Listening to the shouts of Lu Shuanger, Ye Hao did not go forward any more. Lu Shuanger was already closed for a few days and began to collapse. Listening to her hoarse voice, Ye Hao really had no feeling of hating, only a few days. Where is the bitterness that she had eaten in the palace and palace of Qin Dynasty.

“Have she been called for a few days?” Ye Hao asked the red dragon around me faintly.

"The niece, she was called when she was shut in, and every day she called out that she had no strength before she would stop." Hung Hom said.

When she was Ye Hao, Lu Shuanger had already lived in Kyoto. At that time, Lu’s family was not conspicuous. It was just an ordinary merchant. As a famous family girl, Ye Hao would not notice the existence of Lu Shuanger. They are two classes. The first time I heard about the name Lu Shuanger, or Lu Yizhi mentioned it to her, but then how could she think that Lu Shuanger would take her identity?

If it is not Lu Shuanger, many things will not happen in the future. Ye Hao is a hater of Lu Yi. He is the one who killed her directly, but the source of everything is because of Lu Shuanger.

"Go open the door." Ye Hao whispered, she would not kill Lu Shuanger, so many years of imprisonment, not to kill her can be forgotten.

Lu Shuanger had no strength and found that the door was open. She suddenly wanted to rush out and was kicked back by the red dragonfly.

She sat down on the ground, glared at the red dragonfly, and then found the leafhopper standing behind the red dragonfly. She immediately stood up, her eyes glaring at Ye Hao with strong resentment.

Ye Hao almost couldn't recognize the unkempt woman in front of her eyes. Lu Shuanger, the makeup on her face has long since disappeared. The eyes look black, the rouge is soaked in sweat, and the flowers are dirty and smudged on her face. There is also the exquisiteness of seeing her at the temple fair on the same day.

Seeing Lu Shuanger like this, Ye Hao felt a little comfort.

"Lu Hao, have you dared to come see me?" Lu Shuanger asked with angrily and Ye Hao.

Ye Hao chuckled and stood outside the door and looked at Lu Shuanger ridiculously. "Do you think I have anything to dare to see you?"

"I am the noble of Qi, even if you are a scorpio? You dare to catch me here, do you think about the consequences?" Lu Hao screamed bluffingly, she was very clear, she had been so many days passed. Zhao Yi did not let people save her, I am afraid that he does not care about her life and death.

She did not understand why Zhao Wei did this, but she really hated Zhao Wei.

Two small palace people moved to a Taishi chair to let Ye Hao sit down.

Ye Hao looked at Lu Shuanger leisurely. She looked quite confident. "What do you think I need to consider? If Zhao wants to save you, will you still be here now?"

She really became the abandon of Zhao Wei.

Lu Shuanger has hate in her heart. She is holding Ye Hao. "I am sorry for you, do you dare to catch me?"

"I am sorry for you?" Ye Hao looked like a smile, "Lu Shuanger, so you can say that if you say it, I admire your shame."

"If you didn't seduce the emperor by entering the palace, I wouldn't be jealous of you. If you blame you, you will blame yourself!" Lu Shuanger hated, "You are ungrateful, and you have to be ruined by our family. Our family is broken. Are you worthy of the old lady? Three uncles shouldn’t have picked you up at the beginning, it’s just a enchanting.”

Ye Hao listened to Lu Shuanger’s accusation and felt funny in her heart. Lu Shuanger actually felt that others were sorry for her. She never felt that she had done something wrong. This selfish person, apart from herself, probably would not care about the lives and deaths of others. .

"I have always been very curious, how can a person who is so shrewd by Lu Hao, how can he make so many stupid things, now I understand." Ye Hao smiled and looked at Lu Shuanger. "There is a selfishness for you, you must The sister who turns around you all over the world is really the sorrow of Lu Yizhi."

Lu Shuanger looked at her gloomyly. "What are you talking about?"

“Do you know what was said when your grandmother died?” Ye Hao asked faintly. “The person who harmed the whole Lujia is you. If it’s not that you are greedy and self-interested, pretending to be a young man’s friendship with the emperor. Is there an opportunity to get close to the emperor? Qin Wang, who is killed, is also a girl of Ye Family. Do you think I will let you go? Lu Shuanger, do you know that Qin Wangxi was beaten by your brothers and sisters?"

"Even if you and Ye Hao are sisters, then what? How do you raise Lujia, how do you reward us?" Lu Shuanger called, in her opinion, Lu Yan’s life was given to her by Lu’s family. She should be grateful to Lu Jia, instead of stealing her Murong Cham, and let their family fall like this. "Lu Yan, you **** it! You must have died! I really hate listening." The old lady’s words let you go. If I kill you earlier, there won’t be so many things happening.”

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "Lu Shuanger, your older brother used to be a very gentle and loving sister. Because you, Lu Yizhi became a sinister and sinister person, are you not at all stunned?"

Although Lu Yizhi is not worthy of sympathy, but Ye Hao feels that if it is not Lu Shuanger, perhaps Lu Hao will have a different life.

"What do you want to say?" Lu Shuanger asked with anger. "Ye Ye has already died. She died because she was stupid. No one harmed her. The emperor simply didn't like her. If she didn't wander around the emperor, Don't be stupid, don't forget, you are still surnamed Lu, what do you want to do? Revenge for Ye Hao? Oh, my older brother has already died, thanks to you, he is because of you. Looks like Ye Hao, so treat you as her... Lu Hao, I will certainly avenge my big brother."

Ye Hao looked at Lu Shuanger coldly. It seems that she still needs to close it again to understand what it is.

However, even Lu Shuanger feels that Lu Hao is dead. Is he really not in this world?

"Lu Yan, then what do you want? I want to see the Emperor Qi!" Lu Shuanger saw Ye Hao not talking, shouting loudly.

"Do you think Zhao Wei will come to see you?" Ye Hao asked faintly, she stood up and looked down at Lu Shuanger. "I really feel sorry for the old lady. Her most beloved grandson is because you are so heartless." The man is dead, and if the old lady is in the spirit of heaven, she will definitely not let you go."

Lu Shuanger does not believe that Zhao Wei will really ignore her. "Lu Hao, you are a monk, you seduce Zhao Wei? Is he like Mo Rongzhan, you are confused, isn't it?"

Murong Cham because Lu Yan abolished her noble, is Zhao Wei also disregarding her life and death for Lu Yi?

No, she doesn't want to lose her position because of Lu Hao every time.

"Take her up." Ye Hao screamed, let Lu Shuanger shut in this cold palace, let her live well.

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