When Ye Hao listened to Murong Yu and said that things had passed, she had already doubted her mind. Murong Zhan told her that Murong was in Nanyue for two years and uprooted several entrenched tyrants. Now Nanyue is counted. Some merchants got up, it was under the support of the court, who else could reach into the palace? From the time when two women came to Kyoto and finally died and lived, as long as they were clear-eyed, they all saw problems.

Only by a merchant, she does not believe that she can do this. She rescued the winter from the dark guard. The other woman died so happily. If it wasn’t for the people in the palace, who could be so clear? Arrangement, this matter is clearly directed at him and Zhao Ning.

However, these suspicions only emerged in Ye Xin's heart. She did not say it. If there is really a problem in the palace, it is mostly that someone around Merong has been bought, and she will not be amazed, first check it out.

"Queen of the Queen, I have already let people go to South Vietnam, and the surname of Sun will not dare to engage in ghosts again." Murong Yu said the same to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at Murong and shook his head gently, but she knew that although Murong Chong had been practicing him for several years, he was protected too well before. He was kind and simple, and he would not want to go too far in the dark. It is normal to have no doubt that people around you have problems.

"Then you said this thing to Zhao Ning?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

"That." Murong sighed. "But she still refuses to forgive me."

Murong said with a sullen face, "Where are you looking for the truth? If the surname Sun is so easy to deal with, and the ability to rescue the two women from your hands?"

"Emperor brother, what do you mean by this... The behind-the-scenes instigator is another person?" Murong Yu was asked by Mo Rongzhan, and there was a feeling of squatting in his mind. It seems that... things are too simple. .

"I don't want to say this for the time being." Ye Hao looked at him. "We just came back and didn't fully understand it. I will wait a few days."

Inkor’s look is still a bit heavy. “The Queen’s nephew, you help me persuade Aning, okay?”

“How to persuade?” Ye Hao asked him. “When you first went to South Vietnam, why didn’t you think about it today?”

"Queen's nephew..." Murong looked at her pitifully.

Ye Hao is more soft to him. "When you see Zhao Ning, let's talk."

With the words of the Queen’s nephew, Murong’s thought that his chances of retaining Zhao Ning is even greater. “The Queen’s nephew, then I will count on you.”

"Ming Xi, Ming Yu, I have seen you little emperor." Ye Hao said to the two children.

Inkor finally noticed that there were two small points on the main hall. He looked at Mingxi and Mingyu in surprise, and looked at them again. "I don't want to be a biological person. It looks like a brother and a queen." When Lu Xiangzhi told me, I still don't believe it."

"Little Emperor." Ming Xi and Ming Yu stepped forward to give a ritual to Murong.

Looking at the two jade-like children, Murong’s heart couldn’t help it. “The little emperor didn’t bring a face-to-face ceremony today. When I meet next time, I will definitely make it up for you.”

"You look like the father." Ming Yu took a small head and felt that this little emperor looked like a father. "But there is no father."

The appearance of Murong Yu is indeed a bit like an ink-filled, but... "How do you know that I am not good?"

Ming Yu said seriously, "see it."

"Children are honest." Ye Hao sighed beside him.

"Queen's nephew, you can't step on me like this." Murong screamed grievously. Although he is not as good as the emperor, don't say it so straightforwardly.

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "Well, it's almost dinner time, you will stay for dinner, and tomorrow I will let people pick up Zhao Ning into the palace."

When Murong heard this, his face nodded happily.

The long-awaited Yongshou Palace began to be full of laughter and laughter. Although the laughter here was not big, it spread a little bit and spread to the palace.

"You, Queen Empress is back. Should we go to her for peace tomorrow?" In the palace of the palace, several squats came together. They all knew that the owner of the Yongshou Palace had returned. Although the surface was full of joy, But in fact, they are really hard to say that they are happy.

Angui people shook their heads gently. "The maidens don't want to see us. You don't think there is a chance to serve the emperor in this life. It's good to be able to live well in the palace."

"Have you heard that? The Queen's Empress was broken at Chengde Mountain Villa..."

"Shut up!" Angui people drank her. "Do you want to be like the person in the cold palace? Some words are spoken, you think it will not be passed to the Queen's mother."

Everyone thinks of the sages who used to be spoiled in the palace. They suddenly became scared and turned white. They thought that Hu Yueer could replace the Queen Empress, who thought that her end was so miserable.

Who else in this world can rival the Queen's Empress?

"Go back, if the Queen wants to see us, it will naturally be called." Angui said, she had hoped, and she was not willing to, now... she couldn’t think of anything, she saw it with her own eyes. Hu Yueer’s end is really worse than death.



"Yeah, it's time to take medicine." Luo Cheng took a bowl of hot medicine and went into the house. The temperature in the room burned extremely high, but the person lying on the bed was still wrapped in a thick leather jacket.

"Is Murong back to the palace?" Lu Yuzhi took the medicine and sipped it bit by bit. The medicine was difficult to enter, but he was already used to it. Every winter, he used medicine almost every day.

Luo Cheng nodded gently. "Yes, but Zhao Ning did not come back."

Lu Yan’s silently finished the medicine and placed it on the short side next to it. “I can’t go out in two days, is there something happening?”

"No." Luo Chengfei replied quickly, not wanting Lu Yizhi to be too bothered at this time, otherwise the disease will be even more difficult.

"Lu Yan is back." Lu Yanzhi looked at Luo Cheng and easily guessed the answer.

Luo Cheng said helplessly, "Ye, even if she is back, don't rush to get up, let's raise the disease first."

"It’s good to come back." Lu Yuzhi whispered.

"Yeah..." Luo Cheng looked at him worriedly.

Lu Yizhi closed his eyes and pressed the impulse and irritability of his heart. "Don't do other things in Kyoto recently. Lu Hao and Murong Chan will check the two women's affairs."

He can deceive the Murong couple, but Murong Cham and Ye Hao will certainly not believe so easily.

For the future...

He should continue to be patient.

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