Zhao Wei coveted a pair of mothers and sons in front of him. Wang Meiren’s good looks are still vague and still have some memories. However, in the past, for many years, the court is not a spoiled place. Even if Wang Meiren is born with beauty, it is still not worthy. The vicissitudes of life, but the child...

The eight-year-old boy was raised as a girl from an early age. His appearance was inherited from his mother's exquisiteness. He was full of curiosity and his eyes looked back at him without fear.

"Get up and talk." Zhao Wei faintly opened, no longer looking at the child.

Wang Meiren was so scared that her legs were a little weak. She thought that she would never see this man again in her life. She thought her secret would remain hidden. I didn't expect it to be discovered.

"Xie Huang Shang." Wang Meiren was shaking all over the body, and even his speech was somewhat unstable.

When Zhao Wei saw her, she also knew that she couldn't ask much. The people in the harem were not afraid of him. Even the most arrogant Cheng Ying was nervous when facing him.

There is only one woman in this world who is completely fearless when facing him.

“How many people in the palace know that you are in the court?” Zhao Wei asked.

Wang Meiren replied with a sneak peek. "Return to the emperor, only the aunt who used to be in the court, no one knows after her death."

"What is the identity of this child?" Zhao said again.

"No... no one knows." Wang Meiren was scared and squatted.

What Zhao Wei is most annoyed with is the temper like Wang Meiren, who is timid and shrinking. Even one sentence is incomplete. "If no one finds that there is a son in the court, what are you going to do? He is eight years old. There is already a symbol of a boy. When he grows older, how do you deal with him?"

He is also angry at Wang Meiren's weakness. The child is eight years old. For many years, she is so weak that she dare not ask for help. If he let him know that there is still a son in the court, he will know German earlier. The true face of the cockroach, and Wang Meiren actually concealed it to the present.

"Hey... I will find a way to send him out of the palace." Wang Meiren took courage and said with awkwardness.

Zhao Wei asked with anger, "How can you send him out of the palace when you are a low-lying woman in the court?"

Wang Meiren was scared and his face was white and his legs were soft and smashed.

"Do you think you can't protect your mother and child?" Hearing that Wang Meiren didn't even think about asking for help, Zhao Xin's heart was more angry.

"Don't dare." Wang Meiren lowered his head. "I am afraid that I will be hurt by the Germans. Even the Queen's Empress is killed, hehe... How can I hide?"

The other layer of meaning of this statement is very obvious, Zhao Yulian can not protect the first queen, the German is not the same to let the first queen abortion to lose his life, she is a small slave, how can it be hostile to Germany?

"So you will have your son to become a daughter?" Zhao Wei screamed.

Wang Meiren was scared and could not say a word.

The child saw his mother being scared like this. He hugged Wang Meiren’s arm and endured the fear in his heart. He glared at Zhao Wei. “Do not bully my mother.”

Zhao Yan took a deep breath and said after a while, "Bring the Three Emperors to the Emperor's Office, Wang Meiren...to the Hui, and the Xiuhe Palace."

He does not want to raise the position of Wang Meiren. In his opinion, this woman is still a sinner, but for the sake of the three emperors, he can't let his mother's position be too low, so he can only be promoted to be awkward.

As for this three emperors...

Zhao Wei took a deep look at him. Although he did not raise it, fortunately, he was still young and seemed to be smart. It should be fine for a few years.

"Ah..." Wang Meiren stunned, and the emperor did not give her a death, but also promoted her to Huiyi?

"The maiden, not happy, thank you." The big **** next to him whispered.

Wang Mei’s talents bowed and bowed and bowed, “Xie Huang Shang Long.”

Zhao Wei waved in disgust, "Go down."

"Yes, yes." Wang Huizhen took the hands of the three emperors to leave.

"Three emperors left." Zhao Yu faintly opened, Wang Meiren such a temper, can not leave the child around her.

Although she can't bear her son, Wang Huizhen also knows that it is different now. The children staying here in the emperor are definitely stronger than staying with her.

"Mother..." The child was afraid to grasp Wang Hui's hand.

"You are a boy, don't cry like a girl." Zhao Wei shouted.

The three emperors clenched their teeth and let go of Wang Huizhen’s hand, and watched Zhao Wei with red eyes.

"Are you enlightened?" Zhao asked coldly.

"Mother taught me to recognize the word." The three emperors whispered, but Wang Huizhen was not high in the end, but he was literate, and he could not teach him too much.

Zhao Wei pressed down his anger and looked up at Cheng Hao. "An Ning Hou, I will give you the Three Emperors."

"What?" Cheng Hao made a mistake. "The emperor, the minister does not quite understand what you mean?"

"Let you be the teacher of the three emperors." Zhao glanced at him, his voice said coldly.

Can he refuse? Cheng Hao said with a blank expression, "The emperor, the minister is only a Wufu, I am afraid that there is no teacher who can be the third emperor."

"That will give him to the nephew, let the nephew take him." Zhao Wei did not look at Cheng Hao, he knew how many Cheng Hao, do not think he forgot, Cheng Hao did not enter the military camp At that time, I was almost in the middle of the exam. If Cheng Ying was not a stalker, maybe Cheng Hao is not a general today, but a cabinet minister.

Cheng Hao secretly snorted and shamelessly, "Chen will lead the life, and will certainly teach the three emperors."

Zhao Wei finally nodded with satisfaction. "Well, let the three emperors go to the emperor."

"The emperor, let the three emperors live with the ministers." In the past two years, the emperor and the second emperor have been unable to withstand it. If you know that there are such three emperors, they will definitely be shot in a few days. of.

The emperor is not safe.

Zhao Wei seems to think of this question too. The only place where the Great Emperor and the Second Emperor can't reach in now is Cheng Hao's site. "Well, when are you going to talk to your nephew?"

"Now." Cheng Weidao.

"It will be too late to enter the palace tomorrow morning." Zhao Wei saw that the sky was dark outside, and refused to go to find her daughter at this time.

Cheng Hao knew that Zhao Wei would say this. He had to leave with the three emperors. He would come back to see the children tomorrow morning. I hope she will not think too much after hearing the news of Wang Meiren tonight.

Zhao Wei, who has not been fortunate enough for the harem woman for several years, has suddenly sealed Hui Hui. This incident will naturally be blasted in the palace, but the most shocked and scared is not others, it is Deyi.

"The emperor sealed the former Wang Meiren as ... Hui Wei?" Deyi grabbed the palace lady who came back to inquire about the news, his face was pale and scary.

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