In the evening, Ye Hao said in his bed that Murong Zhan said that Lu Shuanger, "...I used to hear Lu Shuanger from the mouth of Lu Hao, thinking that she is despicable and shameless, in order to get you to kill me, At least there are feelings for other people in Lujia. It is only today that she knows that she is selfish, even for Lu Yizhi."

Murong Zhan listened to her saying that Lu Shuanger, listening to a heart hanging in the air, he was afraid that she would think of what he once regarded Lu Shuanger as her, which is the last thing he wants to mention in his life, "Do you sympathize with Lu Yizhi? ”

"I sympathize with Mrs. Lu." Ye Hao whispered that when she woke up and found herself in Lujia, despair and hatred almost drowned her, but Lu Shiming and Lu Lao were very good to her. When the old lady died, she was forgiven for Lu Yizhi. She couldn't do it. Now she saw that Lu Shuanger had nothing to do with other Lu family. She felt chilling for the old lady.

"Well, don't think too much, Lu Lao's wife has passed away. Lu Shuanger is a kind of person, and it has nothing to do with us." Murong Chan put her under her body, or find some other way to transfer her attention. Force, or she will read Lu Shuanger again, he will have a headache.

He doesn't want to hear the name Lu Shuanger at all.

"If it wasn't for me to become Lu Hao, would you have nothing to do with her?" Ye glared at him. "I felt uncomfortable when I thought about you and kissed her."

Mo Rongzhan shook his head helplessly, and he knew that this little Jiaojiao would definitely mind, "I only kissed you with this little mouth."

Ye Haozi recalled that when she was in the palace, she did not seem to see him.

"That doesn't mention the two children, but she will shut her first," Ye said with a smile. "I still have something to tell you."

"What do you want to say?" Murong Cham's voice was so heavy.

Ye Hao held his shoulders tightly and said with a sigh of relief. "I intend to reopen the port of Bailong River. You know that Li Wei has never opened a port before. There is a port in the west of Bailongjiang." Not far from the opposite is the entrance to the Weihe River. It is not necessary to go to Tianjinkou City for a long time. We can establish trade between the two countries, right."

Murong Zhan listened to her saying so much. It turned out to be the idea to hit the city of Jinkou. He whispered, "Do you want to set up a port in Bailongjiang and think of it as a commercial street with Jinkou City?"

"Yes." He really understood her best and knew what she was thinking.

"Oh..." Murong Chan held her ankle. "You want to calculate the benefits from here."

Ye Hao looked at him with a sly look. "How is it calculated? As long as the port of Jinkou City and the port of Bailongjiang are connected, Jinkou City is also beneficial. It will be more convenient to go to the Yuan Dynasty later, right?"

"Take if you can make you happy."

When he heard him say this, Ye Hao knew that he had already agreed in his heart. "Chan brother, are you happy now?"

"Uh huh." After Murong Chong's foot was full of laziness, he glared at him with one hand and gently licked her shoulder with one hand, and the words were vague.

Ye Hao whispered a small mouth. "What is um, then you agreed not to agree with me?"

"Are you going back to Jinguo?" Murong Zhan's rough fingers rubbed her lips. He never asked her about this problem. He was afraid to hear the answer that disappointed him. She was the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. I hope that I will always live in Jinguo in the future.

"Has lived in the Yuan Dynasty for half a year, and lived in Jinguo for half a year." Ye Hao grabbed his finger and pointed his fingertips at his palm. "Is this so good?"

Murong Zhan looked at her and saw her face is looking forward to it. How could he say it is not good? This is already the best way. Anyway, they will not be separated again. "Well, listen to you."

"When the opening ceremony is over, everything is on the right track, I will go back to Jinguo with you, I am worried about Zhao Ning and the aunt." Ye Hao whispered, I don't know what happened to the young couple. She is really worried.

"They have something to worry about." Murong Zhan said faintly, he felt that his brother is not stupid. If he really likes Zhao Ning, he will definitely find a way to get along well.

Ye took a look at him, the man was always careless, and he didn't understand the woman's mind. "Yes, I have always forgotten to ask you, what happened to South Vietnam? Is Murong Yu still in South Vietnam?"

She didn't want to be self-righteous. She wouldn't think that Murong Yu had been obsessed with her so far, but she felt that if he knew he was back, he should come to Wangducheng.

However, there is still no news of Murong Yu.

Murong Chan gently put her in her arms. "The matter of South Vietnam has been solved. The ancestors are now afraid to engage in ghosts in the back. This is all solved by the aunts. He... did not say goodbye six months ago. ”

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao heard that the South Vietnam settlement was very happy. She had not had time to ask for details. It was already very surprised to hear that Murong was not telling.

"Probably going to find you." Murong Zhan whispered, remembering what Murong had said, he said that if he first found Ye Hao, he would not be forbearing anymore. The meaning of this is very obvious. Murong does not want to. Repress your feelings again.

He likes Ye Hao, not even his own life. This love is much heavy and deep, and Murong Zhan knows very well.

Sometimes he will inevitably think about it. If Murong Yu appeared in front of Ye Hao earlier, maybe Ye Hao would not fall in love with him again.

Ye stunned. "Murong squatted to find me? He went out to sea?"

"Yes." Murong Chong turned over and pressed her down. When he thought that Murong will come back, he would not know what to do. He felt that his heart was burning a fire. "He feels sorry for you, so go out to find you." It is."

"..." Ye Hao really didn't know what to say. She knew that Murong would care about her disappearance, but I didn't expect him to go to the sea to find her.

Murong Zhan kissed her heavily, her eyes deep and dark, "Is touched?"

"Impressed!" Ye Hao said, how could not be touched, Murong Yu did too much for her, "but I can't believe it."

So I feel particularly embarrassed about Murong.

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