A glimpse of the water came out of the main hall and saw the emperor outside the palace gate.

"Come out?" Huangfu looked at the water and smiled.

"You are waiting for me?" Water picked up an eyebrow and looked at Huangfu faintly.

Huangfu looked at him and said, "I am waiting for you."

The water smirked and the hands fell behind him. "It seems that there is something to tell me."

"You have been dragging your time for the past two days." Huangfu’s voice was a bit harsh. Others couldn’t see it. He understood it. Water has recently found a lot of things to talk about later. I am negotiating, so I don’t want to go back to the harem. It’s awkward to do so hard.

"Huangfu, are you kidding?" Water looked at him with a smile and smiled. "I am talking about what the Yuan Kingdom must solve now. Is it so unbearable in your eyes?"

"It needs to be solved, not in these two days." Huangfu said faintly, "Ayi, what did you leave behind?"

The water turned around and said, "Nothing, just about Miao Miao."

"You don't let Miao Miao marry Zhao Tianxi?" Huangfu immediately understood why he was left behind.

"If Miao Miao stayed, I wouldn't even worry about going back to China." Water will just take the reason that Ye Hao said.

Huangfu looked at him silently. "Ayi, you are not here for Miao Miao. When do you want to deceive yourself, admit that you are trying to be jealous, will you make you more inseparable?"

The water looked at Huangfu coldly and coldly. He didn't refute it. Because he couldn't say the rebuttal, Huangfu said that he was too bloody. He left China not for the seedlings. Now he doesn't want to leave. The reason, even if he knows the result will be disappointing, but he still has some ideas.

"Don't you?" said the water in a cold voice. "You can only be her master."

The emperor was stabbed with a pain.

When the water turned and left, he was left for Lu Hao. Since it is so obvious, why should he deceive himself?

Ye Hao, who is still in the main hall, doesn't know that there are two people outside talking about her topic. She didn't see two children in a day. Now all the thoughts are on the children.

"Are you not making a lottery? How do you give them a Trojan?" Ye Hao smiled and looked at Murong Cham, because he was here, she seemed to feel more at ease.

Murong Zhan walked up to her, her fingers sliding across her cheeks. "It’s already finished, there’s nothing important, you look tired."

"I think that you are so powerful. I am not tired of dealing with so many political affairs every day. I have dealt with the memorial for a few days. I have already felt that one is the first two." Ye Hao leaned on the shoulder of Murong Cham. Whispered, "It turned out that the emperor was so tired. It used to be hard for you."

"You have never done it before, so you will feel tired. You will feel better afterwards." Murong Zhan did not persuade her to give up. He knew that even if she was tired, she would insist. "Go back and take a rest."

Ye Hao whispered, "I am going to open the country soon. I have time to rest."

Murong Zhan is somewhat distressed. She was originally a spoiled little Jiaojiao. Let her be so busy all of a sudden, she will definitely feel hard. He wants to protect her behind her, but that is not what she wants, at Chengde Mountain Villa. In those few months, she was not happy at all.

She does not want to be protected like a golden bird, probably related to the house arrest of Qin Wangfu.

"Hey night for you." Murong Chan whispered in her ear.

"Don't!" He said the same thing yesterday, and the result is a sigh of sorrow. Today she is no longer fooled.

"Father, mother, let's play the Trojan." Ming Yu came over to hold the hand of ink-handed, and the voice softly spoiled.

Murong Chong took her up and said to Ye Hao with a smile. "My daughter is not only like you, but the same sex."

Ye Hao screamed, "I am not spoiled."

"You are a little Jiaojiao." Murong Zhan smiled, and kissed the forehead of his dear jade. "In the future, you should also hold Mingyu in your hand."

He thinks that Ye Yiqing is holding Ye Hao in his hand. If it wasn't that he did it wrong in the past, Ye Hao might not have suffered any hardship in his life. He was a little girl in his life, and he couldn’t help but feel pain in his heart. .

Now he also has a daughter. If he wants a man to treat Mingyu like him in the future, he will definitely smash that person.

Ye Yiqing was probably the same mood at the beginning.

"You can only have me this little Jiaojiao." Ye Hao said in his ear.

Murong Zhan laughed loudly. Before, he felt that he would not like a woman who was too delicate. Now she knows that a delicate woman is like water and can soften his heart.

With two children returning to the harem, Ye Hao was going to see the Trojan made by Murong Chong, and he saw the red dragonfly coming over. "The goddess, Lu Shuanger is going to see you."

"Lu Shuanger?" Ye Hao took a moment to remember that she seemed to have captured Lu Shuanger. Because she was too busy, she forgot about it.

"This palace really forgot to have her." Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows, Zhao Wei actually did not come to her, this is not knowing that Lu Shuanger was caught by her, or waiting for her to take the initiative to see him? "Did you look for this palace in the past few days?"

The red dragonfly looked at the ink and looked at the ink, and "the slave didn't hear the news."

Ye Hao looked faintly elsewhere and snorted softly. "It seems that he is looking for someone. Some people don't want him to see this palace."

When Murong Cham did not hear Ye Hao, his eyes turned to look at the two children.

"Go and see Lu Shuanger." Ye Hao deliberately raised his voice. "I don't know what else can be said before."

"..." Murong Chan turned helplessly and turned his head, "Hey!"

"Tomorrow let Zhao Yu enter the palace, this palace wants to see him." Ye Hao said to the red dragonfly.

Murong Zhan did not want Ye Hao to see Zhao Wei. He felt that Zhao Wei was a color embryo. When he was in Kyoto, he could live in the brothel every day. It is a kind of person who knows what he is going to know. If you have any thoughts, even if Zhao Wei does nothing, think about it in his heart, and Murong Zhan feels that he wants to kill him.

If it wasn’t for Zhao Wei, it would not necessarily be difficult to produce in the first place. He would not have to look for Zhao Ning and miss the days of production.

It is time to let Zhao Wei die soon.

Ye Hao took the red dragonfly to the place where Lu Shuanger was being held. Far away, she had already heard the call of Lu Shuanger. It had been called for a few days, and the voice sounded horrible.

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