Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1438: Unwilling to bind

Unlike the suppression of the Qiguo Palace at this time, because of the return of Ye Hao, the country was filled with joy for several days in the palace. Everyone’s face was filled with a cheerful smile, and they were no longer afraid to see the emperor, the queen. When the goddess had not returned, they saw the emperor feel a big stone.

After seeing Zhao Ning, Ye Hao advised her to return to the palace first. She felt that the truth she still knows is not necessarily true. After she checked it out, she decided to make it. In fact, Ye Hao also wanted Zhao Ning to give it to Murong. a chance.

Not to mention what Zhao Ning would do when he returned to the palace. After Ye Hao sent Zhao Ning, he called Ye Haodong. She knew that Murong Chong would let people check the people around him, but she always felt that People are not so easy to find out, Ye Yidong is not a blind guard, he should be more likely to be able to find out the truth.

"Five brothers, I know that you don't want to be an official in the court. When you were in the Yuan Dynasty, you refused. Now it is Jinguo. Are you still the same as the original?" Ye Hao looked at Ye Yidong.

When she was in the Yuan Dynasty, she wanted to let Ye Weidong be a general, but Ye Yidong refused. He felt that he was not suitable for the court. He was free to get used to it and was not willing to be bound.

"Anniling, I used to do something for the second uncle in Jinkou City. When I was a general, I was not used to it." Ye Yidong grabbed his hair and this time he came back from China, he also lived in the military camp. For a while, I realized more clearly that it was not for myself.

"That..." Ye Hao looked at him. "What are your plans for next?"

Ye Yidong seriously thought about it, "Mother, the second uncle let me come back to help you, in addition to being an official in the DPRK, do you need someone to do things for you outside the palace?"

"It is." Ye Hao smiled and nodded, and then she said seriously, "Five brothers, I don't need someone to help me outside."

"I understand what you mean." Ye Yidong whispered, "Except Yan Han, they stay with you, others will take it outside, no matter what you have to tell, we will finish, we will be outside the palace." Dark guard."

Ye Hao does have such a meaning. She wants some people to do things for her outside, just like the dark guard of Murong Cham.

"Yan Han, four of them stay in Kyoto, and the other eight people can take it away." Ye Hao is cold, "I want you to check one thing first."

"What?" asked Ye Yidong.

Ye Hao said, "Little King lived in South Vietnam for almost two years. No matter who appeared next to him in the past two years, he should carefully check it out. The most important thing is, now there are people in Wangfu."

"Anniling, do you suspect what Xiao Wangye did behind his back?" Ye Xiaodong asked in a low voice.

"I just worried that someone wants to use him." Ye Hao would not doubt Murong, she just worried that he would not know who would be hiding, although Murong Chan had let the Shen to check, but Shen is Dark guard, the identity is too obvious, not necessarily able to find out.

Ye Yidong has already understood the meaning of Ye Hao, "Im Man, I know what to do."

"Okay." Ye Hao whispered, "If you need anything, you should open your mouth."

"Yes, the goddess." Ye Yidong responded.

Ye Hao smiled and glanced at him. "Five brothers are now living in the Ye Family Mansion."

"In the third brother..." Ye Yidong sighed. "I used to think that it was impossible to step into the Ye Family House. I didn't expect to come back when I was back."

"Did you see your brother's child?" Ye Hao and Ye Yidong gossip about home. She really wants to see Ye Xiaonan's son earlier. That is her little nephew.

Ye Yidong said, "I saw it, and I look very much like the third brother."

Only three days after returning, Ye Hao did not sit down and talked with Ye Xiaonan. She still has a lot of words to ask him.

And Ye Yudong wentssip about a few words, Ye Yidong went out of the palace, Ye Hao looked at the sky is not early, then no one let people pass Ye Hao Nan into the palace, she squatted on the soft couch for a while, wake up It is already dark.

"The Niangniang, Fangcai Fugonggong came to pass the message, the emperor negotiated with the minister in the Qing Palace, will come back later, let the hens eat breakfast earlier." Hong Ling said as he put on clothes for Ye Hao.

Ye Hao still slept a little, but just daggered and did not answer.

After the grooming, she was a little better.

"Do you have eaten Mingxi and Mingyu?" asked Ye Hao.

"His Royal Highness and Princess have only come to see you, knowing that you are still asleep, the two will go back and say that it is not a meal today." Hong Ling said with a smile.

Ye squinted at the eyebrows, "Tomorrow let Xue Lin know who the children of Kyoto have the right age to understand. The palace has passed through the eyes first, and when they let them enter the palace, there are also some in mind."

"Yes, the goddess." Hong Ling should be down.

"Stay it." Ye Hao said, she slept for too long, and now she really feels hungry.

Emei quickly returned with the meal.

Ye Hao first drank a few soups, remembering that she had left the palace for so long, as if she had not asked what had happened during this period.

"Emei, where is Hu Yueer now in the palace?" Ye Hao remembered Hu Yueer, she knew that Murong Chong would not let her go easily, it should be abolished.

"How did the goddess ask this person, after the emperor came back, she sent her to the cold palace. For so many years, the slaves did not understand her half-point news." Emei whispered, in her opinion, how many times Hu Huer died Can't redeem.

Ye Hao slightly raised his eyebrows, Hu Yueer's sin is not sinful, if she is only in the cold palace, Murong Zhan is also a lover.

"When you are not in the palace, the emperor will stop at Yongshou Palace every day. Some unwilling women will try to come to see the emperor. Once, the emperor will come back later and see Sun Hao burning in front of the gate of Yongshou Palace. Silver money, but also in front of the emperor crying pears with rain, a pair of people who want to die for the maiden to die, the emperor has long ordered, no one is allowed to mention the word dying, do not know what this Sun Yi thinks, I thought it was sincere to you, and she should have been burned to death by the emperor." Emei shouted.

In fact, at the beginning, they were not good at the palace of Yongshou Palace. Those people thought that they had no Queen Empress. They were all bullied. She was ridiculed by the old **** several times. If they were not guarding them, they would never forget the palace. The palace ladies don't know what to end.

"burned out?" Ye Hao cried out in surprise.

Emei hurriedly said, "The slaves are also heard, but they have never seen Sun Hao since."

"Don't say it is so terrible, it's scary." Hong Ling said, "The Niangniang, that's all the past, no matter what Sun Yan is going to end, that's what she asked."

Ye Hao gently nodded. If Sun Hao was given a death, she did not think that Hu Yueer’s end was just being beaten into the cold palace.

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