Determining the time of departure, Ye Hao has been explaining the imperial court for the past two days. She will hand over the government to the cabinets and deal with them. They can do the Lord’s affairs. As long as the seals of all six people are complete, they can be ordered. If they can't solve it, they will send the memorial to Jinguo and she will make a decision.

After a few days of busy work, she was finally able to embark on the road to Huijin with Murong Zhan.

"I was finally able to go back." Ye Hao and Murong Zhan were in a carriage, and Ming Xi and Ming Yu were red and they were carrying the car behind them.

Murong Chong felt inexplicably comfortable with the words in her mouth. In her heart, Jin Guo is the real home of her, "Well."

Ye Hao remembered to live in the palace after going back. She was kneeling on his shoulder. "Is that still your harem? Is there any beauty in the palace when I am not there?"

"What do you want the harem's harem to look like?" Murong Zhan leaned against the wall, slightly closed his eyes, listening to her whispering in his ear, feeling happy and relaxed, especially she was still jealous. The tone makes him feel funny.

"Only I am the best person." Ye Hao whispered, "Our Yuan is monogamous."

Murong Zhan chuckled and opened her eyes and looked at her. "You have only one person."

Ye Hao actually knows that he will definitely not want to show the girl into the palace again. He wants to ask for a certificate, especially from his mouth. She will feel practical. "Where... Hu Yueer?"

When she left, Hu Yueer was still his sister, although she was only trying to protect her from Hu Yueer, but she was really unhappy for a while.

"What does she do?" Murong Cham's tone faded. If it wasn't Hu Yueer who went to Chengde Mountain Villa, he wouldn't move his tires. He didn't kill her. It was already seen in the blasphemy.

"I didn't because she was difficult to produce..." Ye Hao whispered that although she didn't like Hu Yueer, she didn't want Hu Yueer because she was executed.

Murong Zhan looked down at her. "Although this is the case, she did not care well when she went to Chengde Villa. She gave her fame and status, and let her family follow the prosperity of the family. This is the greatest reward for her, she is greedy. No wonder other people."

"Azhan..." Ye Hao knew that he was telling the truth, and he felt that Hu Yueer’s sin would not die.

"I didn't kill her," said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. Hu Yueer said that she did not deserve to stand next to Murong Zhan. Now she wants Hu Yueer to know that no one but her is more suitable to stand by Murong Cham.

"Just returning to Jin Guo, do you have any opinions from your ministers?" Murong Zhan did not want her to continue to say Hu Yueer, and turned her attention to other places.

"Shui Yiyi originally wanted to go to Jinguo with him." Ye Hao said with a smile, and he glanced at him with a slight squint. "You and he just look at each other and are not pleasing to the eye."

Murong Zhan sighed in her heart, she still can't see the water, she has ulterior motives for her, too, she is always slow in this regard, "I didn't see him not pleasing to the eye."

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "Actually, I hope that Master will go back with us, but he is right. The Yuan Dynasty is not long before the founding of the country. I should not leave at this time. There are Masters left, I can Rest assured."

"Hey, let people go to the port of Mesa to prepare the ship. Let's go to Mesa Port first. Have you always wanted to use the Meisha Port to form an alliance with Jinkou City? Just go and see." Murong Zhan said.

Ye Hao’s eyes brightened, and she really wanted to go to Mesa Port. “Are we going from Mesa Port to Jinkou City?”

"Do you want to go to Feiyu Mountain Villa by the way?" Murong Zhan whispered, he is her pillow, how could she not know what she was thinking, since she knew that her mother was born in martial arts, she always In the people to inquire, I also wrote to Ye Xiaonan, but there is still no reply, she must be very curious to know what kind of person Yu is, how to marry Ye Yiqing.

"You want to take me to Feiyu Mountain Villa?" Ye Hao sat up in surprise. Although she wanted to know her mother's past, she also knew very well that it was extremely unrealistic to go to Feiyu Mountain Villa. I don’t mention my own family, and I haven’t even mentioned it. Her heart is very clear. It must be for a reason. It’s just that the real reason is that no one but her can tell her.

She thinks that Ye Xiaonan certainly does not know much.

Murong Zhan whispered, "It is impossible to go to nature with real identity. There are so many things in the rivers and lakes, I want to take you there later."

Ye Hao said with his arm. "I don't know if there is such an opportunity in the future. Just take a trip to Feiyu Mountain Villa."

"The way back is just passing by, we can go there." Murong Zhan said, just go to Feiyu Mountain Villa, there should be no danger. As for other things on the rivers and lakes, he does not want to intervene at this time, lest Let their mother and child be in danger.

Being able to go to Feiyu Mountain Villa, Ye Hao’s mood is much better.

However, for Mingxi and Mingyu, they are all the same everywhere. After leaving the palace, they are obviously happy. Especially Mingyu, they have been saying nothing, they are Although I don’t remember much of the memory, I don’t like to stay in the palace. No one around can play with them. Except for the occasional fathers taking them out of the palace, most of them feel very stuffy.

"Yan Xiaoliu, how have you not been talking?" Ming Yuxi looked tired in the window, finally sat back in the position, while drinking the water that the red dragonfly handed over, while facing the stuffy and silent Xiaoyan Liu Asked.

"I don't know what to say." Yan Xiaoliu was asked by Ming Yu, and some restrained.

Mingxi glanced at them and whispered to Mingyu, "Yan Xiaoliu is not used to the first time in the palace. You should not scare him."

I don’t know if Murong Chan’s education is different for Mingxi. Mingxi is now more and more stable, only young and young, already knowing how to take care of others’ emotions, and he is no longer like Mingyu. Say it nonstop.

"Where I am scared of him." Ming Yu whispered a small mouth. "It is he who scares himself."

Yan Xiaoliu bowed his head. He was indeed a little scared. For the past, he knew nothing about it. He didn't know who he was. Now he left the palace. He didn't even know what to face next.

"Don't worry, if we are there, it will protect you." Ming Xi said to Yan Xiaoliu.

"Thank you for your Highness." Yan Xiaoliu showed a shallow smile, and the whole face instantly became brighter.

Ming Yu leaned over and looked at him. "And me, I will protect you."

"Thank you princess." Yan Xiaoliu's eyes were filled with a warm smile, and a white toothed face was looming.

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