Before the water left, he whispered to Ye Hao. "Although it has been settled now, it can't be careless. It is not good to go out of the house."

Ye Hao has not explained, Murong Cham has asked faintly, "How is it not so good?"

"It is inevitable that there will be danger." The sound of water is cold, and it is still difficult to pay respect to Murong Cham. In his cognition, Murong Chan is no different from the man who is lucky, and any one who is good to his wife, It is not going to let his wife take the children out to sea to take risks. Although he does not know what happened to them before, Lu Hao is so forgiving for Murong Zhan, he feels very angry.

An angry anger.

Murong Chong hooked his lips and sneered. "Does the water general feel that you can't protect you?"

"I haven't tried it yet, it's hard to say." Water is very eager to find a chance to compete with Murong Cham. If you can take a break, the suffocation in your heart can also be evacuated.

"That's a good idea." Although the face of Mo Rong Zhan Qing's face is shallow and smiley, and the smile is not up to the eye, the depth of the eye is like a thin layer of ice, which makes people's backs cool.

The water seemed to have no feeling at all, just looking at Ye Hao, "Respect is not as good as life."

"..." Ye Hao has some helplessness. The two of them are just a few words. She has already felt that the sword is slashing. I don't know if it is wrong. From the very beginning, Murong Zhan didn't like water, and the water was also seen by Murong Cham. Not pleasing to the eye, there is no homage at all.

I have said that sometimes the friendship of a man is played out, then let his mother go to play, maybe even can really defeat the prejudice against each other.

"You like to learn so much, then go and learn, I just went to find Miaomiao." Ye Hao looked at them faintly, and decided that they could not see the net.

Murong Zhan smiled and touched her head. "Going to Zhuangzi, I will pick up Mingxi and Mingyu for a while. You are waiting for us at the Water Girl."

"Okay." This is a house in the city. They want to learn and it is definitely not convenient. It is just right to go to Zhuangzi. Ye Hao looks at the ink and coolly, and hooks his finger. "You are a little bit, don't hurt. It is."

Don't hurt yourself, or don't you hurt the water? Ink Murray glanced at her with a meaningful look.

Ye Hao had already loosened his hand, and with the red dragonfly they went in the other direction, that is the direction to the water home.

Murong Chan looked at the water with a faint look, and the eyes were even more cold. "Water General, here is not convenient, how about going out of town?"

"Listen to the emperor." Water said with a blank expression.

Not far from the water home, it was not long before I arrived. The doorman saw her as a raw face and stopped her from entering.

"Go and ask your girl to come out." Hung Ho said to the porter, "Our lady is coming to your girl."

The porter stood still, and the girl who wants to see it can see him. When the general returns, he is not going to kill him. "This lady, don’t be too small, you might as well sign the name, wait for the small one. I asked our girl."

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "Go, let's say that it is the surname of Ye who came to see her."

"Okay." The porter turned to look for water seedlings. Not long after, I saw the seedlings rushed out.

In the Yuan Dynasty, she only knew a woman named Ye. She knew who it was, and hurriedly came out of the house, but she saw a raw face outside the door. She was cold. "You are..."

"Don't know?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Sister Ye?" Miao Miaomiao screamed in surprise. "I will say, I will know you one is the surname of Ye."

Ye took a look at her. "This is what your brother bought for you."

The seedling nursery with a small mouth reached out and took the crystal buns. "Have you met my brother?"

"What awkwardness with your brother?" Ye Hao walked into the big house with her, laughing and asking her about the contradiction with the water.

"He said that Zhao Tianxi lived at home after he became a relative, and would not let me go to Zhaojiadao with him." Shui Miaomiao screamed unpleasantly. "My brother just wants to marry Zhao Tianyi, it is too annoying."

Ye Hao laughed. "Your brother is afraid that you will go to Zhaojiadao without help. If Zhao Tianqi bullies you, he can't be the master for you, so I can't bear to follow Zhaojia Island. Have you said to Zhao Tianqi?" What did he say?"

"He said that he would take me back to Zhaojiadao to make a kiss, let them see the wife of the island, and then I will come back with me and buy a house in Wangducheng. He will do business in the port of Bailongjiang." Said with a smile.

It seems that Zhao Tianyi still attaches great importance to the water seedlings. "Is that not very good?"

The mouth of the seedlings floated a sweet smile and entered the room. No one else asked her. "Sister Ye, are you going out alone?"

"With the emperor, he and your brother went to Zhuangzi." Ye Hao said softly.

"My brother should not fight with the emperor?" Miao Miaomiao asked in surprise, and snorted twice. "If they fight, they don't know who wins and who loses."

Ye Hao raised her eyebrows to see her. "How do you know that they will fight?"

The seedlings looked at Ye Hao with a smug look. "I certainly know that my brother... he doesn't like the emperor at first glance."

She originally wanted to say that water likes Scorpio. If today, the law of monogamy is promoted, he can't get close to his sweetheart, and he is sure that he is not happy. How can he like Murong Cham? However, my brother warned her that she could not talk nonsense in front of Scorpio, so she dared not say more.

In fact, Ye Hao also worried that they were too heavy to fight, but she could not follow Zhuangzi.

She has been in the water home until she is almost dark, and she has never seen Murong Chan to come to her. She is still more worried. When she wants to let people go to see Zhuangzi, there are people outside to say that the general is back. .

That Murong Cham should have arrived too.

"Sister Ye, my brother is back." Shui Miaomiao called, and walked out of the house with Ye Hao.

She almost couldn't recognize the person in front of her eyes, her face was green and swollen, and she looked so horrible.

"Water General..." Ye Hao opened his mouth, he was labeled like this, then Murong Cham should also be injured, and the martial arts of the water is also very powerful.

The water said coldly, "Scorpio, today, the minister can not entertain, and then entertain you in the next day, Miao Miao, send Tianzhu out."

"Brother, are you okay?" Seeing the water that was smashed, the water seedlings were awkward, she never saw anyone who could beat her brother, let alone beat him. In this way.

I feel pain when I look at it! I don't know what the emperor will be like.

The water did not speak, and went to his yard with no expression.

"This, give your brother a while." Ye Hao took out the medicine with him from his arms. "I don't think the general will ask the doctor."

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