Moonlight gently draped in from the window, there was a layer of snow on the ground, the house was warm and springy, and Murong Zhan looked down at the sweet and sleepy leafhopper. He felt that his heart was soft and warm. He bowed his head and kissed her. Cheeks, gently holding her in her arms, until there was a strange sound outside, he opened a pair of fierce scorpions.

This voice is a signal of darkness. Needless to say, it must be something that is too different to report to him.

Murong Zhan gently released his hand and determined that Ye Hao was not woken up. He walked out with his clothes and the red dragonfly outside the vigil hurriedly stood up. "The emperor."

"Yeah." Murong Chuang put his hand on his hand and went to the partial hall to see the difference.

"Is it detected?" Murong Chan looked at the stunned look. Today, he also found the princess of Qi Guoda's strange, so that he could follow Shen Wei's exit.

Shen Xiao whispered, "It didn't take long for Cheng Gong to go out, Cheng Hao went to Zhao Wei's carriage, and the original was to continue to follow, and was discovered by Song Hongwei."

Murong Chong picked up his eyebrows, and Song Hongjun stopped the sinking, that is what Zhao Wei ordered.

“What did Zhao Wei do in the palace?” Murong Cham frowned and asked, he knew that Ye Hao was informed, but she had not slept with him before she slept, and he was willing to wake her up and ask.

"Zhao Wei went to see Lu Shuanger." Shen Xiao whispered that her conversation with Lu Shuanger told Murong Zhan fifteen, "...Now Lu Shuanger is clamoring to see you."

Murong Zhan glanced at the cold and glanced at him. "Go on."

As long as he thought that he had witnessed the suffering of Ye Hao in his dream, Mo Rongzhan could not control the anger in his heart. For Lu Shuanger, he was not even willing to do it himself, lest he should dirty his hand.

"Yes." Shen Wei lowered his head and stepped back. He looked at the side of the dormitory and thought that he would wait for two days to ask for the goddess. He didn't want to be a lonely man. On such a cold day, a wife is better than winter. .

On the following day, when Ye Hao woke up, she was already on the top of the mountain. Murong Zhan was not around her. She stretched out and felt that her whole body was weak. For the founding ceremony, she was tired for a few days, and she still slept. so comfortable.

"Mother, are you awake?" Hong Ling walked in and saw that Ye Hao had opened his eyes and let the little palace lady outside go to fetch water.

Ye Hao sat up. "When is it?"

"It’s almost noon, is the godmother sleeping well?” Hong Ling said with a smile, holding a cloak and putting it on the leaf. "The emperor took the little emperor and the little princess out of the palace early in the morning, saying that the weather is good today, let Two children go to the sun."

"I am going to the suburbs." Ye Hao snorted, the two children's temper did not know who to follow, only a little older, more courage than anyone else, every day wrapped around their father to go horse riding.

The little palace lady came in with water, and Hong Ling waited for Ye Hao to wash and said, "The princess heard that there was a snow peach garden in the suburbs. Those snow peaches only came out in the winter, and she asked the emperor to pick the peaches."

Ye Hao shook his head and laughed. "It's a snack."

"Right, the goddess, there is something to ask you to see you this morning." Hong Ling mouth said with a smile.

"He didn't go to the suburbs? What is he asking for this palace?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully.

Hong Ling said, "The slaves didn't look at what was going on, but it was like watching the red dragonfly."

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "It seems to have something to do with Hung Hom. For so many years, Hung Hom is also old." She looked at Hong Ling, this is a prostitute who was with her from an early age. Knowing her true identity, "Hong Ling, you are almost twenty this year. If you have someone you like, you have to say something to this palace."

"The goddess, how to say to the slaves, the slaves are not married, they are waiting around the maiden, and they will wait in the palace to serve the two little masters." Hongling whispered that she had seen the leaves. The embarrassment of being embarrassed, even though the emperor is now pampered by the maiden, she has already resisted in her heart.

"Do you want to marry someone or someone you don't like?" Ye Hao whispered. "This palace will not force you. You are the longest person in the palace and the most understanding of this palace. In the future, this palace must be Will let you marry in the wind, will not let anyone treat you badly."

Hong Ling said with a red face, "The goddess, later... If the slaves like it, they must tell you."

If she doesn't say that, the goddess will keep talking.

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and glanced at her. "Let Fu Gonggong pass on several cabinet ministers of Liu Zhanhu into the palace. There is something to say to the palace."

"Yes, the goddess." Hong Ling should be.

Before going to see the cabinet minister, Ye Hao met in the partial hall to see the difference.

Shen Shen did not follow Murong Zhan to the suburbs today, just to see Ye Hao, Murong Zhan knew his mind and left him.

"When you have something to ask for this palace in the morning, is there anything important?" Although Ye Hao had already guessed what was being asked for the difference, she only did not know, and her eyes swept over the red dragonfly standing on her side.

Hung Hom did not dare to lift his head and blushes like a cooked shrimp.

"The maiden, the subordinate is... I want to ask you something." Shen Yan swallowed, carefully said.

"Oh?" Ye Hao looked at him with a smile and smiled. "What do you have to ask for this palace here?"

Shen looked up and looked at Hung Hom. "The sissy, the subordinates want to ask for blush."

“娶红缨?” Ye Hao was not surprised. She knew that Hung Hom and Shen Yi both agreed. “I don’t know if this is the case. When did you look at our red dragonfly?”

"The maiden..." He coughed with a sigh of relief. "Three years ago, I liked it."

Ye Hao did not want to marry him. He smiled and asked him. "Hung Hom has been around the palace for many years. When she is different from others, you want to ask for it. But if you smash it, you will not be able to If you have three wives and four wives, you can only treat her with one heart and one mind. Can you do it?"

The red eyelids looked a little red and looked at Ye Hao, and the emotion in his heart could not be said.

Shen Shen immediately said, "The maiden, the subordinates will not disappoint the red ,, and the swearer will swear."

"The man's vows can't be relied on." Ye Hao said unceremoniously, she looked at Hung Hom. "Would you like to marry him?"

Hung Hom shouted shyly and looked at him. "The goddess... If he is sorry for the slaves, he won’t have to be a maiden, and the slaves will not let him go."

It seems that I am willing, Ye Hao said, "This palace can give you the red dragonfly, but your parents will go to Jinguo and you will have to let the matchmakers come to the family."

"Yes, the goddess." Shen Shen’s face was overjoyed, as long as the goddess promised to give him the red dragonfly.

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head and saw that the red face was redder.

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