Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1462: Don't get rid of it

In the end, Yan Xiuzhen was the daughter of the cabinet minister of the DPRK. Although Ye Hao knew that she was not good at going to the hunting ground, she still took a look at it personally. The doctor had already invited it, saying that the left leg was broken by the horse. In the timely rescue of the guards next to him, he was not trampled on the body, and the danger was saved by Yu Xiuzhen.

"Well, what do you want to go to the hunting ground?" Mrs. Chen hated the iron and did not become a steel. She just went to the toilet, and her daughter actually took the opportunity to slip away.

Yan Xiuzhen was already awake at this time. She was not injured at the end of her purpose. She felt sad. She was embarrassed to see the Queen Empress looking at her with a look at her.

"Li Yu doctor, our girl's legs will not leave behind?" asked Grandma and Grandma.

"As long as you have a good rest, there will be no troubles." Li Yu said.

Mrs. Yu breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you for Li Yu." She stood up and saluted Ye Hao. "Queen Empress, the minister is not strict, and let the little girl provoke your Yaxing, it is a sin to die."

Ye Haowen said, "No one wants to accident, but you should pay attention to it later."

Although Empress Dowager did not say anything, but Mrs. Yu still felt a fever on her face. Everyone knows that the emperor took his Highness to the hunting ground, and there was no call. All the women were avoiding the other side. What did the girl’s family who did not go out to do? The purpose is in fact self-evident, and the jokes in the back have spread.

This time, my family lost a big face.

"Thank you for the goddess." Mrs. Yu shyly bowed her head. She must close her daughter when she goes back. Even she doesn't want to go out again. This will definitely become a joke in Kyoto after dinner.

Yan Xiuzhen closed her eyes, she resisted and did not cry at this time.

Ye Hao let people send their mother and daughter back.

Back in the palace, Ye Hao knew what was going on.

"The Niangniang, that Xiu Xiuzhen is not willing to go to the hunting ground, and the lady who is not paying attention, the little sister of the horse has advised her not to disturb the horses. She also entered the stables with a rouge smell. I’m so lucky that I’m not too tired of being trampled.” Hong Ling will tell Ye Hao, “If it’s not the time when the emperor left the hunting ground, maybe he was actually hit by Yu Xiuzhen.”

If Yan Xiuzhen is hitting the emperor's horse, it is not just being trampled off the leg. With the ruthlessness of the emperor, maybe people are trampled to death.

Ye Hao has probably guessed that it should be like this. She shook her head and smiled, and she was funny about Yan Xiuzhen’s approach.

However, she still feels strange that the stables of the hunting ground should not be so easy to enter. It is too easy for Yan Xiuzhen to enter the hunting ground.

In the evening, when Murong Chan finished the game, Ye Hao had already rested. After simply grooming, he fell down beside her and habitually held her in her arms.

"Are you back?" Ye Hao had already slept, feeling his warm arms. She opened her eyes and glanced at him. Today she came to a small day. She thought he would sleep like he used to. Qing Palace.

"A tired day, is it uncomfortable?" Murong Chong stuck her face, and the big palm covered her belly.

Ye Xiao smiled. "It's not uncomfortable. How come you come back so soon today, is Mingxi's companionship picking up?"

Murong Zhan whispered, "Well, he decided."

"Mingyu is also chosen by myself." Ye Hao laughed, and both children had their own ideas.

"When will these children be allowed to enter the palace again?" said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao whispered, somehow I remembered the injured Yan Xiuzhen. "Today, the daughter of the adult is injured in the hunting ground."

Mo Rongzhan has heard about it and has not put it in his heart. "Yu Jinghua is rigorous and the teachings are not strict."

"The purpose of the girl going to the hunting ground is you." Ye Hao poked on his chest. "Do you know she went to the hunting ground?"

"I didn't have so much leisure." Murong Zhan directly denied that Xiu Xiuzhen's injury had nothing to do with him. "Running to the hunting ground without any reason, you can see that your mind is not pure."

Ye Hao feels right, if he is really impatient, he must throw people out directly.

"Just blame the emperor is too handsome and attractive, causing the little girl to be in a big heart, not even wanting to see you." Ye Hao smiled and teased.

Ink Murray opened a pair of dark, shiny eyes and looked at her attentively. "Don't get rid of it, hehe."

Ye Hao groaned in his arms. "I didn't make a mistake. When you appeared today, the little girls' eyes were soaked on you."

“Can you let you lose your eyes?” asked Murong Chong, who kissed her lips.

He is so handsome, how can he be willing to look away?

"I like Zhan brother most." Ye Hao whispered that she actually didn't have any vinegar today. She only felt lucky. This man is her.

Murong Zhan chuckled and held her kiss for a long time, then she let go of her, "Sleep."

Ye Hao sat down in his arms with satisfaction.

On the following day, Ye Hao called Mingxi and asked him who he was going to read. The answer made Ye Hao somewhat surprised.

In addition to Yan Xiaoliu, Mingxi also selected three people, the five kings of the family's Mo Yanzheng, the Lin family's young master Lin Biaobei, and Xu Lao's grandson, Xu Jinbei.

Except for the ink, the others are not particularly high.

"Do you like Zheng Geer?" Ye Hao had never seen two other children. He still had some accidents about Mingxi’s picking up a brother.

"He is obedient." Ming Xi said plainly and plainly, Mo Yan is watching though he is stupid, but he is obedient, and he is much better than Mohbang. Mingxi does not think he is stupid.

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow for her son's reasons. She will observe it again later. "Lin Biaobei... seems to be the son of the newly appointed Husband."

Mingxi nodded. "Yes, mother, when can they enter the palace?"

"Tomorrow." It seems that I am very anxious to want to be with my friends.

"How come Taifu hasn't arrived yet?" Mingxi whispered, he was looking forward to Huangfu every day to come to Jinguo.

Ye Hao whispered, "It's time to get through the time."

Ming Xi was satisfied to leave.

"The Niangniang, the young master Lu Jia three asked for it outside the palace." Hong Ling came in and whispered to Ye Hao.

"Is Lu Yi's coming back?" Ye Hao was surprised, but it was very fast. "Let him come in."

At Lujia, although Ye Hao didn't like Lujia's second room, but the impression of Lu Yizhi is good, she is willing to give him the opportunity to do things for her, he did a good job, I hope she can also check it. Have a satisfactory answer.

In a short while, Lu Yizhi was taken to the partial hall.

"Three brothers, are you back?" Ye Hao walked in and smiled and called him a third brother.

Lu Yanzhi did not dare to really regard herself as her third brother.

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