Zhao Ning has passed the people around the ink to his mind one by one. Everyone has suspiciousness, but everyone can't find a place to be suspicious. She doesn't even know who is so obsessed with her. Forming a stranger.

"Odd girl, I really can't think of anyone who has problems with Wang Ye." Zhao Ning said helplessly.

Ye Hao whispered, "No problem does not mean that there is no suspiciousness. Let's wait and see what happens. You and Auntie are not as good as he is, and the child has not left. He will definitely continue to the next step."

"Yeah." Zhao Ning nodded gently. She planned to observe the people in the house. Maybe one of them wanted to leave her and Murong.

Ye Hao looked at her ruddy face. "So you have to keep going with the aunt, so it's easy to find behind the scenes."

Zhao Ninghong didn't talk, and she still had a sigh of ink in her heart. She didn't want to forgive him so quickly. But when he was rogue at night, she couldn't resist it.

"What are you doing? Waste, who will let you follow along."

Ye Haozheng wants to tease Zhao Ning again, but hears a little child’s screaming from afar. She looks at the puzzledly and sees several boys standing on the other side, one of them wearing The boy in the sauce red cheongsam is about seven or eight years old and is holding a child two or three years younger than him.

"Why can't I come?" The younger boy looks round and honest, and he is somewhat wronged.

"What can you do when you come, can you ride a horse? You see that the horses are scared and crying. It will only be a shame when you come here. Don't appear here, or you will lose your father's face and go back to see how he cleans you up. ""

Are these two boys brothers? What tutoring makes a brother who can humiliate his brother outside?

I haven't waited for Ye Hao to ask in the past, and I saw Ming Xi riding the horse in the past and looking at them with high condescens. "Positive brother, why don't you pick the horse?"

It turned out that the scorpion was in the five kings' house. He looked at his ink-stained country and said to Ming Xi, "His Royal Highness, I... I have never rode a horse."

"Lin Biao North teaches you." Ming Xi did not see the boy who was stunned, let a young man next to him take the ink to pick the horse.

Mo Yanbang looked at Ming Xi with his eyes, and the other teenagers standing next to him looked down. They all had disputes with Ming Xi here a few days ago. They learned that Ming Xi is a prince and they are scared. I didn't dare to sleep at night. I don't dare to expect to be a companion when I come here today. I just want the emperor not to hate them.

"What is your name?" Ming Xi looked at the last teenager who was standing.

The boy stunned, probably did not expect the emperor to ask him, "Go back to my temple, my name is Xu Jinbei."

Ming Xi gently nodded, he saw very clearly, he just had to come to help the brother, this person will be shot.

Xu Jinbei? It seems to be the grandson of Xu Lao.

"You go to pick the horse with Zheng Geer and go into the woods with me." Ming Xi said.

"Yes." Xu Jinbei stunned. He should be the least visible here. His Royal Highness actually ordered him to follow.

Mo Yanbang's face was hot. He felt that he had been slap in the face of Mingxi. He was the eldest son of the Five Kings, and Mingxi didn't give him face.

Ming Xi did not pay attention to other people, leaving Xu Jinbei and Mo Yan.

"What does this mean for Your Highness?" someone asked in a whispering voice next to Mozambique.

"How do I know!" Murray said, "Let's go."

"Go?" Yan Zimao exclaimed, "His Royal is here, where can we go?"

Mozambique knows that he will definitely not be a companion to the prince. He does not want to be embarrassed here. "His Royal Highness does not look at us. Do you think you still have the opportunity to become a companion?"

"Is it... can you just be a brother and Xu Jinbei?" Yan Zimao was not willing to ask, although the brother is a stupid, but he is still a scorpion of the five kings, can you decide what Jinbei is, he is only Xu The family is a kind of life, and a mother and a child are not even named, how can they compare with them.

"I am not a prince, how do I know." Mohbang did not want to stay here, he felt too shameful.

Ye Hao silently looked at this scene, and his mouth floated with a faint smile.

"Anniling, that is the son of Lu Jinger." Hong Ling whispered at the side of Ye Hao.

"The one who was called by Mingxi was the son of Wu Wangxi." Ye Hao smiled. "It seems that the five princes are very fond of the son of this side."

Ye Hao took back the view, and the things between the children would be fine. She didn't plan to intervene.

Moreover, there is also Murong Cham.

"Let's go." Ye Hao actually wants to go horse riding, but today, even if she found out that she was coming in the morning, she would not agree if she wanted to end.

Ye Hao and Zhao Ning have not yet stepped out of the hunting ground and saw Lu Jinger holding his son in a hurry. "Queen Empress..."

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao coveted and looked at Mo's state. He didn't understand what Lu Jinger came to look for.

"The maiden, the day is that Bang Geer is doing something wrong. He already knows it wrong. Can't he give Bange a chance?" Lu Jinger asked with anger, just heard his son say that His Royal Highness called the priest. However, she did not pay attention to her son. She felt a temper in her heart. No matter how she looked, was her son not more close to Lu’s son?

Ye Hao listened to the reason why Lu Jinger came to her. She smiled faintly. "Landside, this palace doesn't quite understand what you mean. Today is Mingxi's coming to pick up a playmate, not this palace."

Lu Jinger gritted his teeth. "Is the goddess really disregarding the sisterhood?"

Sisterhood? Ye Hao’s heart is funny. “Looking at the land side, you are forgetting what the palace has to say about you. Don’t forget your identity. The palace is not yours, your son will not be a child in the future.”

How did Lu Yan evaluate her?

Selfish and self-interested, there is no friendship for the sisters!

Lu Hao still blames her for not helping Lu Fanger.

Ye Hao does not want to talk to Lu Jinger, leaving Zhao Ning Trail.

At noon, Ye Hao had a banquet in the lobby. Murong Chan did not appear at the banquet. He and Ming Xi went back in the hunting ground for a few laps. Mingxi said that she had to go back before the banquet was over.

It seems that Mingxi’s companionship has been picked.

"The niece, the girl who was only sneaking into the hunting ground, was shocked to the horse in the hunting ground, and was stepped on the leg by the horse..."

When Ye Hao heard this, the twilight had sunk.

The horses in the hunting ground are all tamed by a special person. It is easy to not hurt people. What did Xi Xiuzhen do to let the horse step on her leg?

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