Yi Yi is not familiar with Beitang, although he has already understood the entire Central Plains country before, but he only knows how to get along with each other. He knows that Beitang’s visit to Wangdu is definitely Unwilling, so he appeared in the first time after hearing the news, just happened to meet Ye Xiaonan.

The northern church and the water are different from each other. I thought it would be like Zhao Wei. It is a very aggressive and powerful person. However, the water is only as weak as a scholar. Man.

Yes, Beitang is not as aggressive as Zhao Wei, nor is it as strong as Murong Cham. He looks like a crown jade. Every move is like a gentle and noble son. The book is very angry and completely imagined. He was the emperor of the North Ming Kingdom who launched 200,000 soldiers to attack Xiliang a few years ago.

However, the appearance of a person usually cannot represent him as a person. After a conversation with him, he discovered that this northern church was not so harmless on the surface. He seemed to be mild. In fact, there was no temperature feeling. It is a person who is colder than anyone.

As for why Shui Yizhen would fight with his bodyguards, it was because the North Hall couldn’t see the water. He had to prove it with strength. The three moves made the guards around Beitang’s station unable to stand up.

Ye Hao listened to Ye Xiaonan, and smiled and looked at the water. "You smashed his guard, did you not mad at the North Hall?"

"If he so easily mad, cursing I do not mind to beat a few more people." Ye Chun Nan said.

The water faintly said, "The North Hall is a sinister and sinister person, and you should be more guarded against him."

"I thought he was just not smart enough." Ye Hao looked back at ink to Zhan Zhan, "Have you seen Beitang?"

"I have seen one side before." Murong Chong recalled, "It has been more than ten years, and he was only a prince at that time."

As soon as he saw the ink, he looked at Murong Zhan. Although he knew that Lu Hao was the empress of Murong Cham, the intimacy between husband and wife was taken for granted, but he never thought about it. He didn’t think she would be in the ink. Zhan was in her arms, not to think about how beautiful she was under him, but today she saw her red lips and the expression of ink-filled face, he didn’t even think about what happened to them. Things can't work.

He is madly screaming at Murong Cham.

"Beitang Temple is coming to Wangdu City not only to participate in the founding ceremony, I think he wants to be against you." Water whispered, "Scorpio has to be more people around."

The leaves are very cold, "Is it a bad idea for Beitang?"

"Hey, I think so too." Ye Xiaonan frowned. Although he did not show up in Beitang, he felt very dangerous when he saw the North Hall. "You are still careful."

"I am in the palace, what do he want to do to me?" Ye Hao shook her head with a funny smile. She looked at Murong Zhan. "I don't know if he is in the capital city of Wangdu?"

Murong Zhan whispered, "He will not be against you for the time being. If he is not good, he probably wants to help Li. If you don't kill Li Wei, he thinks it can threaten you."

Ye Hao is cold, "I will let him know that even if Li Wei is alive, he can't do anything."

"Since the Scorpio has already had a good idea, then the court will first retreat." Water said with a blank expression, he did not want to stay here, he could not control the eyes of her lips.

"Hey, what are you looking for?" Ye Xiaonan has some sympathy for the water, but it is only a little sympathy.

Ye Hao said, "Lu Jia's aunt is living with you today. Have you seen them?"

"I have seen them, they are already at home, I am going back to entertain them." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.



For the arrival of Beitang, Zhao Wei soon knew the news. He had been at Hongyu Temple for the past two days. He did not feel surprised when he heard the news.

"Beitang Temple will actually come to Wangdu City, it is really surprising." Zhao Wei said with a smile.

Song Hongying’s face is not as easy as Zhao Wei’s. They all know that the most hated person in Beitang’s place is Zhao Wei. If you let Beitang know that Zhao’s body is sick, he will definitely miss this opportunity.

"The emperor, do you really think that Beitang’s time to come to Wangducheng is not a picture?" Song Hongyu whispered.

Zhao Wei whispered, "He naturally has a picture, but he is not us, and he looks at it. He looks down on Lu."

Song Hongyu said, "Chen is just worried that he will see your illness."

"Hey, there is no headache today." Zhao stunned his eyebrows. After drinking medicine yesterday, he still felt that he was uncomfortable. He thought that Lu Hao deliberately planned to complete him. Today, he found that his body was light and a lot. It seems that Lu Wei’s medicine is really effective.

"That's great, the emperor, maybe Lu Yan can really cure your illness." Song Hongyi said happily.

Zhao Yan’s finger tapped on the table gently. “I will go to the palace tomorrow and let her give acupuncture.”

"The emperor, the big princess asked to see." The palace man outside the door whispered.

"Let her come in." Zhao Wei nodded faintly, it seems that this girl has not died.

Song Hongyu said, "The big princess seems to be hiding in the house for two days. Anning Hou went to find her and did not open the door."

Zhao Wei raised an eyebrow. "It seems that there is something wrong with Cheng Hao."

Zhao Wei walked in from the outside, and the air had a faint medicinal taste. Her eyes fell on Zhao Wei’s body and walked on the first few walks. “Father.”

“What is there to find out?” Zhao Wei asked Zhao Wei.

"Father, you said that Lu Guifei was taken away by the kidnapper. Is there any news?" Zhao Wei whispered, she saw the medicine bowl at the hand of Zhao, but she ignored it. She didn't want to know if he was sick. She didn't care about him at all, and she didn't want to care about him.

Zhao Wei smiled and looked at Zhao Wei. "I don't know if you care about Lu Shuanger."

"Father, I am not caring about her, just wondering why you should bring her to the capital of Wangdu." Also said that she was taken away by the kidnapper, which is clearly only eyes closed by her eyes. go.

why? Does the father have a handle in the hands of Lu Hao?

Zhao Wei glanced at her daughter and signaled that Song Hongyu had retired, leaving only Zhao Wei in the house.

"Well, don't go check the things of Lu's children again. I told her to hand over to her, saying that she was taken away by the kidnappers, just to return to Qi in the future." Zhao knows if he tells his daughter the truth. This daughter will not give up.

"Why?" Zhao Wei did not understand. In her opinion, Zhao Wei is not so easy to be blamed. What is Lu Tian’s ability to do?

Zhao Wei said faintly, "No reason, you will naturally know in the future."

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