Wang Meiren became a Huiyi thing, and naturally it was passed to Zhao Wei’s ear.

Deyi did not know what it meant, but Zhao Wei was very clear.

What Lu Shouer said is true! Wang Meiren was murdered by Deyi. She is now Huixi, that is to say, her mother is really killed by Deyi.

"Clove, go to Anning Hou, I want to see Anning Hou." Zhao Wei could not sit still, she is eager to know the truth.

"Princess, you just let the slaves go and ask, now it is night ban, it is impossible to go out of the palace." Li said helplessly, even if the princess wants to go out of the palace, let alone these palace people.

Zhao Wei was a little annoyed. The gas path was not mentioned in one sentence today. Even the half-point news was not revealed to her. Now it is suddenly revealed that Wang Meiren has risen to Hui, and she always feels that something is wrong.

But she is in a hurry, she does not want to go to Zhao Wei, he probably won't see her.

"Let's go find it tomorrow." Zhao Wei pressed his heart's anxiety and irritability. Anyway, one night, she could still wait.

Moreover, there should be someone in the palace who is more anxious than her.

After learning the truth, Zhao Wei did not immediately convict Deyi. He came to Fengyi Palace. This is the former palace of Cheng Ying. Since her death, it has been vacant all the time. Except Zhao Wei, no one will come again. Here.

He and Cheng Ying are young couples. They used to have a sweet and loving life. He is a strong person. Cheng Ying is a proud woman. They are not willing to be soft to each other, so he finally used the power to suppress Cheng Ying. In addition to turning the palace lady around her into a scorpion, he also spoiled many women. At that time, he did not see much love for these women, but he wanted to let Cheng Ying know that he did not need to be soft to any woman. What kind of woman does he want?

When Cheng Ying was dying, he could not see her last side, but she once said that he had not been in the heart before, but now he wants to come, but he has some heartache.

At that time, he let other crickets give birth to the prince before her. He wanted to completely defeat Cheng Ying’s arrogance. When Desheng gave birth to the second emperor, Cheng Ying said a word to him.

"You just mean that I like you, so I can hurt me with impunity. You can rest assured that I will only be the queen of Qi, but the queen."

After she said this, she really stopped playing against him. He thought that she finally realized that she could not fight him. Now that she wants to come, he understands that she is completely dying to him and no longer regards himself as his. Wife, just a queen.

"I am sorry for you." Zhao Wei looked at the empty sleeping hall. "I am sorry, too."

How should he compensate his daughter? Cheng Ying is already dead. Even if he wants to compensate, he can't do it. He only compensates Zhao Wei.

This night, Zhao Wei was sitting here all the time until the day was light, and he walked out of the dormitory. The **** greeted him. "Your Majesty, the big princess is out of the palace."

"Yeah." Zhao Wei felt that his head was a little bit painful. "Go to the Qing Dynasty first."

He still has to think about how to deal with Germany.

Letting her die a hundred times will not make him feel pity, but he has to think about the two emperors and the three princesses.



Zhao Wei went to Chengjia to follow the scene of no one. She has been there several times. Cheng Lao’s grandfather is not at home. Cheng Hao’s love for foreign nieces in the past few years is well known to everyone. However, it seems that watching the big princess come to the fore There is nothing good about it.

"The big princess, Hou Ye has not got up yet."

Cheng Hao’s ring saw Zhao Hao rushing directly into the house and hurriedly stopped her.

Zhao Wei pushed her away and calmly entered the back room.

That ring is the confidant of Cheng Hao. When you see such a situation, you will send away the people around you, lest you hear what you should not hear.

Zhao Hao is anxious to know the truth. Wherever he depends on his son, Cheng Hao has not woken up, and he will wake him up when he rushes to the bed.

Cheng Hao woke up when she entered the yard, but did not expect that the girl actually went to his house.

"Wake up!" Zhao Wei pushed Cheng Hao and couldn't wait to know what Wang Meiren was doing.

"Only one night, I was so anxious to see me?" Cheng Hao opened a pair of dark and dark scorpions, and his voice was still awake with hoarseness, which sounded particularly charming.

At this time, Zhao Wei didn't think that he was attractive at all. She grabbed his clothes. "What happened to Wang Meiren? You told me clearly!"

She almost has to sit on him!

Cheng Hao’s eyes were deeper in his eyes. He grabbed her waist with one hand and pressed her under her body. “Do you know that there is a man who wakes up for a few years without eating enough?”

In the past, he was looking for a woman to vent in the military camp. Later, after tempting her, she felt that the women didn’t want to touch it. She had been for two years, and she could only enjoy her family. She had to appear in front of him in the morning. This is simply tormenting him.

"I have something to ask you!" His tall, strong body clung to her body, she could clearly feel his change, and she glared at him with some shame, and he actually thought about it!

"Well, you ask." Cheng Hao buried his face on her chest. Even if he couldn't get what he wanted, he would taste a little sweetness first.

Zhao Wei pushed him hard. He asked her how to ask her!

Cheng Hao endured and endured, but he couldn’t help it. He grabbed her white little hand and went down.

After half an hour, he was very refreshingly holding Zhao Wei to clean, and it was a test of endurance that he could not completely ask her.

"I have been out of the palace so early, haven't used breakfast yet?" Cheng Hao held an unhappy Zhao Wei, his face was very gentle.

"Not hungry!" Zhao said with a grin, she felt that she was a fool, and she was sent to the door early in the morning to give him a toss.

Cheng Hao chuckled and laughed, and he was very happy. He asked the next person to send breakfast. He just fed Zhao Wei and ate a lot of things before letting go of her.

"I know what you want to ask, I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I haven't decided yet." Cheng Hao whispered, holding her in his arms and not letting go, "Wang Meiren has a son..."

Cheng Hao told Zhao Wei all the things he found. In the end, she was already angry and shivered in his arms.

"...The emperor handed over the three emperors to me, that is, I want to guard against Deyi and the two emperors." Cheng Hao caressed her back and said softly, "The emperor will soon dispose of Deyi. Your enmity can be reported."

"My mother can't come back later." Zhao whimpered, she knew that her mother was killed, and no one believed her for so many years.

Cheng Hao whispered, "I will be in the future."

Zhao Yan looked at him with tears in his eyes. "I want to enter the palace."

She wants to know how the father will deal with the German, she wants to know what kind of end the woman will end!

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