On the following day, the palace was full of festive celebrations. Ye Hao got up early and did not let Murong Chong continue to toss her. She still has a lot of things to do today.

Murong Zhan is very rare. In the past few days, he did not intend to watch the folds, so that they would continue to look for Zhong Rong. He went to the hunting ground with Ming Xi and Ming Yu.

Yan Xiaoliu’s heart was in a hurry, and after he asked for it, he followed them and went out to find the palace.

Tomorrow, there will be a banquet in the palace. Ministers with more than five items will go to the palace with the daughter-in-law. Because this year is different from previous years, the venues have to be re-arranged, and Ye Hao has been busy all day.

The New Year’s things are busy in the palace, and the outside of the palace seems to be beaming, but there is also a lack of calm.

"Shen Daren, Qianjinxing has my news?" Yan Xiaoliu came out for a long time, and the entire Kyoto has been gone, still did not meet Zhong Rong.

"No, maybe he has left Kyoto City." Shen said.

Although there is such a possibility, Yan Xiaoliu feels that Zhong Wei should not have gone yet.

"Shen Daren, I want to separate from you to find you." Yan Xiaoliu whispered, "I may be hiding from seeing people. If only he is one, maybe he will come out."

"Well, you are careful." Shen Yi and Yan Xiaoliu's thoughts are the same. No matter what Zhong Rong hides because of anything, he should at least want to see his nephew.

Yan Xiaoliu had a dissatisfied consent and separated from them to find Zhong Rong.

"Adult, do you want to follow him?" Xue Lin whispered quietly.

"No." Shen Wei gently shook his head. "If he was discovered by Zhong Rong, he would not come out again."

Xue Lin said, "What happened to Zhong Rong? Didn't come to Kyoto to find Xiaoliu? How can I still hide?"

"You didn't find it? When we were looking for Zhong Rong, someone was looking for it." Shen Shen said quietly, his eyes didn't look around. "He was being followed."

"Who is following him?" Xue Lin was shocked and thought carefully. It seems that there are indeed a few familiar figures that appeared yesterday. Today, I saw it several times. He thought it was a coincidence.

Shen Wei gently shook his head. "Now, it's hard to say, let's wait and see what happens. You should cover Yan Xiaoliu, don't let those people follow Yan Xiaoliu."

"Yes, adults."

Zhong Rong is indeed hiding. He is not hiding from Yan Xiaoliu, but those who have been following him. He knows that someone wants to kill him. He doesn't want him to continue to check. The secret he knows now, absolutely... ...to let the couple who took Yan Xiaoliu know about it.

He always wondered who they were. After he arrived in Kyoto, he only vaguely guessed their identity.

The rivers and lakes happen so big, maybe only they can solve them.

Zhong Rong took a deep breath and opened a gap in the window to see it. Suddenly he saw the appearance of the nephew appearing downstairs. He looked around the nephew and found no other people.

He is now posing as an old man hiding in the inn. He wanted to go to see him with Xiaoliu. He is surrounded by people. He doesn't believe those people. Now he doesn't know how many people in this world are being surrounded.

Yan Xiaoliu went to every inn, and since there was no figure outside, it might be hiding in the inn.

This is the last one. It is the most remote of Kyoto City. There are almost no people coming.

He knocked at the door one by one, pretending that he was looking for a lost father.

I found the last room, the door was an old man, Yan Xiaoliu turned disappointingly, but was pulled by the man and forced into the room.

"Don't say anything." Zhong Rong whispered him.

"Hey!" Yan Xiaoliu's eyes lit up and finally found it.

Zhong Rong looked at him with a low sigh, and saw the surprise of Yan Xiaoliu. When he saw that he was totally different from the stranger in ZTE, he whispered, "Six, do you recover your memory?"

"Yes, hey, I think who I am." Yan Xiaoliu nodded. "How do you... how to be like this, I have been looking for you for a long time."

"I know." Zhong Rong lowered his voice. "Small six, someone is following me, I can't show up, do you think of what happened that night?"

Yan Xiaoliu’s face flashed a bit of pain. “Only that night did not think of it.”

Zhong Rong touched his head. "Nothing, you listened to it. The night's business was not related to the thousand hand spiders. Recently, many people in the rivers and lakes have changed their minds. Those who died suddenly suddenly came alive. Led by a man with a mask, killing the martial arts decents who are against the thousands of spiders, I have been secretly checking for a long time, only to find that those people are poisonous. How can I not find out, I originally It is a master who tracks thousands of spiders. Who knows that he has disappeared in Kyoto. If he didn't guess wrong, he should still be in Kyoto, but my whereabouts are exposed. If I am caught, it will be dangerous to Zhongjia. So I can't show up."

"What poison is so powerful?" Yan Xiaoliu asked in shock.

"I don't know. Those who are poisoned not only have several times more martial arts, but their heart is completely different. If you didn't guess wrong, you must have someone poisoned in Yanjia..." Zhong Wei whispered.

Yan Xiaoliu did not know what to think, and the brain suddenly burst into pain.

"Small six, are you okay?" Zhong Rong saw the nephew suddenly pale and hurriedly held him.

"I'm fine." Yan Xiaoliu shook his head. As long as he didn't think about the night, his head wouldn't work.

Zhong Rong helped him to sit down. "The couple who saved you, are you... living in the palace?"

Yan Xiaoliu glanced at it and gently nodded.

"That's great." Zhong Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and she guessed it was correct. "You will tell me today that you are telling them, this is something I have finally got, those who are poisoned, the blood is not Red, and black."

Zhong Rong handed Yan Xiaoliu a **** handkerchief.

Yan Xiaoliu took it into his arms. "Hey, what are you going to do next?"

"Continue to check." Zhong Rong said, this matter is no longer a problem for the Yan family. It is related to the entire rivers and lakes. There is still a guess that he still can't guess it now. He thinks that if the person in the palace Go and check the case carefully, he should know.

"Hey, you have to be careful." Yan Xiaoliu worried that he would take out a porcelain bottle from his arms. "This is the medicine given to me by my goddess. When I practice, I will get hurt. The girl gave me this, I ate it once. It is several times better than the general wound medicine, you bring it with you."

"Good." Zhong Rong did not have a polite relationship with Yan Xiaoliu. "You are going, I will leave Kyoto."

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