Zhao Wei’s eyes did not hide his resentment against him. Zhao’s heart was shocked, so clear and direct hate, he saw it for the first time in Zhao’s eyes. He had not realized this clearly before. I hate him.

"When did you say that you made it indiscriminately?" Zhao asked, frowning, and there was a anger in his chest. This kind of anger that was not trusted by his daughter had been brewing in his heart for a long time.

"When my mother died, I told you that it was a virtue. You sent me to your grandfather's house. In your heart, Deyi is your wife. Her children are your children. What is in your heart, what am I in your heart, just want to be cold and cold, want to throw away the stranger who lost, I dare tell you that Desheng killed the mother? You will then me again Where are you going to send? You will only protect Deyi and her children. Will you protect me?” Zhao Wei thought that Zhao Wei would not go to check the things of the year. In a rage, he said all the resentment. .

Zhao looked at her daughter. He saw her daughter's emotions so excited for the first time. It turned out that she thought of him like this.

"Hey..." The anger of Zhao Xin’s heart didn’t know how to disappear. He looked at Zhao Wei with a stern look. "Hey, you were still small, many things are not as simple as you can see, you should know, that At that time, I have already checked it, and I have not found any difference in your mother’s death. Let you go to Chengjia, but also for your good."

"Have you checked the German?" Zhao said coldly. "You are willing to check her? Isn't it your heart? For me, my father, are you still a five-year-old child?" ”

Zhao Wei frowned. He was indeed very fond of Eddy. He wouldn’t let her give birth to two children. The Queen’s death, he also suspected, but there is no evidence, so he will not check it again. In the future, he did not favor the Germans again.

"Hey, let Cheng Hao to check it out." Zhao Wei whispered, he did not know the unintentional actions of childhood, will make Zhao Wei's heart suffer such a big injury.

Zhao Wei glanced at him coldly. "I also want to know the final truth."

"Everyone knows that you don't like Deyi. You will stay here. I hope that you can open the suspicion. I don't want to let Cheng Hao check it out." Zhao Wei explained, "Hey, you are your daughter. You will not let your mother die unbelievably unbeaten."

"She has been dead for 12 years," Zhao said faintly.

Zhao Wei was blocked from speaking, "In short, you will not let you go to Qi State at this time."

"Well, if you don't return, you won't go back." Zhao said with a blank expression, as long as he had already let Cheng Hao go to Chad.

“What did Lu Shuanger tell you?” asked Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan’s mouth floated with a cold smile. “You don’t know where Lu Shuanger is? Why don’t you ask her by yourself?”

"Are you this attitude to talk to the father?" Zhao Wei whispered, "Don't think that you can tolerate more and more, you have to talk to Cheng Hao, but you are not willing to follow." Say?"

"At least Cheng Hao will not doubt me." Zhao Wei whispered.

Zhao Wei feels that if he continues to talk to her, he may be mad at first. "Go, go on, go back to Qi, you will go back together."

"Yes, the father!" Zhao said in a word, turned and left the room.

Looking at her daughter's back, Zhao Wei only felt a sense of powerlessness. He sighed. Now he can only hope that Cheng Hao will find out the truth as soon as possible. Otherwise, Zhao Wei will not forgive him any more.

"The emperor, the time is almost up, we should go into the palace." Song Hongyi whispered outside the door, he was just outside the door, accidentally listening to the dialogue of their father and daughter, now can only pretend to be something Did not hear.

Zhao Yan walked out of the room with a sullen face. He didn't look at Song Hongyu.

Outside the gate, Duanmuxi is already waiting. Today he is going to enter the palace with Zhao Wei.

When they got on the carriage, Zhao Wei asked in a cold voice, "Is it wrong?"

This has no end to question, Song Hongyi really does not know how to answer, "the emperor, the minister did not understand."

"I was so wrong with the big princess that year?" Zhao Wei asked coldly, as if Song Hongyi would not let him go if he didn't answer well.

"The big princess just lost her mother. She was sent out of the palace when she was sad. Not to mention that she was only five years old. When she changed to a child who grew up, she would feel bad in her heart, but you are good for the big princess. She will understand." Song Hongyu whispered.

Zhao Hao snorted, and this said it is equal to not saying!

After entering the palace, Zhao Wei took Duanmu to go to the dry dragon hall to see Ye Hao. Today, there is no need to go early, but there are still many ministers who come to see Tianzhu. Zhao Wei had to wait in the partial hall.

The ministers who entered the palace in these few days are all for the new law. They all hope that Ye Hao can change the decision. Whether it is the law of marriage or other laws that require officials to obey, it is all unbearable. If you continue this way, only I am afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable.

"You mean that it is strictly forbidden to accept bribes from officials who are officials in the DPRK, or do they ask them not to occupy the people in the Liangtian area for their own use?" Ye Hao looked at the two ministers below, and his voice was a little indifferent.

"Scorpio, it is not right to be greedy, but... can't get in and out of the brothel... It seems too harsh."

"Since it feels too harsh, don't be an official, lest you be wronged." Where is the Qinglou, the most easy place to reveal secrets, a few glasses of wine, what should be said or not said As a court official, it is more important to lead by example, and some court secrets are even more difficult to say at random. She wrote this into the law and thought about it from the overall situation.

Ye Hao has been annoyed by the new law in the past few days. "Whoever has opinions on the new law, resign directly, don't come to me again."

The two ministers who were kneeling in front of her were taken away.

"Scorpio, everyone did not hear such a law at first, and naturally got used to it in the future." Liu Zhanhu whispered.

"I know." Ye Hao nodded faintly. "I will talk about it today. Other things will be discussed tomorrow morning."

After Liu Zhanhu and others were sent, Ye Hao thought about finding two children to relax. Lu and came in to talk, saying that the emperor of Qi State came.

I almost forgot, and I still want to give Zhao acupuncture today.

However, today, the acupuncture point of acupuncture is taught to Duanmuxi, and she no longer has to give Zhao acupuncture.

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