When Zhao Wei’s mother died, she was already five years old. At that time, she was already sensible. She was very close to Zhao Wei. After all, she was the only prostitute of Zhao Wei, and she was a big princess. He loved her. Even more than two emperors, she used to like Zhao Wei, but all the fathers and daughters had disappeared because of her mother's death.

She is very ruthless, and hates his love and death.

"It seems that Lu Shuanger is hidden by Lu Hao. What do she want to do?" Zhao Yu didn't want to understand. If this is Lu Yan's intention to declare war with Qi, it seems that he can't say it. The father is not at all. It’s more like anger, but it’s more like to know that this will happen.

Cheng Hao walked up to her and looked down at her confused face. "No matter what Lu Hao wants to do, you should not check this matter again. Here is Ye Jia, discovered by Ye Yinan, you explain But go, you will only miss the things of the emperor."

"What do the father want to do?" Zhao asked.

"If you didn't guess it, how could it be so nervous?" Cheng Hao whispered. "You care about the emperor, why pretend that you hate him?"

Zhao Wei chuckled. "I never need to pretend. My mother is not your sister. You can certainly feel nothing about her death, but that is my mother. If it is not him and Deyi, the mother will not. Dead, huh, I told you this, you may still like Deyi, I think she is better to you than my mother."

When I mentioned Deyi, Zhao’s tone became bitter and mean. Everyone thought that Deyi was a good person. Only she knew that the death of her mother was not related to Deyi. Unfortunately, no matter what she said, no one believed her. .

"What did you say to you when your mother died?" Cheng Hao was not close to the first queen. Instead, he was taken care of by the Dagong woman who was a mother behind him. He did not believe in the timid and gentle virtues. Will kill the first queen.

"I didn't tell me anything after my mother. It was my eyes and my eyes to see how the German abortion harmed my mother. How can I harm my mother and die? Is this enough?" Zhao said with a sneer, "You still want to be like my father." The same, I feel that I am too young to understand the right and wrong, I feel that my mother wants to live too much to die of abortion?"

Cheng Hao saw strong hatred in Zhao Wei’s eyes. This hate came from Deyi and also from the emperor. He suddenly felt distressed. He didn’t know what she had experienced in her childhood, and she would accumulate this hate. just now.

"I remember that the emperor was good to your mother in the past." Cheng Hao whispered that this is a fact. Although Zhao Wei is a romantic, he still gives respect to the first empress.

Zhao Wei turned and walked into the carriage. She didn't want to talk to Cheng Hao anymore. It only made her suppress the pain of more than ten years. She didn't want to get out of control, especially at this time, she still had no ability. When revenge for her mother, she can only suppress and repress, watching how Deyi enjoys the prosperity of today and see how those enemies are happy.

Cheng Hao hurried to follow up, "Hey, boy!"

"Do you know what is good?" Zhao Wei looked at Cheng Hao coldly. "If he is really good for my mother, I will not accept the woman as a woman in order to suppress my mother. This kind of hard hitting my mother's face, you know, my mother was the sister of the same year, the husband and sister at the same time betrayed, you said that my mother can not feel a little? He also let Deyi It’s ridiculous to have two emperors in front of my mother. This is also respectful. It’s ridiculous to respect the word.”

Zhao Wei was indeed very romantic. When Deyi was promoted to be a beautiful woman, he was also very surprised. He thought that this was the meaning of the first queen. He wanted to use the virtue to win the emperor’s heart. Cheng Hao did not expect it to be like this. The reason, "The emperor is already... maybe just like the beauty of Dean's youth, not as complicated as you think."

Zhao Wei looked at him with resentment. "Is it complicated, or do you want to protect him? If my mother is alive in the sky, I will definitely not let him go."

"Hey, he is your father!" Cheng Hao remembered Zhao's illness and shouted at Zhao Wei.

"How about that?" Zhao Wei asked coldly.

What if Zhao Wei is her father? Can you change the fact that he killed her mother?

"You should ask yourself if you really hate him so much." Cheng Hao whispered.

"You go down." Zhao Wei rushed Cheng Hao out of the carriage.

Cheng Hao looked at her helplessly. "What happened? Can't I speak for the emperor?"

Zhao Wei called. "You are like me. If you don't have the same enemy, you can help Dezhen. Don't think that I don't know. You and my father are not things. They are all fascinated by Deyi. ""

"I am different from your father." Cheng Hao was still sitting in front of her, looking at her with deep gaze. "When you were still young, some things even knew and did not know how to get the evidence. If it is really Deyi." After killing your mother, I will be able to find out."

"Hey." Zhao Yu snorted. For Cheng Hao's words, he did not fully believe that he had no friendship with her mother. If she did not take the initiative to find him, maybe he had already been drawn by the Germans. It is.

Cheng Hao looked at her with a funny smile and reached out and squeezed her cheek. "Do you even believe me?"

"Why should I believe in you?" Zhao said faintly. "You said that Deyi is kind to you. My mother is only disgusted with you. If you help Deyi, there is nothing impossible."

"That time, Deyi hopes that I will help the Princess of Lanzhou with a busy life. It is not something else. You should not put it in your heart." Cheng Hao looked at Zhao Wei’s old-fashioned cheeks. I don’t know why it was cute and interesting. I couldn't help but walked closer to her.

Zhao Wei sneered. "Even Zhao Lan, she is looking for your help, it seems that you and Deyi are really close."

"That is because she helped me before, and now she helped her. Naturally, they don't owe each other." Cheng Hao listened to her sour tone, and the smile in her eyes was more prosperous. "To say close, who can have you and me?" Close? You don't always push the emperor's concern for you. In his heart, you are heavier than other children. As for the things that Deyi did in the past, as long as you tell me, I will check it for you. Clearly, the emperor is not a confused person. There is no evidence that you said. He can't kill De, because of a five-year-old girl. You don't go, Deyi also has two children."

That is to say, but Zhao Wei still can't forgive Zhao Wei for her mother.

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