Zhao Wei’s condition was very clear before he said that Ye Hao didn’t have to talk to him more. He wrote the prescription directly to him. She did not intend to give Zhao Lingquan, this person is too smart, and his illness needs Taking medicine for a long time, if he returns to Qi State without her Lingquan and medicinal herbs, he will notice that it is different, and it is even worse.

"Before the opening ceremony is less than ten days, you can take medicine first. After three days, I will give you acupuncture." Ye Hao handed the prescription to Zhao Wei. She did not give him acupuncture immediately. He always felt that he still had Concealed, she did not want to slow down his condition at once.

Just see who is paying the bill faster.

Zhao Wei looked down at her little white hand and had the urge to reach out and hold her. He pinched his finger and took her prescription. "Good."

If he is not sick, or if he is younger, he may be desperate to turn Lu Yan into his own woman. Now even if he is tempted, he can't make any impulsive things. She is not only the queen of Jinguo. , or Scorpio.

"Then don't send it." Ye Hao said with a smile, wanting to send him back.

Zhao Wei also wants to know if there is any effect on this prescription, and it is not too much to stay here. He looked at Ye Hao and said, "He will let people go to Lu Shuanger who was abducted."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "If you need help, open your mouth."

"Thank you for your help." Zhao Wei smiled and thanked him and turned and walked out of the hall.

After leaving the palace, he handed the prescription to Song Hongyu and asked him to take medicine.

"The emperor, the big princess is still checking Lu Guifei's business." Song Hongyi whispered to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei slightly frowned, this daughter is really stubborn, and she is not allowed to do things. "Where is she?"

"On the side of the temple fair, Anning Hou is by his side." Song Hongyu said.

"Go and get her back." Zhao Wei said softly. When he got on the carriage, he looked even heavier. "What happened to Cheng Hao in the end?"

Song Hongyu looked at him doubtfully. What can Cheng Hao do besides treating the big princess as a prostitute?

Zhao Wei knows that Song Hongyi’s wood certainly did not see the clue. He sighed in his heart. “Xiang’er has already married your brother, but it’s you. I haven’t been dating for so many years. Do you want to learn Cheng Hao?”

For many years, Cheng Hao refused to get married. No one knows what he is thinking. There are many rumors about him in the Imperial Capital. Even some people say that Cheng Hao is a man because he likes to be married. .

"The emperor, the minister is like a woman." Song Hongzhen immediately explained for himself.

Zhao Wei looked at him and said, "Which woman do you like?"

"Not yet... encountered." Song Hongyu whispered.

"There are a lot of women in this world, not everyone can compare with Lu Hao." Zhao Wei closed his eyes and seemed to say to Song Hongyu, as if he was talking to himself.

Song Hongyi did not talk, he did not want to be a relative, but he always felt that there was a shadow in his heart. He hoped to find a person with feelings, at least with this shadow. He had not found it for so long.

He doesn't want to be like Zhao Wei. There are quite a few women around, but he really doesn't like it.

If you can get married with your favorite girl, isn’t it a good thing to be with each other?

"Lu Hao wants to communicate with us at the port." Zhao said.

Song Hong stunned, "Interoperable port?" He thought carefully. "Is it the port of Hengwan in Zhejiang River? This port is a remote place in Qi State. There are many ships on weekdays. If the Yuanguos go to each other, our benefits are also A lot of."

"Don't forget, if you promised Lu Hao, our port will definitely not be occupied by the Jin State or the Yuan Dynasty in the future." Zhao Wei thinks that his two sons can't keep Qi, how can they keep a port.

"There may not be such a result." Song Hongjun whispered, "I can't say that the emperor has a long life."

Zhao Wei shook his head helplessly, and he no longer looks forward to miracles.

This topic has not continued, because Zhao Wei is thinking in the carriage, no matter what Song Hongyu said, he did not speak again.

At the Hongjun Temple, Duanmuxi had already taken medicine and waited for Zhao.

"The emperor, you have forgotten to take medicine today." Duanmu looked at Zhao Wei with a blank expression. For the past two years, he has stayed at Zhao's side to treat him. Although he has not cured the disease, if he does not have him. The medicine, Zhao Wei's headache almost every day, when he is looking for a woman to solve, it will only aggravate the condition.

A romantic emperor can only quit the female color with a heart and soul. When I think about it, I feel that I really want to gloat.

Zhao Wei’s result was that the medicine in the hands of Duanmu was all drunk. “Lu Hao gave me a new prescription. What is the difference between your medicine and your medicine?”

"Let me show it." Duanmu took a look at his eyes. He had already heard of Lu Hao’s fame. He was the first person to discover that Zhao Wei was sick. The medicine she prescribed might cure Zhao Wei. It.

Song Hongyi gave the prescription in his hand to Duanmuxiu, "Duanmu Guzhu, the prescription is here."

"Give me." Duanmuxi took the prescription and saw it in his hand. The look of his eyes turned from doubt to surprise. "How come I didn't think I could use this medicine..."

The difference between the prescription of Ye Qikai and the medication before Duanmuxi is not too big, just adding a few flavors of medicine, but these are a few kinds of medicines, so the effectiveness of the whole prescription is different. Until today, Duanmuxiu Really admire this woman, it really is a real understanding of medical skills, not from others.

"The emperor, maybe this scorpio can really cure your illness." Duanmuxi looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei smiled faintly. "She said that she can only live more than two years."

"It’s hard to say that it’s a cure." Just like he thought that Zhao Wei lived for three years, isn’t it good now?

"Try to drink a few drugs for a few days." If there is no effect at all, he will not leave Wangducheng.

Duanmuxiu took the prescription and retired. Song Hongyu went to Zhao Wei.

At this time, Zhao Wei is not in Temple Street. She still remembers that Lu Shuanger and her maid were taken away separately. She knew that she could not find Lu Shuanger. She could always find her maid, and then she saw the land. When they left the line, she found the Ye Family Mansion.

"Do you care about Lu Shuanger's life and death?" Cheng Wei looked at Zhao Wei in front of him and asked faintly, he thought she should have no feelings for all women in the harem.

"Her life and death have nothing to do with me." Zhao said, "I just want to know why the father and the emperor brought Lu Shuanger here."

Cheng Hao’s eyes flashed a smile, “You are concerned about the emperor.”

Zhao Wei’s face is cold and frosty. “No, I don’t care about him at all. I only care about Qi.”

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