Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1358: Who else can you like?

Zhao Wei did not have any answer here in Zhao Wei. Before she just suspected that it was really understood now, her father was not in the hands of Lu Hao, and that she was asking for her.

In the way of the father's work, it is impossible to leave any handle. Even if there is a handle, the father will not care, that is, there is a demand for Lu Yu, as the most powerful Qiguo emperor, what is his need? Looking for Lu Hao? Zhao Wei thinks that Lu Hao is a master of medical skills. The news that the father was sick is always true. He came to Wangdu City not to participate in the founding ceremony. He is looking for Lu Yu to cure the disease.

Zhao Wei found that she didn't feel surprised after she wanted to understand it. She should have known it for a long time, just want to get the real answer.

It turned out that...he was really ill, and he was already ill, and even Duanmu could not cure him.

I hate Zhao Wei for so many years, Zhao Wei knows that he is seriously ill, but he does not feel resentment. Instead, he has an unspeakable sadness in his heart. She looked at Zhao Wei for a while and then whispered, "I understand, then I Go back first."

"Hey." Zhao Wei was covered in the apex of her daughter's face. He stopped her, but she didn't know what to say to her. "Hey, let you go to Wangducheng, it is for you."

Zhao Wei can't see where it is for her, but she won't refute it. "Yes, the father."

The knot between their father and daughter could not be solved without trying to solve it. Zhao Yu was in a complicated mood and did not feel Zhao Min’s helplessness and love for her. She went down with her head down.

After a few moments, Song Hongyu walked in and looked at Zhao Wei. "The emperor, the big princess seems to be very sad."

"Why should I listen to her at the beginning and find out her mother's death?" Zhao Wei whispered to Song Hongwei.

"Chen was still small, not very clear about the matter between the emperor and the empress." Song Hongyu faintly replied, he had already heard that the first queen was a powerful woman, and finally died of abortion, think about it I feel embarrassed.

Zhao Wei sighed. "When you see such a nephew, you are thinking about the first queen."

He and Cheng Ying were also considered to be loving couples at first. They just had a very strong personality. She refused to favor other women. He wanted to suppress her arrogance. In the end, she finally served softly, but she never married him. The arrogance of flying, all day long and depressed, he did not like to look at it, and she was far away from her. However, he should not have lost her Queen’s dignity. No one would have thought that she would die aboriginal at a young age.

"My son said that the empress was killed by Deyi." Zhao Yu frowned and said, "What do you think?"

"The minister does not know." Song Hongzhen thought about how old he was at that time, even the harem has not been to you? How do you know if Deyi killed the first queen? "The big princess said that there is always her reason. Did the emperor ask?"

Zhao Wei recalled the matter of twelve years ago. "My children and her mother have a very good relationship. They used to be very rude to Germany. The Queen died. She was too sad. She sent her to Chengjia for a few days. She At the beginning, I said that Desheng killed the empress, and he didn't care. She didn't mention it after returning from Cheng. She thought she was recovering from sorrow and no longer swearing.

Song Hongzhen silently looked at Zhao Wei. It is no wonder that the big princess would hate the emperor for so many years. It is not without reason. He was sent out of the palace just after losing his mother. For a girl of five or six years old, she is abandoned. Can the princess feel good in her heart? That is equal to losing the mother and not having a father.

Zhao Wei looked back at Song Hongyi. "Is it wrong?"

"What do you think of the emperor?" Song Hongzhen asked.

"Don't have laughed since then, it seems that he was doing something wrong." Zhao Yan sighed, if it was not his illness, he had not thought so much.

Song Hongyu is coveted, this kind of emperor's chores, saying too much is not a good thing.

Some of the lost souls of Zhao Wei did not know that Zhao Wei was actually reflecting on himself. Her face was difficult to hide and return to her room, and was stopped by Cheng Hao at the door.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Cheng Hao saw Zhao's misunderstanding at a glance, and immediately asked her on the shoulder.

When Zhao Yiyi saw him, he immediately pushed him away. What sentiment was flying away. There was only his scene in the carriage that kissed her that day. She hid in the room and slammed her door. I blocked it with one hand.

"Where did you come from, how looked so bad?" Cheng Hao looked at her lowly, she had been hiding from him for a few days, he did not want her to continue to hide from him.

"What's the matter for you?" Zhao Yan's face turned red. She didn't dare to face Cheng Hao now. As long as she saw him, she would think of the day. He is obviously her sister. How can she do that for her? thing?

As long as she thinks about it, she feels uncomfortable.

Cheng Hao looked at her with a funny smile. "Your things are related to me. If you don't want people to make jokes, let me go in. Oh, you can hide from me like this, I will ignore them."

Regardless of what? Let everyone know that he did something like this to her? "You... you are a great general, you are not afraid of others knowing, being ridiculed by others? How can there be such a foreign prostitute?"

"I am not your relative." Cheng Yili said of course, seeing her a little slack, immediately pushed the door open, and shut the door before she had time to react. "Hey, you still provoke mine."

Zhao Wei raised his heart and looked at him with fear and nervousness. "What do you want to do?"

Cheng Hao walked over to her, Zhao Wei stepped back step by step, until there was no retreat, and there was already a bed behind her. She fell down on the bed, and Cheng Hao took the two hands to her side and circled her. In my arms, "I have been hiding for two days, want to understand?"

"Want to understand?" Zhao Wei's heartbeat speeded up, and he was afraid that he would be discovered by her. When she didn't have any reputation, "Cheng Wei, if you are not my own, I will call you a sigh." If the father wants to know that you are doing this to me, he will definitely kill you."

"Will you tell the emperor, let the emperor kill me?" Cheng Hao pressed his head down, and the hot breath sprayed on her earlobe. "Hey, if I am dead, do you really feel nothing?"

Zhao Hao glared at him, "You go away!"

Cheng Hao kissed her forehead. "I will give you time. When I am no longer a surname, you are mine."

"I don't like you any more." Zhao screamed. "You can't force me to do such disgusting things, I won't be with my own."

"Oh." Cheng Hao laughed low and cold, his thin lips pressed against her lips. "Hey, you don't like me, who else do you like? Don't make me angry, otherwise I really can't bear a little time." Give you."

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