Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1486: New Year's Day

After watching the fireworks, Murong Cham and Ye Hao gave the two children a big red envelope, and also gave Yan Xiaoliu a copy. Ming Yu said excitedly to stay in Yongshou Palace. The result is not long before. I slept on the shoulders of Yan Xiaoliu.

Ye Xie watched her daughter smile and smile, let the palace lady hold her back to sleep.

"Father, mother, we also went back." Ming Xi endured the sleepy, stood up and said.

"Go back, don't force the defender." Ye Hao said with a smile, there was still a period of time, and the two children had gone through bedtime.

Ming Xi and Yan Xiaoliu left, and the temple only left Ye Hao and Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan took her hand and walked outside. The early spring was still cold, and Ye Hao was in the arms of Mo Rong Zhan. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to take you out of the palace, and I have to get up early tomorrow, I am afraid that you will not come, even if it is." Murong Zhan smiled.

"Exit the palace?" Ye Hao looked up at him. "Where do you want to take me?"

Murong Chan fingered a few strokes on her cheek, "Qin Wangfu."

Ye Hao chuckled, he still has the Qin Wangfu.

"Go back to the temple." Murong Zhan whispered that she was sleepy. When she was so old, she would definitely not get up early tomorrow morning.

"If the six princes have returned, it will be fine." Ye Hao holding his arm, some sigh.

Murong Yi did not return in a day, and her embarrassment to him was deeper.

Mo Rong Zhan was so dark that although he did not want to see Murong Yu, he still hoped that he would return safely.

"I still have no news of him?" Ye Hao whispered.

"No." Murong Zhan sighed. "If he knows that you are coming back, he will definitely come to you."

The key is that Murong has already gone out to sea. How can he know that she has returned?

The two returned to the dormitory together and did not mention Murong.

On the next day, Ye Hao got up early in the morning. Today, at the Baohe Temple, when the day is still not bright, the ladies and daughters are waiting outside the palace gate. In the morning, they will go to Yongshou Palace to ask her for lunch. Go to the Baohe Temple for a banquet.

Ye Hao put on the crown of the queen and accepted the worship of the women in the Yongshou Palace. The ladies who were hiding in their palace for a few months also came to ask for peace. They were all in a hurry and feared that they would be returned by the queen. However, They did not seem to have happened, but they still got a place in Yongshou Palace and they were not shackled.

Everyone met today and said auspicious words. Ye Hao listened to her ear and finally managed to sit down and talk.

In addition to that time in the Bai Garden, today is the first time Ye Hao accepted the life of the woman in the palace.

"This is a tribute from the south. This orange is different from ours in Kyoto. Everyone tastes it." Ye Hao smiled and glanced at the ladies in the hall, and they were able to enter the palace to worship. At least three products, in addition to Yu and Jin Shanshan, there are more than a dozen people in Kyoto who have more than three products.

"It is indeed a good taste." Mrs. Ting took a sip and smiled and nodded.

Wu Wangxi looked at her. "Mrs. Hey, is the foot of Qianjin better?"

Mrs. Yu’s face was ugly. At the Bai Garden feast, her daughter was injured by a horse in the hunting ground. Although there was no scandal, there were still many unpleasant words. So it was accidentally injured in the hunting ground. There, it is very difficult to want others to not think about it. Because of this incident, Yan Jinghua was at home and she was not optimistic about her daughter.

Today, she still wants to please the Queen Empress, I hope to forget this matter as soon as possible, who knows that it was raised by the Five Kings.

“It’s already a lot better, thank you for your concern.” Mrs.’s voice said stiffly.

"That's good, the girl can't run to the hunting ground afterwards, or else..." The words didn't say it later, but the meaning was obvious.

There was an angry anger on Mrs.

Ye Hao lightly coughed, "The time is almost the same, let's go to the Baohe Temple first."

In fact, if it wasn't for the five kings, she had long forgotten this thing. It would be normal for the girl to hold some expectations and fantasies. After the hunting scene, Yan Xiuzhen should wake up.

"You are not the same when you come back. This year, you are full of joy and not so depressed." Wu Wangxi walked around Ye Hao and sighed in a low voice.

Ye Hao looked at her. "Why are you just going to mention the girl?"

"Knock and beat." Wu Wang said with a smile, because of her situation in Wangfu, she is most tired of the women who are the diverticulum, then what is the purpose of Yu Xiuzhen, everyone is clear, a daughter of a cabinet minister, do It is ridiculous, and she can't even see the lady.

"The little girl who doesn't understand things, don't care." Ye Hao said softly.

Going to the Imperial Garden, Ye Hao saw that Yan took the Mingyu.

"Mother." Mingyu was wearing red clothes today, and she looked even more sculpt. She saw Ye Hao, and she ran over with joy.

"Mrs. Lu." Others saw the ceremony with the priests, and then went to the Baohe Temple.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Where did you go with your grandmother in the morning? Is it naughty?"

Ming Yu whispered. "After the mother, I am very embarrassed. How do you always say that I am naughty."

"Well, you are the most embarrassed, we go to your father." Ye Hao smiled, looked up at Yu, "Mother, I heard that Liu was noisy yesterday."

Ye Hao inserted a person in Lu Jia'an, and Liu’s death last night was naturally passed to her ear.

"It has been locked up by the court and it should be stopped for a few days," said Yu.

"Let her move out in a few days, wouldn't she give the big house to Lu Ting? Let Liu live at home, there is no need to add a blockage." Ye Hao did not say goodbye, she did not agree to let Liu's mother and son live At home.

He said, "This matter will be said in a few days. I am waiting for me outside the door early today, let me hand this over to you."

Ye Hao frowned and looked at the black box. "What is this?"

"I don't know. He told me not to open it. I will give it to you. You will naturally understand it."

"Mother, don't help him to pass anything in the future." Ye Hao took over the box, worried that Lu Tingzhi wanted to use Yu's, she opened the box with her hand, and a familiar rich fragrance spread out. She hurriedly closed the box and her face was already Become gloomy.

"What is this? Good fragrance." He asked in amazement.

Ye Hao knows this scent. Yesterday she put her handkerchief in the water in the water, and the blood is the smell, but it is much lighter than this.

"Is this what Lu Ting has given you?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Yes, what?" He worried about what was bad.

"Mother, let him enter the palace tomorrow to see me."

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