Ye Hao pushed the shoulders of Murong Cham, and his cheeks flushed. "Zhao Wei is coming, I have to go see him."

Murong Zhan has not yet enjoyed themselves. Looking at her red face, her voice is cold. "Would you like to see Zhao Wei?"

He will want to dig out Zhao’s eyes!

"You get up first, I let the red dragonfly fetch water." Ye Hao said with no anger, it is not him, if people know that she is in the royal study room with him during the day... that is not to advertise a day of prostitution.

"Are you not giving Zhao a prescription? What is he doing?" Murong Zhan said coldly, he was very impatient to hear the name of Zhao Wei, Zhao Hao Lust is known all over the world, what is his daily entrance to the palace? meaning?

Ye Hao has already let the red dragonfly get in. She stunned Murong Zhan. "I promised to give him acupuncture. It should have been two days ago. I am too busy to get away from it. Go see him."

Murong Zhan is still very uncomfortable. He hasn't touched her for a few days. He managed to make a good leap. Zhao Hao came, and he was able to have a good face and Zhao Wei was strange.

"You get up, put on your clothes, and let people see what to do?" Ye Hao walked over to sort out his clothes and cover his bare-brown chest. He didn't know how easy it was to lie here. Is it confusing?

"Can't even see the ladies around you?" Murong Zhan pinched her chin with a funny smile. "It’s been so many years, how are they all vinegar?"

Ye took a look at him. "I like jealous. Do you have any opinions?"

Murong Zhan haha ​​laughed, how did he have opinions, and he wished that she would rely on him every day.

"Don't laugh." Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief, when the red scorpion fetched in, she washed her face with water, and finally pressed the tide on her face and looked back at the way that Murong Chan was still unwilling to get up. As if she was sulking, she didn't even want to know that he was not pleased to see Zhao.

"You don't go with me?" Ye Hao smiled at him. Didn't he just see Zhao Ying to see her? There is aside him watching Zhao Yu acupuncture, maybe Zhao Wei is even more uncomfortable.

Murong Zhan’s eyes flashed through a smudge of darkness. He stood up and sorted out his clothes. “Go.”

Zhao Wei waited for a while in the hall, waiting for his head to become more and more painful, and when the violent chest was too hard to bear, he finally saw that the person he wanted to see was late.

"Let you wait a long time, the emperor Qi." Ye Hao smiled and looked at Zhao Wei, seeing his eyes reddish and very annoying, this is obviously a symptom of illness.

"It is indeed waiting for a long time." Zhao said with a blank expression.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "How about feeling after drinking for a few days?"

Zhao Wei’s eyes were cold and stunned. He looked at Murong Zhan’s eyes and didn’t even see the ceremony. Just like the ink-filled Zhan is transparent, his eyes only looked at Ye Hao. “It’s very effective at first, it’s eaten today. The medicine has no effect at all."

"That's because there is no acupuncture." Ye Hao said with a smile. "After giving you acupuncture today, your medication is more effective."

"I have been in the palace two days ago." Zhao was indifferent, but waited for a long time without waiting for her.

Ye Hao said apologetically, "These days are really too busy, Qi Qihuang, please come in."

Murong Cham, who was ignored by Zhao Wei, also ignored him. His face was clear and indifferent. He only felt that he had no effect after he had said that he had no effect, and he felt refreshed.

"I know today that the original Yuan Dynasty is not the Scorpio, but the emperor of other countries." Zhao Wei did not look at Murong Zhan, but the voice said coldly.

"I see you misunderstood." Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan, the voice said faintly.

Zhao Wei looked at her with a smile and smiled. "Although I don't like to be nosy, I still have to advise you. It is better not to believe too much."

"I don't quite understand what you mean." Ye said, "If you want me to give you acupuncture, then shut up."

Murong Zhan chuckled and said, "The calculation is not successful, but it is said that others are mean."

Ye Hao heard it, Zhao Wei was angry at the ink-filled Zhan calculation Zhao Ning, she was a bit uncomfortable.

"Since you are here, you will leave your words, and Murong will not let you see the little bastard, otherwise you will not let him go." Zhao said coldly.

"Although Zhao Ning was married to Auntie without telling you in advance, but when the room is better than the squatting room, would you be tempted to go to the aunt to be interesting?" Ye Hao frowned, feeling that Zhao Wei was simply angered. .

Murong Zhan's face is not very good-looking. This is Zhao Ning's own consent. Auntie is still unwilling, and Zhao Wei will scatter his anger to the aunt.

"Hey, if he is more comfortable with Ninger, he will recognize it. After all, Ninger is the daughter of Nguyen. It’s important for her to have a good time. It’s just that the little **** did not take long to go to South Vietnam. I still have two outside rooms in Nanyue. I don’t even go back to see Ninger in a year. If you can stand this breath, then you will be a father.” Zhao said in a cold voice.

what? Ye stunned and looked at Murong Zhan strangely. She didn't know that Murong was actually doing such a **** in South Vietnam. "You mean it? Auntie has raised two outside rooms in South Vietnam?" ”

Zhao Wei snorted. "If he brought people to Ning Ertou, he would have nothing to say, but he sneaked in Nanyue. Even the palace did not go back. Hey, he can let this go. little bastard."

Murong Zhan's face is blue, he doesn't know about it. "How do you know?"

"Ninger is the daughter of Yan, who naturally cares about how she lived in Jinguo. You only use the daughter of You, how can you care about her life and death?" Zhao Yan looked at Murong Zhan coldly.

This is true, Murong Zhan does not care whether Zhao Ning is doing well in the palace. He does not know that Auntie is still raising two chambers in Nanyue. It is indeed an ordinary thing for men to marry four wives, but aunt... It is really not good to secretly raise in South Vietnam. After all, Zhao Ning’s identity is not the same.

"If you are telling the truth, you don't have to go to the ink. If I go back to Jinguo, I will definitely let him go." Ye Hao whispered, "We don't know about this matter, if Aunt really hurt Zhao Ning, I will take the lead for Zhao Ning."

Zhao Wei looked at Ye Hao and looked at it. "Hey, believe in you."

Ye licked his lips and his eyes were a little cold. "I will take acupuncture for you."

Murong Zhan looked at Ye Hao deeply. He was too aware of her temper. This time, if Auntie really did what Zhao Zhao said in South Vietnam, there would be no good end.

He will definitely make him cry and cry.

However, it turns out that Zhao Wei is so clear about the Wangfu. It seems that he has arranged his eyeliner and he does not know how much Kyoto is his eyeliner.

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