Ye Hao sat down next to the Taishi chair. The eyebrows looked softly at the son who was still writing a copybook. It seems that he really knew that he had done something wrong.

The little hand written by Ming Xi was sour. Seeing that Ye Hao had not planned to leave, he had to put down his pen and carefully looked at Ye Hao. "Mom, I am wrong."

"Well, what have you done wrong?" Ye Hao smiled. In fact, she wanted to say that he had two sentences at first. After all, it was indeed wrong for him to accidentally hurt people. However, when he saw his mistake, she still The heart is soft, but I don’t let Mingxi know.

She does not want to condone Ming Xi, even if he is a prince, he can not hurt people at will. If she does not care, she may feel that it is irrelevant to hurt others. As a prince, Ming Xi should understand the truth of respecting others.

Mingxi whispered, "I accidentally stunned a person today, mother, sorry."

"You told me that sorry is useless, you are not playing me." Ye Hao whispered, "What have you done after hurting people?"

"I... I let Yan Han go to the doctor." Ming Xi lowered his head. "Mom, I am afraid."

Ye Hao licked his head. This is a three-year-old child. After he hurts, let Yan Han go to the doctor. It is already doing very well. "You want to play with a stick, but you have to choose the right place." This injury to others is a lesson. After the little brother wakes up, you have to say sorry to him."

Mingxi’s nodded nod, “Mother, I will say sorry to my little brother.”

"Ming Xi is sincere." Ye Hao said softly.

She is very clear about what kind of responsibility Ming Xi shoulders. In the case that she only has one son, he wants to inherit the hopes and expectations of Mo Rongzhan. No matter how noble he is, she hopes that he has a humble and kind heart. You can't regard the life of others as an ant because of your identity.

"Mother, who is that little brother?" Ming Xi was in the arms of Ye Hao, and was afraid that the little guy from Ye Hao would restore his former glory.

Ye Hao said, "It was the last time the child was rescued in Xuetaoyuan. He was injured in the body. You accidentally hit it. Now I don't know what the injury is, but don't worry, let Yan Han go to bring him back to the palace. It’s inside.”

Mingxi whispered, "When he enters the palace, I will go see him."

"Ming Yu?" Ye Hao was holding Ming Xi in her arms, and she discovered that her daughter who liked her was not seen.

"Go to the little white rabbit." Mingxi said.

When he was talking to his son, he saw that Murong Chong came in from the outside. His hair was still a little wet. He only wore a single coat, and there was still a cold wind outside. He was not afraid of cold at all. But I saw my face sinking.

Not afraid that such a cold day will be infected with the cold!

"Father of the Father." Ming Xi saw the appearance of Murong Chong, and immediately looked up at him with a look of contempt. "Father, I will fly like you."

Murong Zhan lightly coughed, "When you grow up, say it."

"Father, do you win the general? The general is very good." Ming Xi asked curiously.

Listening to his son seems to admire the tone of water, and Murong Zhan said faintly, "The father is a little better."

Mingxi cheered and jumped into the arms of Murong Zhan at once. "The father is so powerful, is the father teaching me?"

"Good." Murong Chan's face nodded, in fact, the eyes are already smiling.

"How old are you, what to learn." Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief, and took a look at Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan is in a good mood today. "Where is the jade? Where is the little baby who went?"

"Go to the little white rabbit, father, I have to go to the flamingo, you go with me?" Mingxi exclaimed excitedly, there has been no frustration.

"Good." Murong Zhan promised to go down without saying anything.

Ye Hao grabbed his sleeve. "It’s ice and snow outside, you wear such a clothes, not afraid of the cold."

Murong Zhan chuckled, "Oh, nothing."

"Fu Gonggong, go to the emperor to get a big cockroach." Ye Hao cold face, she knows that he is a deep internal force, but today only with the water, and just bathed out, the most easily cold.

Murong Zhan had no choice. After Fu Gonggong took it, he took Mingxi to find his daughter.

Ye Hao returned to the dormitory and looked at the sky outside, let Xue Lin give some medicine to the water, and even Murong Zhan had injuries. The water injury was definitely heavier.

With his personality in love with his face, it is estimated that he will not ask the doctor.

After using the dinner, Yan Han brought Yan Xiaoliu back from Zhuangzi.

"Mother, I will go too." Mingxi heard that Yan Xiaoliu came, pulling Ye Wei's sleeves, and he also wanted to see the man.

"Okay." Ye Hao did not object, after all, Ming Xi will torture Yan Xiaoliu again.

Yan Han placed Yan Xiaoliu in a place where the palace people lived behind the partial temple. He specially vacated a room. When Ye Hao came over, Yan Han was going to return to life.

"Scorpio, when the subordinates rushed to Zhuangzi, the doctor said that the child's injury is too heavy, I do not know how to rescue." Yan Han said.

Ye Hao slightly frowned, lifted his foot into the room, and saw the delicate and beautiful little boy pale face, gauze wrapped around his forehead and blood, it seems that the wound was opened by Ming Xi.

"Red dragonfly, go take the medicine box." Ye Hao whispered, walked in to give the child a pulse, except for the wound on the head, the pulse is not very weak, probably because of too much blood.

It seems that it is still necessary to acupuncture to stop bleeding.

Ming Xi has been staring at Yan Xiaoliu lying on the bed. In his young age, he still doesn't know what kind of concept is dead, but the person who can stand up not long ago can't move now. He is jealous. Rubbing my lips, I can’t say what it feels like.

I don’t know how long it took, Ye Hao only took the needle and re-wrapped the wound to Yan Xiaoliu. “Red Dragonfly, you stayed to look after him. He will give him medicine tonight, wake up and immediately inform the palace.”

The red dragonfly should have a cry, "Yes, the goddess."

"Mother, when did she wake up?" Ming Xi whispered.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "It will be awake in these two days. It is very late now. We will come back to him tomorrow."

"Good." Ming Xi nodded, thinking that he would wake up tomorrow, maybe this person has already woken up.

With Mingxi back to the house, Ye Hao took two children to sleep before returning to the dormitory.

In the hands of Murong Chan, holding a singer in his hand, the big cockroach on his body had long been taken off, the hair was scattered behind his back, and the cold wind of the window was still drilled into the dormitory, but he did not feel cold at all.

"Let Fu Gonggong give you medicine?" Ye Hao walked over and closed the window a little before he sat down next to Murong Cham.

"Forgot." Murong Zhan replied absently, his eyes were watching the memorial.

This bastard!

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