When Ye Hao came to the royal study room, in addition to the cabinet minister, even Huangfu and Shuiyu were waiting for her here.

After the ceremony, Huangfu looked at Ye Hao and looked at it. "Hey, I’ve been busy for a few days, why not rest well today?"

"Some things I want to let you know soon." Ye Hao said with a smile. "In the next five days, once in the morning, two days and one morning is not suitable. The central government is not all doing things near Kyoto. Sometimes it takes a long time to go back and forth. It took too long, just five days and soon."

Nowadays it is the cold winter, no one wants to brave the cold wind and snow into the palace in the early morning, and some errands can not be solved in one day and two days. If it is really urgent, you can go to the palace to see the Scorpio, so this proposal of Ye Hao is very I was quickly approved, and I was remembered by Liu Zhanhu. I can promulgate it after two days.

Ye Hao looked at them. "There is one more thing about the law of marriage. I saw your new law a few days ago. Men can marry four wives and women, and women can also serve three husbands and four. This law. No."

Men can be married and married. The law has been handed down from the past. There are not a few men in this world who don’t like to hold their left and right, but women can be three-serving and four-serving. This law must be added because she just added them. Maybe they I don't want to be in my heart.

The water looks a little tight, "Why not?"

"The husband and wife are supporting each other, and monogamy is enough. The law of the dynasty does not have to serve other countries. After the age of 30, the man has no children, so he can take a slap in the face, and smother his wife and death, especially in the dynasty. Officials, in the future, if there is a move to eliminate the wife, the official position will be removed immediately. The same reason, the woman should also follow the monogamy system. If the husband and wife are not harmonious, if they want to marry another person, they must first leave with their husband. The government has set up and left the book, in order to choose another husband to marry, the marriage law must change this point before it can be promulgated." Ye Hao is firm in tone, since she does not like men's three wives and four sisters, how can she like women's three husbands and four waiters.

I once told her that there is no room for a third person between husband and wife. Even if the two people’s feelings are not good, they should be separated before they are married. The feelings of his mother and his mother were not considered as love, grandmother and The uncle advised him to be a good-hearted person, but he never promised. This is his respect for his mother.

When she was in Jinguo, she could not ask Murong Zhan to promulgate such a law. She is only a queen, but now that the Yuan is her, she naturally wants to change the law. Women cannot live by men alone, not Men want to have three wives and four wives.

"Scorpio, once this law is promulgated, there will be many people who oppose it." Liu Zhanhu said hesitantly.

There are few men who don’t have a nephew in the world. If you don’t let them be jealous, this... will those people agree?

"It is impossible for the new law to get everyone's consent. The objection is nothing more than a man who wants to be jealous." Ye Hao looked at them, all of them were men, they opposed her new proposal. The law is normal.

Huangfu looked at Ye Hao with a faint smile. "I agree with this law."

The water looked at him and his eyes were cold.

He knows that there are ministers in the DPRK who want to propose that Scorpio follow the custom of the Atlantic Ocean. Every night, they can summon the ministers of the DPRK to enter the palace, so that they can differentiate the influence of Murong Chong on Scorpio, so as to avoid the future. Zhan will deceive the Yuan Dynasty.

However, the law of Scorpio has been promulgated, and it is impossible to have this opportunity again.

He doubts that this is not the idea of ​​some ministers, so the law was promulgated in advance to block their mouths.

"Since even Mr. Huang has agreed, Chen has no opinion." Liu Zhanhu said.

Others look at each other. Two of them still look at the water. They don’t even talk about the water. They don’t even know what to say. This law does make some people object, but, as Scorpio said. The new law will not be liked by everyone, just as the law they have negotiated before, even if it is promulgated, the rebound that may be caused is even greater.

"There is no opinion." Water whispered, he knew that she would not change her mind, even if they did not agree, but who can guarantee that she and Murong Chong can not be separated for a lifetime?

Even if the feelings were good, now the emperors of different countries must be different, and the interests will be different. There will be differences in the morning and evening.

He can wait!

There is no opinion on even the water, and naturally no one will raise an objection.

Next, several policies were discussed. Ye Yiyi opposed the previous compromise attitude. As long as the minister did not have enough reason to convince her, she insisted on her decision.

For most of the day, Ye Hao finally showed a satisfied smile. Surely, Murong Zhan said that she is a decision-maker as a scorpio. She can’t hesitate every time she negotiates. This will make everyone misunderstand that she is not So satisfied with the suggestions they made, so she must be decisive to be the master.

"Right, after everything has stabilized, I have to go to Jinguo." Ye Hao said.

The water that wants to calm down can't be fixed. He suddenly looked up at her, "Kingdom?"

Ye Hao said, "You all know that I have been away from Jinguo for almost three years. There are many things that have not been done yet, so I must return to Jinguo."

"What kind of identity did you go to Jinguo that day?" Water asked, if she was a Scorpio, she couldn’t be sloppy in this trip. If it’s a Queen of the Kings... that’s not the same. However, she is now a scorpio, and she can only be a queen in Jinguo.

"In the Yuan Dynasty, I am naturally a scorpio. In the Jin State... naturally it is the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea. There is no conflict between the two." Ye Hao said faintly.

Water said, "How can there be no conflict? You are the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty..."

"I am a scorpio in the Yuan Dynasty. You can ask me about it. However, when I am the Queen of the Kingdom of the King, it is my family business." Ye Hao looked at the water. "Family is my own business."

Huangfu whispered, "When are you leaving?"

"There has not been a time to arrange, and then I will say it after the law is promulgated." Ye Hao said faintly, "I am here today, what is going on after three days of the morning."

"Scorpio!" Water wrinkled his eyebrows, he did not want to see her return to the country.

Ye Hao did not speak, let them all retreat.

Out of the royal study room, the water slammed the emperor, "Why don't you stop her?"

"How do you want me to stop you?" Huangfu asked in a low voice. He didn't want to stop it? It would be nice if it was so easy to stop it.

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