Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1485: Scent temptation

Liu was under house arrest by Lu Ting, and it was a happy new year's dinner.

"This Liu's, really... really mad at me." He put down the chopsticks and said to Lu Shiming's father and son, "If the woman can't be restrained, the future of the court will be ruined by her."

"First shut her in the house for two days, and wait until the end of the year to make plans." Lu Shiming said with a sullen face.

"I will go see the second brother." Lu Xiangzhi stood up. When he first came to Kyoto, he played the most with Lu Tingzhi. Now he sees such a dilemma and feels sympathy.

Liu, who was locked up by Lu Ting, wanted to swear and was threatened to send her to the old house in Lujia. She was stopping.

"Second brother." Lu Xiang whispered, "I don't have anything to eat today, I will give you some food."

Lu Tingzhi looked at him and smiled. "You have to work for you, the third brother."

The two brothers sat down and glanced at each other, but they were relatively speechless and didn't know what to say.

"Second brother, why are you coming back?" Lu Xiangzhi gave the two men a glass of wine. He felt very confused. Lu Tingzhi had already done the reading at the Hanlin Academy in Qi State. It is very likely that he will enter the cabinet in the future. Why should he give up? Come back in the future?

Lu Tingzhi took a sip of wine and coveted him. He said that he wanted to come back for compensation. Can you believe this?

"Ye Ye, always return to the roots, Qi is not home." Lu Tingzhi whispered, "We are sorry for grandmother, sorry... too many people."

"You are not sorry for anyone." Lu Xiangzhi said that the person who said sorry is not him.

Lu Tingzhi smiled.

"Second brother, you can come back, very good." Lu Xiangzhi laughed. "Tomorrow to find the third brother, we will have a good drink."

"Good." Lu Tingzhi nodded with a smile.

The brothers drank a pot of wine, and they were slightly embarrassed. Lu Xiangzhi left to leave.

Lu Tingzhi’s hand holding a wine glass is still a bit stunned.

"Is it regretted to come back?" I don't know when there is a slender back.

Even if there is no turning back, Lu Tingzhi knows who the person is, and he must come to him with the end of the world.

"How did you come in?" Lu Tingzhi frowned and entered Kyoto City. Duanmuya said that something was going to be done. After leaving for a few days, he returned today.

"To say it to your porter is your friend, Lu Daren let me in." Duan Muya said with a smile, sitting opposite Lu Tingzhi, "drink a lot of wine, you are back in the past few days, have a feeling of not bored Is it time?"

Lu Tingzhi said faintly, "I am not in a mood."

"I know, you are because of the court." Duan Muya said, "I advised you at the beginning, don't bring her back, she is your burden."

"Shut up." Lu Tingzhi said, he no longer bothered Liu's irritability, he could not be a burden.

Duan Muya owns a jug and drinks. "Why don't you ask me what to do in the past few days?"

"When are you going back?" Lu Ting asked faintly.

Really ruthless! Duo Muya smiled. "There has been a recent incident on the rivers and lakes. Many people have asked for the drug Wang Gu. Even the emperor and the empress in the palace are checking this matter. After those people have taken a medicine, not only does the skill increase by 30%. The body has become stronger, this is what the martial arts people dream of, but I just got a medicine, if you want to make a merit... or want to see the lady in the palace, you can take this medicine. Seek, she will see you."

"What?" Lu Tingzhi did not understand the things of the rivers and lakes, he did not know that the rivers and lakes have changed.

Duan Muya rolled his eyes at him. "There is a big deal in the rivers and lakes."

I will talk to Lu Tingzhi about the things on the rivers and lakes for half a year. "...I think it’s like someone is using these drugs to control the people in the rivers and lakes. You think about it, if all the people in the martial art have taken this medicine, then only Listening to one's command, you said that the world is still not chaotic?"

If all the rivers and lakes are condensed into one force...

Lu Tingzhi's slight discoloration, "Who is it?"

"If you know who it is, the court has sent people to kill him, will he let him continue to live?" Duan Muya said with no anger, he also wants to know who it is.

"What about medicine?" asked Lu Tingzhi.

Duan Muya took out a box from his arms and opened it to him. Inside was a black pill. The box was just opened. A rich fragrance filled the air. The pill seemed to have a terrible attraction, temptation. Someone else eats it.

Lu Tingzhi rounded his eyes and reached for his pills.


"You can't touch it, you can't eat it." Duanmu swallowed his throat and closed the brocade box directly. "This is poisonous and addictive. When you are no longer, you are no longer human."

Lu Tingzhi took a deep breath and had a feeling of uncertainty. He almost wanted to take the medicine. "What is this done?"

"To tell the truth, I can't see it either." Duan Muya's face was heavy. "The maiden doctor in the palace is better than me, she may be able to see it."

"What do you want me to take this pill into the palace?" Lu Tingzhi looked at Du Muya.

Duan Muya smiled. "I really want to know the formula of this medicine, because I really don't know what medicine can be made like this. However, I know that the Queen Empress is also checking this matter, you take it into the palace. Only good for you, no harm."

Lu Tingzhi’s fingers gently touched the edge of the box. “She doesn’t necessarily want to see me.”

"She will definitely meet." Duan Muya said.

"After the New Year, I will try again." Lu Tingzhi said, "You will accept it first."

Duanmu shook his head gently. "You can't wait that long, you have to give this to the queen tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, I can't enter the palace. I let Sanchao take it to her first." Lu Tingzhi said that if you want to see him, you will naturally meet.

"You can only do this, but you better not mention anything to anyone this time." Duan Muya whispered, in fact, he still has one thing not telling Lu Tingzhi, he thinks Lu Yizhi is now in Kyoto, but he I can't recognize what it looks like today's Lu Hao, I really don't know how to talk to Lu Tingzhi.

If Lu Tingzhi knows what he has done for Lu Hao, he will definitely be furious.

Lu Ting's frowning looked at the box on the table. "How did you get this?"

"Someone sent to Yao Wang, don't ask me, I don't know who it is." Duan Muya said.

"The last time you saw my older brother, was he really not much time?" Lu Tingzhi suddenly remembered Lu Yizhi.

Duanmu’s eyes flashed. “It’s not a few years.”

It is best to do this... Lu Tingzhi took a sip of alcohol, and the big brother is gone, maybe Lujia will have a new beginning.

"Do you let people go to Lu Shuanger?" Duan Muya asked.

"Go and look for it." Lu Ting ridiculed and laughed, it is another matter to find it.

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