After the dinner, Murong Yu played with two nephews and niece for a while, and then he left the palace. Mingyu was so tired that he slept on the shoulders of Murong Cham, and Mingxi’s face was also tired, and Yan Xiao Six together on the soft couch, Yan Xiaoliu knows his identity, dare not like Ming Xi, strong support for Ming Xi.

"Ming Xi, go back to sleep." Ye Hao looked at them and found it funny, the boy just liked to be a little more.

"Mother, Yan Xiaoliu lived with me." Mingxi sat up, and he forgot that there was still nothing to say about it.

Ye Hao looked at Murong Zhan, she still did not know how he arranged Yan Xiaoliu, is to let Yan Xiaoliu outside the palace, or stay in Mingxi.

"Then let Yan Xiaoliu go back with you." Murong Zhan whispered.

After the two children were placed, Murong Cham and Ye Hao finally had time to sit down and talk.

"Do you think there is something wrong with Auntie?" Ye Hao came out of the clean room and saw that Murong Chong had already leaned on the bed to read the book. She ran over with bare feet and went straight into his arms.

Murong Chan slaps in her little ass. "The ground is cool and the shoes are not worn."

"Not cold, isn't it burning the dragon?" Ye Hao put his ankle on his calf. "Look, my feet are warm."

"Let's lie down." Murong Zhan glanced at her and stuffed her into the quilt. "When you are a mother, how can you still be like a child?"

Ye Hao carries his strong body. "Where am I like a child?"

Murong Chan’s hand was placed on her thin waist, and she heard the words and touched her, holding her full of elastic snow peaks. “I’m wrong, it’s really not like it.”

"Don't mess around, I talk to you." Ye Hao opened his hand and looked at him seriously. "Auntie said, I don't think it sounds good. I can carefully think that it is all loopholes."

"Auntie was concealed, and several of the great tyrants in South Vietnam were removed. Now the rest is not enough to fear. It is impossible to have such ability to reach into the palace. There are also secret guards around the aunt. People, although not as heavy as Shen, but Zhu Shu and Jiang Ze are not a merchant can deal with." Murong Zhan said while rubbing the tenderness of her waist.

Ye Hao frowned. "Who else wants Auntie and Zhao Ning to make a gap?"

Murong Chong deep and dark, the scorpion sinks. "Who do you guess?"

"Will it be Zhao Wei?" It seems that in addition to Zhao Wei, it is difficult for her to guess who else will do this.

"Zhao Wei knows the news of Kyoto well." Murong Zhan was thoughtful. "You should also check it out and completely remove his people from Kyoto."

Ye Hao said, "Let's go check this thing. I will pick up Zhao Ningjin Palace tomorrow. I also want to know what she thinks in her heart."

Murong Zhan whispered a word, turned over and pressed her, bowed her lips and kissed her lips.

"What about Yan Xiaoliu?" Ye Hao hid his kiss, and her words had not been finished.

"Let him stay with Mingxi." Murong Zhan bit her earlobe. "Ming Xi needs to accompany him. Yan Xiao is just six years old. When he recovers his memory, he will see what he wants to do. To pick a few companions, you will choose a few of the families in Kyoto, and Mingxi’s...

Ye Hao had already wanted to do this. Ming Yu’s child of this age needs a playmate. She pushed his shoulder. “Well, let’s go to bed early, tomorrow you have to go early, I also... I want you to Others come to please?"

"If you want to see, you can see them. If you don't want to see them, let them all go back." Murong Cham's hand went down.

"But..." Ye Hao had a lot to say, but it has changed. "Azhan, I haven't finished yet."

Murong was eager to find her sensitive point. In a short while, she was already soft like water under him. "Those who arrange it with you, let them go out of the palace, send them to Taoist temple... all with you."

what? Ye took a moment and didn't have time to ask what it meant. He had taken all her attention with strength.

"Hey, how do you raise it..." The face of Murong Zhan Qing’s handsome face still looks calm and indifferent. Only the pair of deep and dark scorpions can see his excitement and enthusiasm at this time. He is fighting hard, only I feel that the person under my body has never changed for so many years. He is not only tired, even addicted, and does not want to leave her.

Ye Hao's feet are tightly on his waist. "Natural beauty, is the emperor satisfied?"

Murong Zhan is more hard, he is satisfied.

One night of battle, with Ye Hao's physical strength can not support the end point, Murong Zhan hugged her to clean the body behind the clean room, and asked her once again in the water, when the time came out again, the palace girl has changed the bed Ok, Ye Hao has long slept in his arms.

"Oh..." Murong Chong kissed her cheek. "You finally got home."

that's nice!

Being in the Yuan Dynasty with her is different from the Yongshou Palace. Here is her and his home.

Ye Hao’s little hand scratched him weakly.

Murong Chong finally fell asleep with his satisfaction.

Not even five days later, he has opened his clear eyes and went to the early morning.

In addition to the announcement of the Princess of the Emperor of the World, the most important thing is the return of the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea. Although everyone knows that the Scorpio of the Yuan Kingdom is the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea, in the heart of Murong Cham, his embarrassment Must return as a queen, not a scorpio.

Murong Zhan gave Ming Yu the title of the title, and is the long princess of Jin Guo. As for Ming Xi, although Murong Zhan did not give a title in this early dynasty, everyone knows well. Soon, the emperor will Being a Prince, today is just a bad decree.

In addition to the news that the mother and the son of the three mothers have been released, there is still turmoil on the rivers and lakes. Although things on the rivers and lakes are not controlled by the court officials, they still have an impact. If the court asks no more, it is afraid of the future. The threat will be even greater.

"Yu has sent people to investigate." Murong Zhan said softly, he did not explicitly say that Tang Yan went to check the rivers and lakes.

When I heard the emperor say this, the ministers did not say more, just, still feel a little uneasy.

"There is one more thing." Murong Chong smackly glanced at the ministers. "Ming Xi and Ming Yu are growing up. It is already at the age of enlightenment. There are several accompanying readings around you. Who has the right children in your family? I am willing to be sent to the palace to accompany the emperor and the princess. After a few days, I will be sent to the palace to give the queen a look."

For the emperor and the princess to accompany? The eyes of the grandsons in those homes in the hall were bright.

Everyone knows in their hearts that the eldest son is the prince, and he is the companion of the prince. After that, it is the confidant of the emperor.

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