The wind is cold, the water is condensed into ice, and the trees on the road are condensed with ice, so there is no clear view.

Their carriages have been away from Wangdu City for several days. Because of the weather and the children, they are not fast. Although they are dressed as merchants, they don’t look like businessmen who are eager to hurry. They look like they are enjoying the scenery along the road. Tourists.

In order not to attract attention, Murong Chan did not let too many people follow, but let them hide in the dark, accompanied by only Tang Yan and Shen Yi.

"Yeah, in front of Zhongxing House, if you don't stay in front, we may not be able to find the inn before dark." Tang Yan walked over the horse and said to Murong Zhan through the carriage.

"Then settle in Zhongxing." Murong Zhan said, anyway, it would not be so fast to Mesa Port. He had no time to come to the Yuan Dynasty. Now Ye Hao is the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty, just to take her to understand her. What is the land of Jiangshan?

Ye Hao heard the voice of Tang Yan outside and whispered to Murong Zhan, "Have you been to ZTE?"

How it looks like it is familiar.

"I haven't been there. But I heard it." Murong Zhan said.

Zhongxing House is a very prosperous place, and Luoshui Pavilion is there, there are still many people coming and going.

Ye Hao said, "Why is Luoshui Pavilion only accepting women?"

Murong Zhan explained, "I heard that the head of Luoshuige was abandoned by her husband. She founded Luoshuige under her sadness. The apprentices received were suffering, or they completely died of men, but they went into Luo. Watergate can't be married to men."

"There is such a martial art?" Ye Hao couldn't help but laugh.

"This kind of martial art will only add hatred and despair to people, not to help those women." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Fortunately, you did not know that there is such a place before."

Ye Hao smiled softly in his arms. "Even if I know, I won't go, can't I get married, how can I do it? I just wanted to avoid it far away, find a good person who is good to me. , the days of peace and stability."

Murong Zhan saw her grievances and knew why she had such an idea. Fortunately, he met her early and did not let other men have the opportunity to get her before him.

"Right, did Tang Yucheng kiss?" Ye Hao remembered that he had been close to Tang Yan at that time. Now that she remembered the previous things, she always had some embarrassment about Tang Yin.

"He doesn't want to give him a wedding," said Murong Chan.

He remembered it. Didn't he know that Mrs. Lu’s wife wanted to give him a donation to Tang Yan? He was not in a hurry to show his intentions. Did Tang Hao have not forgotten it for so many years?

Ye Hao said, "You always leave him alone. Whenever he has time to think about his own affair, there is no elder in Tang’s family. Who will make a lifelong event for him."

"Hey, he thinks that someone will soon be able to make a lifelong event. When you are in the palm of your hand, give him a woman who is the right person, and give him a marriage." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

This idea seems to be quite good, but I have to wait until I return to Kyoto.

Before dark, they went to Zhongxing.

The night ban here does not have the sternness of Wangducheng. The gates are still open. From the beginning of the Hua Deng, the ice on the branches under the eaves is printed. There is no snow and ice. Mingxi and Mingyu are wrapped in a small ball. The two men sat for a few days in the carriage, and they gradually felt impatient. Mingxi could still insist, but Mingyu was already impatient. Especially, she was already sleepy, her eyes were almost open, and the whole person was troubled. Impatient.

"Princess, slaves hold you off the bus." Hung Hom reached for her to hug her.

Ming Yu’s feet, “Don’t, I want the father to hug.”

When Murong Chong heard the sound of Ming Yu’s spoiled, he immediately went softly. “What happened to Mingyu?”

"I didn't see the father of the day, Ming Yu wanted the father." Ming Yu flew into the arms of Mo Rongzhan, and his face was grievous.

"Father holding the emperor." Murong Zhan's heart must be soft and dripping out of water, holding the jade in his arms, the smile of the corner of his mouth spread to his eyes.

I am going to become a daughter slave! Ye Hao rolled his eyes in his heart and walked over to pinch the cheeks of Ming Yu. "Isn't it a nap?"

"I don't think the father wants to sleep." Ming Yuxi was on the shoulder of Murong Cham, and his eyes were almost unable to open.

Ye Hao slightly raised his eyebrows. "Oh, I just wanted to be a father."

Ming Yu immediately raised his head and rubbed his eyes. "Ming Yu also wants to be a mother. She likes her mother most, and she wants to kiss her."

The people around him were teased by the appearance of the dog's legs.

"Don't fall asleep, wait a little while to eat and sleep." Ye Hao loved to kiss her cheek, and the soft, soft face was really a few mouthfuls.

"Go in." Murong Chan took a shot of Ming Yu's head and turned to look at Mingxi. "Ming Xi, are you tired?"

"Not tired, the father Huang." Ming Xi led Yan Xiaoliu's hand, his eyes are about to break into a line.

Tang Yan looked funny and walked over and hugged him. "I am holding you, young master."

Ming Xi actually wanted to go by himself, but he didn't sleep all day. He was too sleepy. He didn't want to move when he was on Don Juan's shoulder.

When a group of people entered the inn, they found that there were quite a lot of people inside. It didn’t look like a merchant. It’s probably that Murong Zhan and Ye Hao’s looks are too good. Seeing them coming in, many people are looking at each other. I also carefully stared at my face.

It’s not polite, it’s rude to make people frown.

The temperature in the eyes of Murong Zhan dropped a few degrees in an instant, and the whole body exudes a sigh of breath.

Those people probably thought that Murong Zhan’s eyes were too sharp, and that he took back his sight and stopped looking at them.

"Objective, are you tipping or eating?" The shopkeeper's seeing Murong Chong, they dressed well, smiled and greeted them.

Asked Shen, "We want to live in the store, do you still have a room here?"

"We only have three superior rooms left here. I wonder if you are willing to do it?" The shopkeeper said with a smile, they are the best in the whole ZTE, and the price of the store is naturally expensive. The best rooms are one night. There are dozens of two, not many people can afford it, in total, only in the afternoon, there are still three.

"That's the way." Shen said that they are not too many people, and they have to count the night at night. If they take turns to rest, the three rooms are still enough.

The shopkeeper immediately took them upstairs, and he knew that these people were born at a glance, unlike the Jianghu people who only danced with swords.

Murong Chan held Ming Yu in one hand and Ye Hao’s hand in one hand, whispering in silence, "Be alert at night."

"Yes." Shen Wei whispered.

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