Before the water left, the sight of the haze still looked at the ink-capped Zhan Zhan, and the eyes seemed to be accompanying at any time if they wanted to learn from each other, and the provocation was full.

In the heart of the ink, Zhan Zhan sneered, he must be able to separate this water from the leaves.

"What do you want to learn about martial arts with water?" When the water left, Ye Hao walked to the side of Murong Cham, naturally hooking his fingers.

"Nothing, just want to know if he is really so powerful." Murong Zhan looked down at the slender hand with his white hair, and he held it in his palm. "I don't want to talk to him." Playing, still feel that you are beaten but not?"

"I am afraid that you will kill him." Ye Hao is clear about the martial arts of Murong Cham. The water is very powerful, but it should not be the opponent of Mo Rong Chan, let alone she gave the ink to Zhan Zhan every day. Quan, his internal strength has increased a lot, who can be his opponent.

Murong Chan blinks slightly, and leaves Ye in his arms. "I can't bear it?"

Ye Xie met Mingxi, they have been carried by the red dragonfly, and Shen and Tang Yan have gone down. Only she and him are here. She reaches for the neck of Murong Chong and winks. Look at him, "If you kill the water, who will lead the three army for me? A Zhan, you ate this vinegar too much."

"If the water is too strong, you are not afraid that he will threaten you in the future?" Murong Cham is not a provocation, but a real view in his heart. People like Water are not easy to control. He is worried. Can't suppress this person.

"There is no soldier in his hand. When he returns to Wangducheng, he will hand me the soldier. Although he is strong, he will not be able to be led by him. You can rest assured." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Murong Zhan snorted, although he heard Ye Hao say so, he still has a hard time changing his opinion on water.

"Is not jealous." Murong said with a blank expression.

"Is it?" Ye Hao did not believe what he said, eyes looked at him with a smile.

Murong Zhan bowed his lips and kissed her lips until she couldn't breathe, let go of her, and some unpleasantly asked, "He is a man, how do you want to enter the harem? Is there a little rule?"

"Yeah, you are right, I will set the rules when I look back. No one can enter the harem at will." Ye Hao nodded from the good, and the water would come and come, but it was related to the previous chaos. On the right track, it is indeed necessary to let him know that this is not a country of China, and the harem is not a minister who wants to enter.

There is still a general manager in the palace. The former palace people have ran a lot, and have not yet chosen a new palace.

Murong Zhan gently bit her lip, the tone is not very satisfied, "I can't think of it if you want to enter?"

Ye Hao felt that a man’s resentment accumulated for two days was actually quite terrible. In the end, she was at a loss, and she smiled and said, "How are you, you are my man."

"Yeah." Murong Chong was nodded with satisfaction.

"Then I will go to the front hall first, there may be something important to do." Ye Hao said to Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan gently nodded, "Take the Ming Xi and Ming Yu out of the palace to go."

"They have been detained in the palace for a few days, and they are clamoring to go out." Ye Hao smiled. He was worried that Wang Duo would have a lucky person who would want to hurt Ming Xi, so she dared not let any People take them out of the palace, but if there is Murong Zhan, she is at ease.

"Go." Murong Chong patted her head. He didn't want to stop her from becoming the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. This is something he can't stop, and he can't stop it. And, compared to other people, he got Dong Qing. The country is the best.

Ye Hao went to the front hall, and Murong Chan made people bring two children.

"Hey, let me go out to play today." Murong Cham saw a daughter with a similarity to Ye Hao, and his heart became soft and soft.

"Wow, the father is so good." Ming Yu cheered and immediately rushed into the arms of Murong Cham.

Not only does it look like Ye Hao, but the same temperament that he likes to throw in his arms is the same, but he likes it very much, and he wants his daughter to be tired of being spoiled every day.

"Father, the mother said that there is danger outside." Ming Xi raised his face, a small adult is as worried.

Murong Chong took him up. "There is a father, and the father protects you."

"Then I went to talk to Tai Fu, I don't go to the study today." Ming Xi immediately brightened his eyes, and there was just a small man.

"Hey, go with you." Murong Zhan said faintly, he did not see Huangfu for many years, and he also wanted to meet.

Murong Chan held a child in the study room, and he has already seen the emperor standing in the courtyard. The son is like a jade. After so many years, the emperor is still as light as jade, always making people Such as Mu Chunfeng.

"Tai Fu, Tai Fu!" Ming Yu forcefully waved, "The father is going to take us out of the palace today."

When Huangfu heard the sound of Mingyu, he immediately turned his head. The gentle smile in his eyes was slightly stunned when he saw the ink-filled Zhanzhan. Then he smiled. "I didn’t see it yesterday, I guessed it was You came."

"Hey has come too late." Murong Zhan said faintly, handing Ming Xi and Ming Yu to Tang Yan behind him.

"The outside is not stable, you take them out, not afraid of danger?" Huangfu asked.

Murong Zhan smiled and said, "You can protect them."

"Azhan..." Huangfu looked at his friends who had been dating for many years. When he got to his lips, he did not know how to say it.

"Hey will make the scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty." Murong Cum said softly, "You don't have to worry about the gap between you and you because of this problem. You have never been able to trace it. Someone never knows where you are going, you Going to this China?"

Huangfu whispered, "Huaguo is far from the Atlantic. There is no danger to this place, and there is an ancient saying. They must not invade the Central Plains for no reason."

"No... no reason?" Murong Zhan showed a smirk, and the whole world saw the true strength of these Atlantic soldiers, not only him, but even Zhao Wei was worried that the emperor of the Chinese country wanted to attack. Central Plains, do not know who is the opponent?

"When you borrow a soldier, that is her business, it has nothing to do with Qi Wei." Huangfu knows the meaning of Mo Rongzhan. This time, the 100,000 soldiers helped Dongqing to have nothing to do with Qi.

“Is it?” Murong Zhan didn’t quite believe this, but even if he had one day, he would not be afraid. “Are you planning to stay?”

Since he has promised to become Tai Fu, it is not a year or two.

Huangfu looked at Mingxi and Mingyu. "I don't need me, I will leave."

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