Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1483: Check it out in person

Yan Xiaoliu left the inn, and soon a middle-aged man with a lame walked out of the inn.

"Shen Daren." Yan Xiaoliu saw a difference in Qianjin.

"Would you like to go back to the palace?" He asked in a low voice. He did not ask Yan Xiaoliu to see Zhong Rong. He only asked if he could return to the palace.

Yan Xiaoliu nodded. "If you want to go back to the palace, you have to go back to the temple to ride the horse. Shen Daren, you will continue to look for it."

This is to let those who have been behind them think that he has not seen Zhong Rong.

"Well, Xue Lin, you and Xiaoliu will go back to the palace together first." Shen Shen said faintly, he knew that Yan Xiaoliu should have seen Zhong Rong.

After Yan Xiaoliu entered the palace, he wanted to go to Mingxi first, but Mingxi and Murongzhan went to the hunting ground. He went to see Ye Hao first.

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"Look at this palace." Ye Hao said calmly, in fact, she was already shocked. She always thought that the turmoil in the rivers and lakes was just that some people wanted to dominate the martial arts, and did not think that there is such a means.

She took the handkerchief and saw the green blood in the black. Her face changed. "The poisoned person is still alive, and the skill is enhanced?"

"Yes, the goddess, the priest is the owner of the thousands of hand spiders who came to Kyoto. The rivers and lakes are different now. Will it be caused by thousands of spiders?" Yan Xiaoliu clenched his fists, his family is not Killed by thousands of spiders?

"This palace can't be sure." Ye Hao whispered that she hadn't seen any poison that would make people's skills stronger, and that she still lived well. "Where are you going now?"

"It should have left Kyoto City." Yan Xiaoliu said.

Ye Hao nodded lightly. "The emperor has sent people to check. Now there is no news to come back. Now the palace is busy with the New Year, and after the New Year, check it out."

What she is most worried about now is the people hidden in Kyoto, the thousand hands spiders... Who is the person behind?

"Yes, the goddess." Yan Xiaoliu knows that it is impossible to find out the truth immediately. He can only wait patiently. "But... I want to personally check the person in Kyoto."

"Small six, this is a very dangerous thing." Ye Hao frowned, and did not agree with his request.

Yan Xiaoliu’s face is still a little childish. He knows it is dangerous, but it is related to the hatred of his Yan family and his memory. He wants to restore his memory as soon as possible.

"This palace can't promise you now. After the end of the year, we will talk about it again." Ye Hao said faintly.

When I heard the Queen Empress, Yan Xiaoliu knew that he would not ask for anything any more. "Good."

"You have been outside for a whole day, go back to rest." Ye Hao said.

Yan Xiaoliu retired from Yongshou Palace and met Mingxi outside the door.

"Is it back?" Ming Xi looked up at him. "Did you see you?"

"See it." Yan Xiaoliu's face was slightly nodded.

"Wait for me here." Mingxi didn't ask much. He followed the father and went to the mother, and then he came out.

Murong Chan was dragged into the dormitory by Ye Hao, and he said to Yan Xiaoliu about his words.

"The ones that Zhong Wei found were too unusual. Tang Hao had been checking for two months. Did he have any news?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"No..." Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, "I haven't heard from him for a month, and I have to let the Du Fu of the Darkhouse go to him."

Ye Hao’s face is slightly on the side. “Can Tang Yan have an accident?”

"In addition to him, there are other dark guards. If Tang Hao has an accident, there will be news." Murong Chan held her hand. "No news is good news."

This sounds true, but there is no comfort at all.

"Azhan, I always feel that it is not just the battle of the martial arts lords." Ye Hao Xiumei was close, she looked at the handkerchief on the table, this poison, she felt the back is cold.

"Don't think too much." Murong Zhan licked her head. "After the end of the year."

He didn't want her to spend the New Year with worry.

Ye Hao sighed softly. "Well, that's all."



On the outskirts of the city.

"Master, Zhong Hao left Kyoto City, do you want to kill him?" Luo Cheng looked at Lu Haozhi sitting in the pavilion and whispered.

Sitting in the gazebo, there is another person. The age is opposite to that of Lu Yu. It looks like a feminine one. It has a very bad feeling. "He has been hiding in Kyoto for a few days, and he can’t do anything, kill him. What?"

"Pan Ye, the person in the dark guardhouse is also looking for him, maybe he is related to the palace." Luo Cheng looked at the man.

Lu Yan’s faint smile, “It’s really useless to kill him.”

Luo Cheng looked at his own master with doubts. Zhong Rong has already found out a lot of things. If he does not kill him, he will inevitably be found the identity of the master.

"A river and a lake person, what do people in the dark guardian look for?" Pan Ye smiled. "There is a relationship, and I have to keep the clock to know more."

Lu Yizhi said, "I saw a child on the street yesterday, and I was with the emperor."

"What do you mean?" Pan Ye raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Yan's eyes.

"I was only familiar with watching him yesterday. I thought for a long time, only to know who he looks like." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

Pan Ye frowned. "Who is it like?"

"The wife of Yan Daxia." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "The world's first beauty, Zhong Hao's sister, Zhong Suqiu."

"What?" Pan Ye was shocked. "You suspect that it was the Yan family who survived..."

Lu Hao’s head shook his head. “I’m not sure, but I’m not leaving ten. Zhong Rong is here to find him.”

"That is fun!" Pan Ye smiled coldly. "The son of Yanmeng is actually in the palace."

"You also left Kyoto City today." Lu Yizhi looked at him and said, "Zhong Wei must have time to pass his nephew, don't let people find you."

Pan Ye frowned and looked at him. "What do you want to stay here? Now the whole rivers and lakes are already in our hands. You are a general manager at the Royal Palace. You really can't stand it."

"I have my own things to do." Lu said that "the medicine that the person made, you must remember not to touch."

Even if you will increase your skill, you must never touch it.

"The rivers and lakes can endure not to eat those medicines, I am afraid there are not a few." Pan Ye said with self-deprecation that he was also heart-warming.

Lu Yan’s twilight looked at him sharply. “The man is not a mortal. Don’t forget, how he eats human flesh.”

Pan Ye’s face changed and almost vomited. “I know, don’t tell me.”

"Okay, let's go, leave Kyoto." Lu Yizhi stood up and drove the Pan Ye away.

"It's ruthless and unjust." Pan Ye sighed. "I will leave."

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