Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1384: accidental injury

Murong Chong has been waiting for Ye Hao with two children outside the door.

Ye Hao also worried that Murong Chan would not be beaten too much. He saw that he had a bit of black except for his chin. Other places seemed to look down on the injured, and he looked happy. It seemed like a good mood. She knew that he was sure. His men were completely ruthless.

"The emperor, why don't you seem to be hurt?" Shui Miaomiao is very aware of his martial arts of his eldest brother. The former general of Huaguo has never lost, martial arts is even more top-notch, how is it still played by Murong Zhan? In that way.

Murong Zhan pointed at his chin. "Your brother has a good martial arts and can hurt you."

"..." This is called to hurt him, not to see what her big brother has been labeled. "Is it true that you are still in the emperor?"

"Let your brother take good care of his injuries." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

Miao Miao Miao felt that if her brother saw the expression of Murong Cham, it would be irritating.

"Well, let's go back to the palace, you go to see your brother." Ye Hao thinks that Murong Zhan is also very ill, let the water seedlings quickly take the medicine to give a glimpse of water, she took the hand of the ink It is.

"Mother." Ming Xi was sitting on the sidelines, and saw that Ye Hao did not immediately pounce on her arms.

Ming Yuyu went to Ye Hao's side. "Mother, how did you become like this today?"

If she didn't listen to the sound, she couldn't recognize that it was their mother.

"Mother just put something on her face." Ye Hao said with a smile, but she saw that Mingxi’s expression was a bit strange. She wanted to ask clearly. When she saw the ink on the car, she was distracted. "You How do you make the water like that? Are you hurt?"

Murong Zhan laughed. "A little skin injury, not in the way, he himself hit the face first, and he didn't want to face."

When water first hit his chin and punched, Murong Zhan would naturally be polite, and he picked his face and started.

Ye Hao wanted to know if there were any other injuries on his body. Because the two children were here, she couldn't take off his clothes. "It's too heavy to talk about it."

"You don't feel bad, but still speak for him?" Murong Zhan snarled with some sorrow.

"I feel bad about you, you have not been labeled as a pig." Ye Hao said with no anger.

Murong Zhan wants to hold her in her arms, but with two children around, he still restrains.

However, what makes Ye Hao feel strange is that Ming Xi and Ming Yu are very clumsy along the way. They usually like to talk non-stop. Today, like a gentle white rabbit, they don’t say a word.

Going back to the palace, Ming Xi and Ming Yu were taken down for grooming, and Ye Hao also cleaned the face.

"I am going to see two children." Murong Cham said.

"You are coming back." Ye Hao called him. "Don't you want to bathe? The water is ready, I will change clothes for you."

Murong Zhan laughed. "You can do it yourself. On the outside, let's rest."

Ye Hao looked at him and sneered. He walked over and dragged him into the back of the clean room. He took off his clothes for Ali, and Murong Zhan didn't dare to struggle. If he hurt her, it would be bad. He just smiled helplessly. You are the overlord's hard bow."

"You still worry that I will eat you." Ye Hao asked without a good gas.

"When you wash, wait for you to eat." Murong Zhan glared at her waist and whispered in her ear.

Ye Hao looked up and gave him a look. She took off her clothes and looked at it. She was so angry that she was green. "I still said that I was not injured. You see, the chest and shoulders are so big, you are not afraid of internal injuries. You Don't tell me, you don't want to be hit, so..."

"How is it stronger than hurting the face? Besides, it will be better if you have been hurt for two days. You have the internal strength to protect you. You have not hurt your bones. The water is hurt even more." Murong Zhan said with a smile. Although I don’t say that I’m completely crushing the water today, I’m definitely not going to talk to him after I’ve got a glimpse of it.

Any man who dares to marry his family, don't want to escape his eyes.

Ye Hao’s heavy palm was shot on the shoulder of Murong Cham, in the middle of a large piece of ruthless position, “Inner force protection?”

Murong Zhan painfully tore his teeth, he said with helpless Ye Hao, "I will not discuss with others in the future, okay?"

"Come on, I will give you rubbing medicine for a while." Ye Hao said, fortunately, she left the medicine to give water a glimpse. Otherwise, with his proud temper, he will definitely not let others know that he was beaten like that, how can he go? Please doctor.

"You go to see Mingxi, the little guy seems to be doing something wrong." Murong Zhan kissed her cheek, "Let Fu Gonggong give the medicine to you."

Ye Hao just felt that Mingxi was different in the carriage. "Then I will go see them."

When it comes to children, all her thoughts have been taken away.

Going out and deleting, Hong Ling whispered, "The goddess, Yan Han asked to see outside, it seems to be related to the little prince."

Ye Hao slightly stunned, let Yan Han see her in the partial hall.

"Scorpio!" Seeing Ye Hao come in, Yan Han walked a courtesy.

"What is it?" Ye Hao asked directly from the local.

Yan Han whispered, "The child who was in the snow peach garden today woke up, but... the little prince accidentally hit a stick and now fainted."

"..." Ye Hao lived. "Do you explain that Xie hit the child?"

Yan Han explained, "The little emperor saw the emperor and the generals competing. Later, he was brought back to Zhuangzi by the emperor. He took the stick and plotted in the yard. The child just woke up and went to the yard... The little emperor did not I saw that a stick hit the child."

The child still has injuries on his head. Although the little prince is small, his strength is not small.

Ye Hao feels that his brain hurts a bit. It is no wonder that Ming Xi is so well-behaved in the car. He knows that he has done something wrong. "How is the child now? Do you know who the child is?"

"I only know that he is Yan Xiaoliu. I haven't asked him about his life. Now he is unconscious." Yan Han said.

That bear child! Don't give people a problem.

"You go to Zhuangzi and bring the child into the palace. I will heal him." Ye Hao said.

"Yes, Scorpio." Yan Han whispered. "Just, the child's accent doesn't sound like Wangducheng."

Ye Hao had guessed that the child was born well. Wang Ducheng did not tell who the child was missing. It should have come from other places. "You said that he is Yan Xiaoliu, who knows who?"

"The people of the Yuan Dynasty have a lot of people, and this is really difficult to guess." Yan Han said.

Ye Hao nodded lightly, but at least he knew what the name was, and when he woke up, he asked again, "You should go to the palace first."

Commanded Yan Han, Ye Hao went to find Ming Xi chat.

This little guy knows that he is in trouble. After he came back, he didn’t bother to find a flamingo. He also took a copybook to practice the words and saw Ye Hao coming in. He even straightened his waist and looked very serious.

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