, Ye Jie, you are going to help me, my brother will definitely agree." Shui Miaomiao took the hand of Ye Hao, "Sister Ye, Scorpio, you can help me."

"I have done it, don't shake me." Ye Hao said helplessly, he pulled his hand out. "When I see the general today, I will say it."

The water seedlings immediately opened their eyes and smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Ye, thank you Tianzhu."

Ye took a look at her, "Is that afraid of your brother?"

"Several people under the sun are not afraid of him?" Miao Miaomiao complained in a low voice. "It looks like a fierce, right, sister Ye, do you want my brother to enter the palace to serve you?"

"What? What to wait for?" Ye Hao took a sip of tea, did not understand the words of the water seedlings.

Shui Miaomiao said, "I heard that there are several men in the palace of Scorpio. The former Scorpio is the minister who took the pilgrimage to the palace. My brother is only so cheerful to you, or you let He is in the palace..."

puff! Ye Hao squirted a cup of tea and was coughed up by the tea. "What are you talking about!"

"In the past, the old people in Huaguo said this." Shui Miaomiao said seriously, "Do you think that there is not the Sangong Sixth Hospital when the emperor is? Isn’t Tianzhu not like the Queen? There should also be the Sangong Sixth Hospital. what"

"..." Ye Hao suddenly regretted that this day, and Murong Chan will definitely kill her!

"Is there no other flaws in Qi Qi? Everything can't be generalized." Ye Hao smiled stiffly. "Let your brother enter the palace, and I won't mention it later."

Miao Miaomiao said with a smile, "I didn't mention it. I heard people around my brother saying that you don't like my brother? Do you like your brother? In fact, let them both enter the palace together." ”

"Shut up!" Ye Hao sighed weakly. This topic could not be continued. She didn't want to listen at all. "I am already a Queen of the Kingdom, I have a husband."

What is the relationship between "this..."? The words in the back were annihilated by Ye Hao.

At the same time, a man with a strong grievance has come outside the gates of Wangducheng.

"The emperor, the maiden is in the palace..." said the whisper.

"That is going to the palace tonight." Murong Chong looked at the soldiers on the wall with a faint look. He also had invitations received in the middle of the road not long ago.

Oh, his queen became the Yuan Dynasty!

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