In the evening, Ye Hao stayed in the room of Mingxi and Mingyu. She wanted to tell them stories before going to bed. When I was in China, they liked to tell her stories.

"Mother, you don't have to tell us a story, my brother will tell me." Ming Yu looked at Ye Hao with bright and lovely eyes.

"My brother told you to listen?" Ye Hao looked at Mingxi with surprise. "You...have seen these books?"

These books were written by Ye Yiqing when they were fine in China. They were written for the two grandchildren. The pictures are very interesting and vivid. Ye Hao sees them very much. But how can Mingxi tell the story?

"Mother, I have seen these books." Ming Xi said with some shyness. "Tai Fu taught me to read the words, I can understand, my grandfather wrote it very easily."

"..." Ye Hao forgot, her son, like her, has an unforgettable ability to read it again, not to mention teaching him to read the words, it is even worse than her.

"That... mother to accompany you to sleep." Ye Hao put down the book in his hand, the story-telling parent-child plan does not work, then find another way.

Ming Yu immediately nodded, "Mother, I want to sleep with you."

"Mother, the father is waiting for you." Ming Xi said.

Ye Hao kissed the forehead of Ming Xixi. "You are the mother's little baby."

Although Mingxi was a bit shy, but still happy, the two children fell asleep quickly after being accompanied by Ye Hao.

Looking at the pure and beautiful faces of the two children, Ye Hao’s heart became softer. When she woke up, the two children were born, and they were different from the children born normally. She knew that it was related to the fire phoenix. No one can understand that she was wary at first, for fear that they had any accidents. The two little ones who were not the same were now so big.

time flies.

Ye Xie’s gaze fell on Ming Xi’s body. What she was most worried about was her son. How long will the **** of fire phoenix be on him? If the **** of the gods disappears, what will Mingxi become?

She sighed in her heart, and even if she was worried, she could not find a solution. She had not entered the space for a long time. Maybe she should go to the space to see if there might be any new discoveries.

She stood up. When she wanted to go back to the room, her eyes were aimed at her son's book. For a moment, she was curious. She walked over, and all of them were copybooks and books read by Mingxi.

Ming Xi’s words have been written very well, and the books he read actually have comments.

It seems that like Mo Rongzhan, Mingxi is not reluctant to do these things, he really likes it.

She was really worried before.

Ye Hao put down the book in his hand and looked at Mingxi and Mingyu again. This is safe to leave.

Mo Rongzhan has been groomed, and he is watching it on the soft couch with a slap in his hand. He hears the footsteps. He looks up and looks at the past. The narrow and dark scorpion has a shallow smile. "Ming Xihe Mingyu is asleep?"

"Why haven't you been asleep yet?" Ye Hao walked over and rushed into his arms and hugged him. "How to wear so little, not afraid of the cold."

"Is it in a good mood?" Murong Chong put down the memorial in his hand and reached out and rubbed her cheek. He hadn't forgotten to bring her back for so long. She knew she wanted to accompany her two children.

Ye Hao nodded in his arms. She was really in a good mood. "Ming Xi and Ming Yu are so cute. Looking at the two little babies, I am satisfied."

"Not sad?" Murong Zhan hugged her to the bed.

"You are right, Mingxi is smarter than I thought. I figured it out. He likes it." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Murong Chan dropped a fine, hot kiss on her back neck. "Well."

"What are you doing?" Ye Hao shrinks and shrinks his body, his eyes glaring at him.

"You have been with them for so long, and you should stay with them." Murong Zhan untied her skirt and kissed her earlobe.

Ye Hao pushed his shoulder and said with deep affection, "Azhan, you are not young, and you are the way to maintain your health. You can't always be like this, it's not good for your health."

Murong Chong slightly blinked, and the dark scorpion reveals a dangerous light. "Hey, do you think you are getting old?"

"Ah?" Ye said a little, and smiled awkwardly. "You have been too frequent for the past two days. I am just worried about your body."

"It seems that if you haven't satisfied you in these two days, you will feel that you are old." In the back words, Murong Chan said that he had to gnash his teeth.

Ye Hao felt that there was a sinister danger coming over her face. Her scalp was numb, "Azhan, this is a misunderstanding, you listen to me..."

Murong Zhan did not give her the opportunity to explain, and he proved that he is not old, and he does not need to cultivate the important issue of cultivation.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao almost fainted, and his voice was dumb and dumb. He asked him for a long time, and he finally let her go.

“Do you still need to cultivate self-cultivation?” Murong Zhan asked her red and swollen pink lips.

"No..." Ye Hao’s voice was soft and hoarse, and he was unable to lie in his arms. He regretted that he had just said what he should not say. It seems that men do not want to be said to be old. Is it poked to their dignity? ?

Murong Zhan satisfactorily smirked a smile, "What is yours?"

"Well?" Ye looked at him with a stunned look, and her flushed cheeks seemed to her flirtatious eyes.

"Don't look at it like this." Murong said with a dumb voice, the tall and strong body clung to her body.

Ye Hao was afraid that he would come again, and asked carefully, "How do you want me to answer?"

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her on the chest. "Ming Xi and Ming Yu are your baby, huh?"

"..." Ye Hao's small white arms hugged his neck. "They are little babies, you are my favorite, and I love my brother."

"Yeah." Murong Chan was finally satisfied, and she was pleased with her once again, and she was more excited than before.

Ye Hao lost a few times and finally fainted.

The next day, as she thought, she could not get up at noon.

"Today is a day off, tomorrow is on the way, we take the water back to the country." Murong Zhan glared at her sour and thin waist, the voice said softly.

Ye Hao yelled at him indignantly. If it weren't for him, would she be like this?

Murong Zhan knew that she had tossed her up last night and smiled and kissed her forehead. "Last night is enough to prove that you are still not old."

"How is ZTE?" Ye Hao didn't want to talk to him about this old problem. In the end, she would only ask for it.

"The head of Luoshuige was seriously injured. The murderer didn't know who it was." Murong Cham's voice was so heavy. "The Yan family case will not be so fast, and there are people on the rivers and lakes."

Who else in this world can cover the sky in the rivers and lakes?

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