Compared with a few days ago, Zhao Wei’s temperament was much better, unlike a few months ago, a pair of dying.

"Scorpio, recently Wangdu City is really lively." Zhao Wei saw Ye Hao, temporarily letting Zhao Hao down, he is also very interested in the recent bustling of Wangdu City.

Yesterday, he also deliberately looked for the contents of the new law, and once again looked at the Lu Hao, she is really not afraid of breaking the interests of the famous family of Dongqing, so it is acceptable to withdraw from the new law. I am afraid there are not many.

"I don't think you still have the mood to watch the fun." Ye Hao mocked him. The words that Lu Shuanger said that day were not badly passed to her ears. The harem that wants to come to him should not be calm. I heard that the peaceful Hou Cheng has gone back. It should be going back to investigate this matter.

Zhao Wei looked at her and said, "Are you deliberate?"

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "I deliberately did not understand this."

"Let the children see Lu Shuanger." Zhao said.

"It’s not that I asked your daughter to go to Lu Shuanger. I thought she had a deep affection for Lu’s aunt, so she only closed her eyes and let her enter the harem. Why, isn’t it right? It’s not a big princess. Asking you to save Lu Shuanger?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Zhao Wei listened to her with a serious nonsense, and snorted, he did not believe she did not know what Lu Shuanger said that day! "Would you like to thank Tianzhu?"

"Well, what I said before, I don't know how the emperor thinks?" Ye Xiao said with a smile, she wants to use the city of Jinkou to drive the ruined Meisha Port before the Bailong River, if it can follow the country's Hengwan Port. It’s easier to form an alliance.

Zhao Wei chuckled and said, "Scorpio has not forgotten about this matter so far."

Ye Hao said with a smile, "How can I easily forget this important thing, the emperor, and the alliance with our Yuan, there is no loss for your Qi State, the trade of the Yokohama Port is not prosperous, maybe after the alliance with us Can thrive."

"What really makes Tianzhu say it." Zhao said with a smile, in fact, had to admit that she said it makes sense.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't form an alliance with the Yuan. Even though your illness is getting better now, but... I still have that sentence, you don't have much time left." Ye Hao whispered.

Zhao Yan sighed, "You don't have to keep reminding you, you can form an alliance with the Yuan, but you will not form an alliance with the kingdom."

Qi Guo and Jin Guo were already allies three years ago. Now, listening to Zhao Wei, he does not intend to become an ally with Jin Guo. "Is it because of Zhao Ning?"

"Ink-Chan's calculations are for you, you can not care about it, but you have owed Zhao Ning this child, and now she is so wronged in Jin Guo, I can't do it." Zhao Ning, Zhao Wei’s face was cold.

"I understand what you mean. When I get to Jinguo, I will definitely explain it to you." Ye Hao said, even if Zhao Ning is the identity of Princess Qi, she saved Murong Zhan and herself, Ye Haodu. Can't watch her being wronged.

"Hey, believe in the sky." Zhao said.

Ye Hao arrived, "Today, let you bring Duanmuxi into the palace, now others?"

"Outside," said Zhao Wei.

Hung Hom went out and invited Duanmu to come in. Ye Hao told him about the acupuncture techniques and acupuncture points, let him give Zhao Zhao acupuncture once in the next three days, plus her prescription, as long as it lasts for one year, at least Zhao Yiyi can be guaranteed. The year will not happen again.

Duanmuxiu looked at the acupuncture points and techniques of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. He was shocked by the heart. He had previously used acupuncture and moxibustion for Zhao, but the acupoints were conservative. He did not dare to take the needle too deeply, so the effect was not great. It is simply to survive in the sinister, but this is the case, can Zhao Yi's headaches be suppressed.

"Duanmu Guzhu, can you understand?" Ye Hao asked Duanmu.

"The old man admire." Duanmuxiu gave a ritual to Ye Hao, convincingly admitting that Ye Hao’s medical skills were indeed above him.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I just learned this acupuncture method."

After the acupuncture, Zhao Wei fell asleep on the soft couch. Ye Hao gave Duanmu a few details. "...There is one more thing, I want to ask the end of the wood."

"Scorpio asks, the old man knows everything." Duanmu Hugh took a lesson, and he was admired for Ye Hao, and he was willing to say anything.

"I want to ask a person from Duanmugu." Ye Hao whispered, knowing that Zhao Wei couldn't hear, she tried to keep her voice down. "The man is Lu Yizhi, who was seriously injured in Anhe City a few years ago. Was rescued by the lang, but now the whereabouts are unknown. I don’t know if Duanmu Guzhu has seen this person?"

Duanmu took a moment, this Lu Yizhi, isn’t Lu Guifei’s eldest brother? Last time his son also asked him to treat Lu Yuzhi, yes, Tianzhu is also a surname, it seems to be the cousin of Lu Yizhi.

Duanmuxi, who has lived a life of seclusion, is not clear about the grievances of Ye and Lu, only that Ye Hao is concerned about his loved ones.

"The old man healed the injury of Lu Yi. At that time, his injury was too heavy. The dog was helpless, just..." Duanmu took a break and thought that he saw Lu Hanzhi’s injury. He knew that Lu Yizhi was Lu Guifei’s eldest brother. I don't want to worry about his injury, but Lu Haozhi can actually survive in such a serious injury. If it is not non-human willpower, it will definitely not be done. "Although it can later cause Lu Zhizhi's trauma. Healed, but the internal injuries are too heavy, and the old man is powerless. If there is a Scorpio at the time, maybe everything will be different."

Ye Hao’s eyes fainted in the depths of his eyes. “You mean, is Lu Yizhi’s injury cured?”

"Oh, it’s just a trauma. The meridians of Lu Yan have been seriously injured. It’s a waste of life. It’s a pity that Lu Yu’s injury is too heavy, affecting his future sons and daughters, and... When he left the drug valley, he decided that he could not live for a long time." Duanmuxi said.

Affecting the descendants of the children? Ye Hao slightly raised his eyebrows. The meaning of this statement is subtle. That is to say, it seems that Lu Yi’s injury is not a general weight. “Duanmu Guzhu, then do you know where Lu Yi’s is now? Will it be? In the medicine valley?"

Duanmu shook his head and shook his head. "The old man has not seen Lu Yizhi for two years. If he has not guessed it, he is afraid that he is no longer alive..."

Not in the world? Ye Hao didn't quite believe that Lu Yizhi would die so easily.

"Thank you for the end of the end of the wood." Ye Hao nodded with a smile, even if Lu Yizhi did not die, it is estimated that living will not be too happy, can no longer have children, that is not humane?

Really good news!

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