It’s been a few days since Murong’s hiding from Zhao Ning. When he learned that the emperor and the empress’s nephew are coming back, he knows that he can’t hide.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao has people to talk, she wants to see you." Zhu Shuo walked slowly to the side of Murong Yu, the last time because of the unfavorable punishment of the work, the injury is not completely good, now is looking for opportunities to make up for .

"This king knows." Murong put down the letter in his hand. This was sent from the Yuan Dynasty. It was already more than half a month ago. The emperor said that he had left the city of Wangdu and would soon return. The country, the emperor will not care about him and Zhao Ning, but the emperor's nephew is different.

He felt that the Queen's nephew would not let him go, especially since he still avoids Zhao Ning, so he dare not go to see her.

"Go to the horse." Murong whispered that he could not avoid it. If he didn't go to see Zhao Ning, the Queen's nephew would not stand on his side, maybe he would agree with Zhao Ning and him. .

Zhu Shu looked at him and said, "Yes."

Murong took a deep breath, put down the letter in his hand, and lifted his foot out of the room.

When Zhao Ning in Zhuangzi heard that Murong Yu had finally come to see her, his eyes flashed a strange look. "Wang Ye is here?"

"Yeah, Wang Hao, Wang Ye is in the hall." Zi Yan said with a smile, "Wang Hao, you and Wang Ye said this time, maybe everything is a misunderstanding."

Zhao Ning waited for a few days in Murong, and now he is finally willing to come to Zhuangzi, but she has no mood at first.

"Go talk about winter brings it." Zhao Ning said faintly, at first they figured out that the two women were brought by others. She also wanted to discuss this with Murong. At that time, she thought of him being Framed, now... there is nothing to say.

Zi Yan didn't know what Zhao Ning was going to do, and looked at her with some concern.

Zhao Ning has got up and went to see Murong.

"Anning!" In the hall, ink to see Zhao Ning's figure, immediately stood up, Junxiu's face with a gentle smile, hidden in the eyes.

"Wang Ye finally has time." Zhao Ning's face with a faint smile, seemingly alienated, and did not know how he figured it, actually came to see her.

Murong smiled awkwardly, "Aning, I... I..."

"If there is nothing else for Wang Ye, leave with your woman, don't disturb my quiet." Zhao Ning said coldly.

"My woman in this life will only be you." Murong grabbed Zhao Ning's arm, and finally she was willing to talk to him. He didn't want to leave here, so he didn't care.

Zhao Ning looked at him sarcastically. "Wang Ye, are you drunk? Or forget that the winter is still pregnant with your child. Your woman is more, I am just taking a name."

Murong screamed a few times. "In South Vietnam, I have never thought about asking a woman to touch another woman. Aning, I will come back that day... I will drink too much, I will touch the winter, myself. I don’t know at all, they are not the ones that others have given me. I have never touched them... Winter is an accident, can you believe me?"

Drinking a lot... Zhao Ning was stabbed with three words.

"Whenever I drink too much, Wang Ye really does the same thing." Zhao Ning smiled sadly. "And I am round, isn't it because I drink too much?"

Inkor’s heart hurts. “Not like that! I... I like you.”

Like she can still go? Zhao Ning chuckled and said, who believes this?

"Wang Ye, don't say these things that you don't even believe, you will take it away." Zhao Ning said faintly.

"What about you?" Murong asked eagerly, fearing that she would say that she would return to Qi.

Zhao Ning looked at him and looked at him. "I lived very well here."

That is not to return to the palace.

Inkor’s look is bitter, and he doesn’t look at Zhao Ning for a moment. “Aning, I didn’t want to come back when I was in South Vietnam. I was afraid that you were not happy. I knew that you were forced to marry me when you were helpless. I don't know if you would like to go round with me, afraid to see your grievous eyes, afraid that you told me that you want to go, so I dare not come back, because... because I don't want to lose you, Qiu Qiu and Dong Dong are me. When I went to South Vietnam, the merchants over there sent me, I just took them as a ring, and brought them out to block the goodwill of others when they were entertaining. That was the case, thinking that sending thin horses is the best gift... I have never touched them."

Zhao Ning was originally impatient to listen to the explanation of Murong, but his words were still not in the ears, she looked at him blankly, but she felt so sad.

"I heard that the Queen's nephew came back in Nanyue. The emperor asked me to go back to Kyoto. I know that I will come back to face you. I am afraid that you will tell me to leave. I am going to drink with Lu Xiangzhi... What happened next, I I really forgot." Murong saw that Zhao Ning's look was cold. He was a little clever. "I didn't get drunk with you round the room, I remember!"

Remember what! Zhao Ning's face is inexplicably red.

"Anning, I really don't know what happened in winter. When I returned to Kyoto, I never thought about bringing them back." Murong whispered.

"Who did they get them to Kyoto?" Zhao Ning's face is still cold, but the tone has eased a lot.

Murong frowned and his face was heavy. "I also feel embarrassed about this matter. I have already let Zhu Shu check it. It really is not my business."

"Don't the child in the winter belly have nothing to do with you?" Zhao Ning did not ask.

"I won't let her give birth to a child." In the eyes of Murong, a flash of cold light flashed.

Zhao Ning looked at him. "How do you arrange for winter? It is your business. Don't let her appear in front of me in the future."

Murong walked closer to her. "Anning, you can go back to the palace with me. You are Wang Hao, and the palace cannot be without you."

"No, the palace has never needed me." Zhao Ning whispered, "Wang Ye still go back with your winter, I live here very well."

"You still don't forgive me." Murong whispered, his eyes were sad. "Aning, I am not... want to hurt you, I want to protect you than anyone else."

"I really thank you for your protection." Let her be so bruised.

Inkor reached out and grabbed her arm, and looked at her with a burning gaze. "I live with you here, wherever you go, I will follow."

Zhao Ning wants to break his hand, but he is not as good as him. She yells at him angrily. "Let me go."

"Do not let go, I will never let you go." He will not leave with her, and will not let her return to the country.

"Are you a rogue?" Zhao Ning asked with anger.

Inkori said with conviction, "As long as I can stay with you, I will be a rogue."

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