After using dinner, Ye Hao had slept in the afternoon, and now she is very spirited. When Murong Chan has not returned yet, she went to see Mingyu. Who knows that this little girl is too tired to play today, she has already slept. It’s gone.

She went to the emperor to find Mingxi, Mingxi and her said a few words, then followed Yan Xiaoliu to practice.

Unexpectedly, her queen is actually the most idle person.

"Go and look at Hu Yueer." Ye Hao suddenly said, scared the face of the palace ladies behind him.

"The niece, this is dark, the cold palace is so desolate, it is better to go tomorrow." Hong Ling persuaded to say that Hu Yueer had any good-looking, not dead has been a large number of emperors.

Ye Yan sighed, "In fact, Hu Yueer... is also pitiful."

When Murong Cham first raised her position, it was to use her. The heart of the person will be more and more raised. Hu Yueer does not understand the intention of Murong Cham. He mistakenly thinks that he is sympathetic to her. She did not actually make it. Really hurt yourself.

She remembered what Murong Chan said last night, she was free to dispose of the woman in the palace, even if he sent the cockroaches in the palace, he did not care.

Now she will not worry about Murong Zhan to favor other women. However, for many years, the ladies and sisters who have been selected by the palace ladies are quite a lot. Although they are still virgins, they are the women of the emperor, even if they have spent the rest of their lives. Can't sleep, can't marry someone else.

Since Murong Chan has already spoken, Ye Hao feels that if these people are willing to leave the palace, they can get another kind of life without spending it in the palace.

The red dragonfly and Hongling who walked behind her looked at each other. They didn’t feel that Hu Yue was pitiful at all. When they went to Chengde Villa, Hu Yueer was simply not good.

“Is there a new show girl in the palace in recent years?” Ye Hao asked as he walked.

Emei said, "The Niangniang, there was a draft girl last year, but only some of the palace ladies were added, and the emperor did not have a reward."

"It is time to add a few more palace ladies to Yongshou Palace. Waiting for the red dragonfly and the Shen Yicheng relatives, there will be fewer people waiting for the court." Ye Hao smiled and glanced at the red dragonfly.

"Anniling..." Hung Hom's face was red.

Hong Ling said, "How does the girl think green buds and red buds?"

These two rings were brought in the Yuan Dynasty. Red Diamonds had been training for a few days. It was only the lesson of the little palace girl before. Red Ling did not dare to rush to the dormitory to serve. The emperor was in his prime, and he was born tall and beautiful. It is even more affectionate for the niece. It is difficult to ensure that some of the small palace ladies will see the heart of the spring, and later they will have the opportunity to become like a maiden.

"If you think they can, they will let them enter the hall to serve." Ye Hao said softly. "In the past few days, I have to pick a few little ladies and aunts for Ming Yu."

Hung Hom smiled and said, "Is the girl still remembering her aunt?"

Ye Hao carefully thought about it, only to know who Aunt Gu was. She had taught her rules in the palace before. "Does Aunt Gu still stay in the palace?"

According to the age of He Aunt, it should be immediately out of the palace.

"He Aunt has only one nephew outside the palace. She feels that it is better to stay in the palace when she goes to the scorpion." Hung Hom whispered.

"Let her come to see this palace tomorrow." Ye Shushou, Ming Yu's age is getting bigger, it is necessary to teach the rules well, she is not necessarily Mingyu jade, but the etiquette should still have.

The more they went away, the more they were in the winter. When they came to the most remote places in the palace, they felt cold.

"Animal, it's over." Hung Hom whispered, here is the cold palace.

Ye Hao looked up at this lonely and absurd palace. She is no stranger to this place. As Lu Hao, she has never been here, but when her soul is trapped in the palace, it is the safest place for her. The place to feel.

Hong Ling felt a little hairy in her heart. "Mother, let's go, maybe the Hu Yueer will die."

When she had just finished speaking, she heard a weird cry inside, and scared several palace ladies to squat.

"What is the voice?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly, trying to push the door into the cold palace.

"Running to this place for doing?" A big hand appeared from behind, holding Ye Hao's wrist, screaming at her, and the low-pitched voice sounded a little unpleasant.

"See the emperor."

Murong Zhan looked at them coldly, "How come the Queen's Empress is here?"

"I want to come by myself." Ye Hao patted his chest. "It doesn't matter to them."

"Here is the sinister, come over and do it?" Murong Zhan asked quietly, "Go back."

Ye Hao knew that he was angry, she was on him, "I can't walk, hold me."

Murong Chan had no choice but to be a bit angry and pointed her nose, and she hugged her in her arms and strode out.

Several of the palace ladies were relieved, and they were a little scared.

Especially Emei, they have seen the anger of Murong Chong in the past few years, only the Queen Empress can make the anger of the emperor disappear so fast.

"Follow up." Fu Gonggong reminded him in front.

Ye Hao was held comfortably in her arms by Chen Rongzhe. She stared at his neck and said with a smile. "I just want to see Hu Yueer. You are not saying that I am going to arrange the shackles in the palace? Hu Yueer is not bad." I want her to go out of the palace..."

"Hey, people pull out her tongue." Murong Zhan looked at her with a low voice and a thin lips. She didn't want her to know about it. He was not a kind person, but he was cruel. Not what she wants to know.

"What?" Ye Hao took a moment.

"She is just a waste now." All hands and feet can't move, how to survive in the cold palace, he is not interested to know, if people die, there will be people to clean up.

Ye Hao Qing Ling’s eyes trembled and looked at Murong Cham. “Why...because of me?”

"She is very clear about why she is embarrassed, she should have given her the rich and wealthy, she should not be extravagant, if she did not go to Chengde Villa, you will not move the tires, even if something happens later It doesn't matter to her, but it is also caused by her indirectly." Murong Zhan said coldly, "Do you think that you are too cruel?"

Is it because he lost her at the beginning, is it painful?

"If she is still alive, let her go out of the palace." Ye Hao clasped his neck, his cruelty was because of her, she was willing to say a blame.

"Yeah." Murong Cham faintly, he does not care what other women go.

Ye Hao continued to whisper in his arms. "There are other embarrassment. If you want to be willing, I will ask them what they mean these days. If they want to stay in the palace, they will stay if they want to leave. I can also arrange for them."

Murong Chan raised his eyebrows faintly. "If you are reluctant, do you still have to arrange for you to betray them?"

"Then you don't even think about it." Ye Hao called out immediately, holding him tightly.

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