Murong Zhan understands that Ye Hao’s innocent report means that she can’t let Murong’s wish to repay her. However, although she did not say anything, he also knew that Murong’s must have entered her heart.

In the Xiliang priest's house, Murong Yu changed her name for her, and she would definitely put it in her heart. It is impossible to feel nothing at all.

However, he is also very clear, he said that there is nothing to say, that is, Murong Yu is only in her heart.

"Sleep, I will be busy tomorrow." Murong Zhan hugged her to the clean room and let her rest in her arms.

Tomorrow, I still want to see Zhao Wei. She really needs to raise her spirit. Ye Hao kissed her in the face of Mo Rongzhan and soon fell asleep in his arms.

Murong Zhan's faint eyes looked at the top, and I didn't know what I was thinking. It took a long time to sleep.

On the next day, when Ye Hao woke up, it was already three days outside. It was rare that no one came to urge her to go to the front hall. It seems that there is nothing important, she is not in a hurry to go to the study room, and slowly honed Listening to the laughter from Ming Yu and Ming Xi, the time seemed to be stretched, and the air was warm and warm.

"The Niangniang, the emperor of Qi State has entered the palace, waiting outside the Dragon Hall." Red Dragonfly came in and whispered to Ye Hao.

Oh, yes, I almost forgot. She also wants to see Zhao Wei’s. Ye Hao stood up. "Go and see him."

Although Zhao Wei sent Lu Shuanger to Wang Ducheng, she closed Lu Shuang Er, so I could give him an account, otherwise it would not be too kind.

Ye Hao walked out of the dormitory and saw the ink-filled Zhan Zhan who was playing with the children. She said with a funny voice, "You have been with them for a few days, and Master is waiting for them to go to class."

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows. "Can't you give them literacy?"

"Father, I want to learn martial arts." Mingxi shouted milk.

Ye Hao walked to the side of Murong Zhan and arranged clothes for him. "If you really have time to enlighten them, of course it is good, but do you have time? They will be by your side in the future, and you still have no time to accompany them. What?"

She knows what Murong Chan thinks. She hasn't been with her children for two years. She missed their birth and babble, so he wants to make up for the two years. I can't wait to accompany them every day.

"Send them to Huangfu for a while." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Would you like to go to the royal study?"

"Zhao Wei is coming, I am going to meet him." Ye Hao said, he gave him a look. "You stopped others and told me that Zhao Wei was looking for me. I haven't settled with you yet."

Murong Zhan snorted, "don't care about him."

Ye Hao chuckled. "If you can ignore him, do you think I want to?"

"Hey..." Murong Zhan whispered.

"I don't have to persuade me to return Lu Shuanger to him. Whether it is Lu Shuanger or Lu Yizhi, I don't want to let them go. I am not cured if Zhao Wei's illness, only let him live for two more years. It doesn't matter. Said Ye Hao.

Murong Chong reluctantly licked her head, "Listen to yours."

Ye Hao smiled and went to the front with a red dragonfly. People brought Zhao Wei to the main hall. She saw Zhao Wei in the main hall.

It was only half a month since I saw Zhao Wei last time. Ye Hao felt that Zhao Wei’s looks seemed even worse.

"Scorpio is finally willing to see you." Zhao Yan smiled at the woman in front of her eyes, but she did not see it for some time, but she thought she was more beautiful.

When he thought that Murong Chong could have such a beautiful beauty in the world, Zhao Wei envied him for the first time.

"Is the emperor still used to living in Hongjun Temple?" Ye Yan asked with a smile, pretending not to understand the complaints in Zhao Yu's words, this is asking her not to see him a few days ago.

Zhao Wei smiled faintly. "It's not bad, but it's just a little disappointing. I heard that Scorpio took away the expensive chauvin."

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and looked surprised. "Someone is talking nonsense in front of the emperor. When will I take your nobles?"

Also pretending to be innocent! The smile of Zhao Yu’s mouth is deeper. “So, the nobleness of the shackles is not taken away by Tianzhu, that is, the inexplicable disappearance in Wangdu City?”

"Oh, this is really hard to say. I haven’t been in power for a long time. Wang Duocheng is very chaotic everywhere. People have heard that the special ones say that you don’t see your nobles and the clothes are expensive. Some people have made up their minds. This is not good." Ye Hao said with surprise.

Listening to Ye Hao’s pull on the human kid, Zhao Wei felt more interesting and funny. He was the first to discover that Lu Hao had such awkward side. “Scorpio, Lu Guizhen is a good heart, if she is in the king. The capital has really been abducted, so you will find someone in Wangducheng."

Ye Hao chuckled and glanced at Zhao Wei. "I advise the emperor not to have too many hearts. Your illness may not touch a woman unless you want to die faster."

"So, is Scorpio willing to cure the disease?" Zhao asked faintly.

Can she say no? He threatened to find Lu Shuang in Wangdu City. She had already given him a good excuse. When Lu Shuanger was taken away by the kidnapper, he could make a decree to make it look like she would not hand over Lu Shuanger.

"I told you before, your illness can't be cured, it can only slow down." Ye Hao said.

Zhao Wei gently beheaded, "Oh, understand."

"Please sit." Ye Hao pointed to the side of the position, indicating that Zhao Wei was seated. She slowly walked over with the skirt. "So many days have passed, is there no news of Lu Yizhi in the emperor?"

"If there is news of him, you must tell people the first time." Zhao said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if there is no news of Lu Yi." Ye Hao looked at Zhao Wei with a smile. "I think I can have another condition."

Zhao Yan brows his head and picks up, "I thought that the conditions that Tianyi said at the beginning, I have already done it."

"You have only done one." Ye Hao gently put his hand on his pulse. "You have not been able to hand me Lu Yi, then open the port of the Yokohama Yokohama to the Yuan, let our ship You can stop at the port to do business."

The port of Qi State has never been open to Dongqing and Jinguo.

Zhao Wei looked at Ye Xie with a smile and smiled. The line of sight finally fell on her slender fingers. Her fingers were on his pulse. His life seemed to be in her hands. Promise?"

"For your Qi country, you will promise." Ye Hao said softly, "unless the next new king of Qi State can have the courage to do so, you can suppress other countries for so many years."

It is good that his two **** sons can keep Qi Guo from being swallowed, and talk about repression.

"Let's consider it." Zhao Wei whispered.

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and nodded, his hand removed his pulse. "I will prescribe medicine for you."

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