In the same year, Mo Ronghui gave birth to Yuxi because of Ye Hao. He looked at Ye Hao and grew up. So when the little girl like a jade is called a brother of the Prince, the sound is so soft that people want to turn into water. He I don't know when I liked her. I only remember that when I was holding a prince or a good friend, he thought of Ye Hao in his mind.

If it wasn't for Murong Cham, he would become a queen when he was enthroned.

But she became the king of Murong Cham.

He can't wait to smash the corpse of ink.

However, he not only failed to kill Murong Zhan, but he also snatched Jin Guo.

Murong Zhan sent people to negotiate with him, as long as he was willing to hand over the jade, and declared that the world would give him the throne of the throne, he is willing to exchange Ye Hao.

A Jinguo, exchange a leafhopper.

If he does not hand over the jade, Jin Guo will lose sooner or later. Yu Yu will only get it sooner or later for Murong Cham, so he promised to hand over the jade, only to exchange his beloved ones.

He did not wait for Ye Hao, Yu Yu was stolen by the people around him and sent to Murong Cham. He was under house arrest. Not long after, he heard that Ye Hao had been in the news of Qin Wangfu.

For many years, he has never figured out why Ye Hao had been self-defeating. She was Qin Wangxi, and she was justified as a queen. He thought she was tired by Ye Jia. Now I know that it is not, he just didn’t. Thinking that Murong Cham would be so ruthless, even if she hated Ye Hao, she would not give her a seal, but she would send someone to kill her.

For the first time, Mo Ronghui’s heart has been angry and unwilling.

Lu Yizhi saw the reaction of Mo Ronghui in his eyes. He just smiled. "The Prince does not have to be sad. Since the emperor set up the land, he has been chased by the empress and has been buried in the imperial tomb."

"Who are you?" Mo Ronghui suppressed the anger of his heart, and the dark scorpion looked at the man in front of him.

This person said that he was the general manager around the king, and he was from the Qi State. He could listen to his words and feel like a Jin Guo.

"The slave is only... for the life of His Royal Highness, he has the same feeling of compassion." Lu Yizhi whispered, "I also have a beloved woman, but I am taken away by someone who is more noble than me. I have also become a monk to become today. Look, after a few years in Kyoto, I often hear about the legendary story between the empresses. After careful inquiries, I found that there is another hidden feeling, and I can’t help but feel a little bit of emotion.”

Mo Ronghui did not expect to have such a story. However, his heart still faintly felt that this general manager was not so simple. "If you don't know that Lin Gonggong is from Qi Guo, I thought it was great with Murong Cham. Hatred."

"The slaves have no hatred, and they say so much with His Highness, and they are also sympathetic to His Royal Highness." Lu Yi said in a whisper, "Did for many years, has His Highness been willing to give up the dragon in the sea?"

As he guessed, the delay is not to say these words for no reason. "The loser is jealous, this is the end of the loser, can I still rebel?"

Lu Yizhi shook his head and said, "How can you say that it is rebellion, but it is to take back your own things."

He now has only one person left, not even a person who can mention him to do things. How can he get back his own things? Mo Ronghui said faintly, "There are too many public justices. I am very satisfied with the life today. After that... you don't have to come again."

"His Royal Highness seems to have no fighting spirit." Lu Yanzhi guessed this result early, so it is not surprising that Murong Hui’s rush.

Mo Ronghui said softly, "If people live, they need fighting spirit."

Lu Yizhi got up and said goodbye. He knew that it was impossible to let Mo Ronghui decide immediately because of this point. If Murong Hui knew that Lu Hao was Ye Hao?

Unfortunately, it is not the time, even if he said it, Murong Hui would not believe it.

"The slave has always been a firm belief, and belongs to his own things. No matter how much effort is put into it, he must find a way to get it back." Lu Hao said as he walked.

Mo Ronghui looked at his back and thought that this delay was too naive. He and Murong Zhan were right. He needed more than just the identity of a former Prince. Murong Cham was already the king of a country. What is he? ? It is a waste that is under house arrest. Can he still follow thousands of soldiers with a wave of his arms?

Lu Yizhi left the palace, but Mo Ronghui’s mood was somewhat unrecoverable.

"Ye, Dongdong has already gone to Zhuangzi. Wang Hao sent someone to invite Wang to go, but Wang Ye did not leave." Luo Cheng was waiting outside the carriage, and saw Lu Yuzhi coming out and immediately went back.

"Mo Rong is afraid that Zhao Ning wants to stay away from him, so he dare not go to see him." Lu Yan's faint smile, "It seems that Zhao Ning is discovering the problem, find someone to come out and pack it, so as not to find it." Go on your body."

Luo Cheng answered, "I understand that I have already made arrangements." He looked at Lu Yan’s eyes. "I just don’t understand. If Zhao Ning really stays away with Murong, then we don’t have an excuse to stay. In Kyoto?"

"If they are going to be separated from each other, they will leave." Lu Yizhi said, "How have other things been done?"

"Do not worry, everything is going well. At that time, there will be a lot of chaos in the rivers and lakes. The courts will not be our opponents. But, isn't Murong Hui still obeying your arrangement?" Luo Cheng said.

Lu Yizhi smiled. "He still needs some excitement."

"The subordinates are just worried..." Luo Cheng said and stopped looking at Lu Yizhi.

"What are you worried about?" Lu Yizhi stepped on the snow and made a squeaking sound. He was not happy. In such a weather, it was a laborious thing to go out.

Luo Cheng looked at him. Before the martial arts masters became so sick, they could only rely on lobbying others to believe him and help him. "There are people who are worried that the man is only using thousands of spiders to kill him. It’s hard for spiders to stand firm in the rivers and lakes. Nowadays, instead of the thousand Luosha, but..."

"It was the existence of killing people and making money. It was also used to kill people. There is no difference." Lu said in a cold voice.

"Ye..." Luo Cheng also wants to persuade. After losing so much, now they have only a thousand spiders left. If there is no such thing, then there is nothing.

Lu Yanzhi looked at the bright sky and said, "What he wants is exactly what I want to destroy. I grabbed it from the hand of Murong Cham and gave me a big hatred. This is enough."

"Yeah, don't you wonder why he wants Jinguo?" Luo Cheng whispered, a martial arts man, suddenly wanting to get something that should not belong to him, was originally an incredible thing.

"Not surprising." Because the identity of the person should have gotten it all.

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