Both Murong Zhan and Shui Yiyi both felt that their names were not seen, but their impressions of each other were not good.

When the water was in China, he felt very disdainful to the person of Murong Chong. He felt that if Murong Zhan really liked Ye Hao, he would definitely not let her take the child to the sea to take risks, even if he came back to Jin The country knows more about the past of Murong Cham. He still feels resentful. No matter how many misunderstandings, he can't change the nature of the bastard. He thinks that Murong Zhan is not worthy of Ye Hao.

He spent so much time and thoughts that Ye Hao was willing to become a scorpio, but it wasn't for her to become the silk flower of Mo Rongzhan before. Anything could only rely on ink-filled Zhan, and it would be cold-hearted again. Going out to sea?

I heard that Murong Zhan came to find Ye Hao. The first thought in the mind of the water was to throw him out of the palace.

In the heart of Murong Zhan, this is also the idea. He wants to throw water to the Atlantic Ocean more than anyone else. How far is it to go, it is best not to appear in front of Ye Hao for the rest of his life.

Therefore, the two met for the first time, even if they had not spoken yet, they had already let others feel the sword and the sword.

A glimpse of the water, looking at the man who held Mingyu in his arms, only one day, Ming Xi and Ming Yu did not have any barriers to Murong Zhan, which made the water feel a little depressed, he thought the children I have never seen Murong Chong, even if he knows that he is their father, it is impossible to be so harmonious at once.

Is blood thicker than water?

No! You can't let Murong Chan easily change the status quo. Seeing that Ming Xi and Ming Yu have already looked at the ink-filled ink, there is a kind of impulse to destroy this scene.

This man...

As soon as the water is getting closer and closer, I finally look at the ink-filled Zhan. The eyebrows are handsome and clear, and the figure is slender and tall. There is a kind of natural and noble temperament, especially the overbearing momentum of the person who knows the body. At first glance, it is not like Li. Look at the weak and incompetent emperor.

It turns out that Ming Xi looks like him.

"The emperor, that is a glimpse of water." The sinking next to it first discovered the arrival of water, and whispered to Murong Cham.

Murong Chong has discovered that the water has been smashed. Although it has not been seen before, the blue eyes of the water are too conspicuous. I saw it at a glance, which is similar to what he imagined. It seems so annoying.

It was this **** water that put the cockroaches in a dilemma. Yesterday, I ran to the palace brightly. If it wasn't for Huangfu and Tang Yan to stop him, would he still have to go to her palace?

"The generals..." Mingyu saw the water and screamed happily. He ran to the water, but he just got up and was hugged by ink-filled Zhan.

Ming Xi also smiled and called for a glimpse of water, "the generals, the generals."

Murong Zhan sneered in his heart, it seems that his son and daughter are very fond of water, really... unhappy.

"Ming Xi, Ming Yu." The gloom in the eyes of the water is cold and seeing the gentleness of the two children. He only knows who Murong Zhan is, and he is planning to blame him for his unprovoked appearance in the palace. Was interrupted.

"The general, this is my father, my father came to us." Ming Yu shouted like a treasure, simply can't wait to know that her father is here.

When the water had just arrived at the mouth, it swallowed back, and faintly swept the ink-filled Zhan Zhan. "Is it? It turned out to be the emperor of the Jin State. How could it be that there was no news at all, so that the Hongjun Temple was not prepared at all." ”

The meaning in this statement is that Murong Cham should not appear here, but should live in the Hongjun Temple. Like other people, it cannot appear in this harem. Even if you see Ye Hao, you must first pass it?

"The generals of the waters say that they are thought to be the general manager of the palace." Shen Yi said with a mockery, "We have come to see our Queen Empress, but you still have to agree to enter the palace?"

"Our Scorpio wants to see who they are, it is the meaning of Scorpio." Water said faintly, "The most fear is that some people are not invited."

Murong Chan looked at the water slightly, and the twilight was cold. "The original general also knew that it was your Scorpio, where the harem is. Is it that the man wants to enter the palace?" Or is it... the only exception to your generals? It seems that this Yuan is not a scorpio, but a general of the waters."

"What do you want to say?" The water was chilling and the eyes of Murong Cham were full of murderousness.

"What do you say, the generals of the water are well aware." Murong Chong looks more cold and cold, here is already the harem of the palace, and the water is still strong and hegemony wants to enter, he is still here. If he hasn't come yet, isn't the water more arrogant?

Water sneered out, "You want to protect her now. How did you let her leave Jinguo? The person who is most unqualified here is you."

In the eyes of Murong Zhan, there was a glimpse of darkness. "With a little understanding, the generals of the waters are afraid that they are not qualified to make a conclusion."

"I really don't qualify." The water nodded faintly. "But some things are different. Your attitude is different. I understand."

"I heard that the generals of the Great Waters have a strong martial arts, and I have heard it for a long time. I always want to learn from each other." Smart people don’t have to say too much to talk. Water wants to say that today’s identity is different, so he will appear here. In the eyes of many people, when I first left Jinguo, it was because he liked the old and tired?

It was normal to think that he had deliberately given Hu Yueer before, and it was normal to let others misunderstand. However, when he looked at the water, he wanted to make a special meal.

The water showed a smile that was exactly what it meant. "Okay."

"The generals!" Ye Hao appeared in time, and the beautiful face of Ming Hao with a bright smile, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Scorpio." Water slammed down and took a ritual. He looked at Ye Hao with a smoldering look. He completely took the ink-filled Zhan as a transparent one, but found that her temperament seems to be very different today, even her eyes look. They are more polished than usual.

Is it because she is here, so she is so happy?

"I seem to hear... What do you want to learn?" Ye Hao smiled and asked, looking at the ink to the ink.

Murong Cham's face is gloomy, and the murderousness has already rushed over the sea.

Water faintly said, "The King of the Kingdom wants to learn martial arts with me."

"What kind of martial arts to learn!" Ye Hao took a look at Murong Zhan, "The general, are you looking for me?"

"There is something to find you." Water nodded. "Everyone is waiting for you in the front hall."

Ye Hao didn't go to the front hall yesterday. She looked at Murong Zhan and said to the water, "The general, you go to the front hall first, I will come later."

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