With the arrival of Lu Shiming and his wife, Mingxi and Mingyu now have a better reason to go out. The two children are all human, and they can see who loves them the most. Every day they are clamoring to find grandmothers and grandmothers. Ye Yannan simply took them to the house to live, and said that the palace was busy recently, just as they helped them look at the children.

When the two little guys arrived at Ye Family, they just sang, and they played like a clay figurine every day. They just pampered each other. They didn’t remember that she once said that girls should be kept at home and can’t go crazy outside, the most indulgent Jade is running out of the wild.

Ye Hao also busy scoring for two days, even Murong Cham is to see at night, let alone go out to see two children.

"The maiden, the emperor is coming." Fu Gonggong came in and whispered back.

Because the original palace man ran a lot, Ye Hao did not have a competent general manager, Murong Zhan let Fu Gonggong come over to give her support, and wait for the Yongshou Palace and they came back to Murong Zhan.

Ye Hao was watching the memorial sent today, and she was dizzy. When she heard that Murong Zhan came, she immediately dropped the memorial in her hand and went straight to the door to wait for him.

"What's wrong?" Murong Chong saw that she actually took the initiative to wait for her at the door, and looked at the expression of comfort, she knew that she would definitely want to spoil him.

"Tired." Ye Hao flew into the arms of Mo Rongzhan. "Every day, there are so many things to deal with, I am tired."

Murong Chong hugged her up and looked at her with a small mouth. It seemed that she was really wronged. He smiled softly. "What problems have you encountered?"

Ye squinted at his neck and whispered, "The original official system of Dongqing is a mess. There are three people in the same position, and there are different titles. This is a waste of money in the national treasury. To re-arrange, the former ministers began to have opinions. After a morning, I now have a ring of ears."

Re-arranging the official ranks is indeed a very troublesome thing. Murong Zhan kissed her cheek with a distressed heart and hugged her to sit down behind the book case, let her continue to lean on her arms. "You have to rearrange the ranks. It will definitely harm the interests of some people. They naturally do not want you to change. The quarrel is definitely normal."

"If you don't change, this country is still the mess of Li Wei." Ye Hao said with a frown.

"If you don't break, you must change." Murong Zhan looked at the memorial on the table and explained to Ye Wei in a low voice. "There are three people doing the same thing. Two of them must be just the lead." Silver, the treasury of the silver can not raise so many idlers, over time, the entire court will be rotted, when you want to catch the officials of the greedy ink, it is already unable to grasp."

Ye Hao nodded. "I understand everything, but what should I do? If the following people don't cooperate, can I forcefully suppress it?"

"Do you know who is opposed?" Mo Rongzhan asked with a smile. "Those who oppose, because your changes will harm their interests, will be opposed. Those who have the ability should have a reward." Instead of letting those who are just idlers take the same silver with them, the arrangement of the ranks can not be solved in a day or two. You only need to confirm with the six books of the cabinet, and directly arrange the ranks. It’s okay to go straight to the implementation, and there’s no need to listen to so many people’s opinions. The more you listen, the harder it is for many things.”

"What you said seems to make sense." Ye Xiaoxiao looked at Murong Zhan, and suddenly felt that the strength of the whole body was back. "I will not argue with them tomorrow, and I will go straight to the decree."

Murong Zhan licked her hair. "This is the truth."

"You are amazing." Ye Xiao smiled and kissed his mouth. "I don't understand at all. Today, they were stunned by you."

"Then they quarreled in the hall, you don't say a word, just sit down with a calm face, they naturally don't dare to argue, or let them go outside after the retreat, and the sun is shining or the wind is heavy. They don’t dare to argue once they have experienced it."

Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan with amazement. "You... really have any experience."

He has been an emperor for a few years. If there is no such means, it is not to be taken away by the ministers.

"After two days is the opening ceremony, are you ready?" Murong Zhan is distressed by her tiredness, but she is a scorpio, and these have to go through the process of managing a country. He has also observed these days. Her majesty in the military is higher than anyone else. Even if she does not lead troops to fight, she will not be deployed. But she is the only loyalty of the soldiers. Except for her, no one can estimate the ten. Wan Jingbing does anything.

It’s not wrong for them to ask her to become a scorpio, and he will feel bad about her, and she can only help her in silence behind her.

"I just tried the clothes I wanted to wear that day, and I was almost ready." Ye Hao took his hand nervously. "Will you be by my side?"

"Of course it will be by your side." Murong Zhan said with a smile, bowed his head and kissed her lips. "No matter what happens in the future, you will be by your side."

Ye Hao’s heart moved, knowing that he still cares about her two years of departure, she took the initiative to climb his shoulder and responded enthusiastically to his kiss.

At the door of the red dragonfly and Fu Gonggong bowed their heads and left.

Murong Zhan enjoys her initiative. With her instigation in his arms, he can't hold it. His hands are holding her waist and let her sit on his body. "Are you gone?" ”

Because she came to a small day, he has not been close to her body for a few days.

"I left yesterday." Ye Hao took a few moments and felt that somewhere in his place became more hot because of her words. She laughed and ate in his ear. "It can't be done here. It is a royal study." It."

"I used to be in the royal study... Have you done it?" Murong Cham's hand has unlocked her skirt, suppressing the evil fire of a few days.

When Ye Hao remembered that she was in Jinguo before, she once gave him a snack, as if she was in the royal study... She grabbed his hand. "No, it won't work here."

Where Murong Cham would listen to her, she had already been familiar with it, and in a short while she let Ye Hao fall like a soft water in his arms, except for his movements, all the resistance Can't say it.

"Azhan..." After one time, Ye Hao found that he was still undecided, and hurriedly pleaded for him. "I am not feeling well."

"There is a soft couch over there." Murong shouted and said, holding her to the soft couch.

Before I had a good time, I heard the sound of red screaming outside. "The goddess, the emperor of Qiguo asked for it."

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