After Murong Chong’s foot, Ye Hao was in his arms, and the rough palm was still gently stroking her smooth back. He was going to let her go tonight, but she didn’t want to make him angry. He kept screaming at him. She thought that he would forget what she had left him in these two days?

"Azhan..." Ye Hao called him lazily. After the aftertaste, she was all soft, but he didn't toss her like that tonight. "You were in a coma in Anhe Town... you think of it. Did something happen?"

"Think of it." Murong Zhan whispered, "Two years ago, I went to Qin Wangfu and I remembered everything."

"That..." Before the fire phoenix disappeared, she said that she was able to be born again. It was replaced by Murong Zhan’s life for the rest of her life. She wanted to know what Murong Chong had seen. What happened? “I have seen it.” Murong Zhan bowed his head to her cheek. “Seeing you in the Qin Wangfu, I saw you being hurt by Lu Hao, seeing you in the palace without helpless... I don’t know myself. I hurt you so deeply before."

Ye Hao didn't think that he would see so many things in the coma for a few days. She buried her face on his chest. Just because he saw everything, so he made a vow to change his life.

"Even if this is the case... you don't have to swear." Ye Hao whispered.

Ink Murray smiled lowly. "How do you have the present you? Hey, your heart knot... Can you unlock it?"

Ye Hao groaned in his arms. "What do you say?"

How did he know that if she got rid of it, how could she go for two years?

Murong Chan held her tightly in her arms. "No matter whether you have a knot or not, you will not let you leave."

"I didn't plan to leave." Ye Hao said with a smile, and Shunkou shifted the topic. "What happened to Zhao Ning? How would she be willing to marry an aunt?"

"She hasn't returned to Qi, she is counted. The big princess Zhao of Qi State wants to prevent the two emperors from gaining power. The second emperor wants to marry his sister to Cheng Hao. Cheng Hao is a general of Qi State. Can get his support, that is equivalent to the army of the Qi State border in the hands, do you think Zhao Wei will let the two emperors succeed? Only Zhao Ning's identity is the most suitable, she has no reliable mother, marry any People are the same for both emperors.” Murong Chan and Ye Wei explained the situation of Qi State. Now she is different from before. After the founding ceremony, she is the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. He naturally hopes that she knows the whole world better. The situation.

Ye Hao had heard about the process before, this person is also a brave and good general. "But I heard that Cheng Hao is a national sergeant. How do you marry a princess? Is it not a mess?"

Murong Zhan laughed. "The most unruly thing in the world is the royal family. Cheng Hao is not a relative of Zhao Wei. I heard that Cheng Guozhang was brought back from outside and said that it is the son of his brother. Where is the actual origin? Only he knows it."

Ye Hao said, "Zhao Wei actually let his son fight so much? Can the big princess still have a prince?"

"Zhao Yu is the queen of Qi Guo. It is the only princess who took out the princess. The status in Qi is no less than that of a prince. If she is a prince, Zhao Wei does not have to worry about successor." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"So, this big princess is really not simple, but with Zhao Wei as a person, how can two sons not be like a daughter?" Ye Hao exclaimed.

"Hey, can he not give birth to a decent son who can blame?" Murong Zhan said coldly, "Zhao Ning and Auntie... I am sorry for Auntie. He went to South Vietnam for a year and returned only a while ago."

"What?" Ye Hao looked up in shock. "He doesn't like Zhao Ning?"

Ye Hao didn't like Zhao Ning before, because the dream was too real, and Zhao Ning was too arrogant. Later, after getting along for a long time, she discovered that although she was arrogant, her heart was kind, not the same as she imagined.

In particular, knowing that Zhao Ning was used by Mo Rongzhan, she still hoped that Zhao Ning could have a happy and happy life. According to the meaning of Murong Cham, she and her aunt did not seem to be doing very well.

"I don't know what the aunt thinks. He asked him if he wants to give him a side. He said that he didn't want it. The only thing between him and Zhao Ning is that they know what is going on."

"Then you asked Zhao Ning if you want to be Wang Hao?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, she remembered that Zhao Ning and Auntie were still a small family. They met like a fire. Now they are married and they don’t know how to get along. .

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows. "At the beginning, Zhao Ning himself was willing to marry an aunt."

"At the beginning, she was forced to do so. Forget it, wait for me to go back and ask." Ye Hao thinks that Zhao Ning is not doing well today. Half of the reasons are related to her. She hopes that Zhao Ning can do well.

Hearing that she said that she would go back to Jinguo, and that Murong had a good eyebrow, she would not say more about it. As for Zhao Ning and Murong, he felt that Auntie seemed to have a heart for Zhao Ning, but they If there are any problems, they still need two people to solve them. Others can't help them.

“How long can Zhao Wei still live?” Murong Zhan whispered.

"I exchanged conditions with him. He handed me the brother and sister of Lu Hao, and I tried to treat him." Ye Hao said, "However, even if I am more powerful, I will not cure his illness. At most, Continued for two years."

Murong Zhan thought that Zhao Wei had come to her with impunity, and there was a fire burning in his heart. "He promised?"

"He promised to give Lu Shuanger to me. As for Lu Yuzhi... He said that Lu Hao was dead." Ye Hao frowned. "Do you believe?"

"In the past two years, people have been looking for Lu Yizhi, but they have not found it." Murong Zhan remembered the scene of Lu Junzhi in Anhe City. "How did Lu Yanzhi guess that you are Ye Hao? He has been seriously injured, and even if he is saved, he must be a waste."

Ye Hao said lazily, "I am dead and alive, I have to meet people."

When Murong Chan saw that her eyelids could not be lifted, she patted her on the shoulder. "Sleep."

Although there are still many words to ask, but there is no need to worry, they still have a lot of time, you can say slowly.

"Yeah." Ye Hao found a comfortable position in his arms and soon slept.

The next day, when she woke up, she had already heard the laughter from outside, and she had a good night's sleep. She felt that the whole body was sore.

After washing, she listened to the laughter from the three fathers and sons, while eating breakfast, this warm and beautiful day is her yearning, and sure enough, with Murong Cham, Mingxi and Mingyu seem to be more happy. .

Perhaps this is the father and son nature.

Just thinking, the laughter outside stopped suddenly.

"The generals..." Ming Yu’s innocent voice sounded high.

Ye Xuan contains dumplings in her mouth almost in her throat, coughing, water, what time is it doing?

"The maiden, the emperor and the generals..." seems to be fighting soon!

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